I have a COM object written in managed code (C++/CLI). I am using that object in standard C++. How do I force my COM object's destructor to be called immediately when the COM object is released? If that's not possible, call I have Release() call a MyDispose() method on my COM object? My code to declare the object (C++/CLI): [Guid("57ED5388-blahblah")] [InterfaceType(ComInt
我有一个用托管代码(C ++ / CLI)编写的COM对象。 我在标准C ++中使用该对象。 当COM对象被释放时,如何强制我的COM对象的析构函数被立即调用? 如果这是不可能的,请调用我的Release()对我的COM对象调用MyDispose()方法? 我的代码声明对象(C ++ / CLI): [Guid("57ED5388-blahblah")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType::InterfaceIsIDispatch)] [ComVisible(true)] public interface class IFoo
I have learned a Machine Learning course using Matlab as a prototyping tool. Since I got addicted to F#, I would like to continue my Machine Learning study in F#. I may want to use F# for both prototyping and production, so a Machine Learning framework would be a great start. Otherwise, I can start with a collection of libraries: Highly-optimized linear algebra library Statistics package
我已经学习了使用Matlab作为原型开发工具的机器学习课程。 由于我沉迷于F#,我想继续使用F#进行机器学习研究。 我可能希望将F#用于原型和生产,因此机器学习框架将是一个很好的开始。 否则,我可以从一系列库开始: 高度优化的线性代数库 统计包 可视化库(可以绘制图表和图表并与之交互) 并行计算工具箱(类似于Matlab并行计算工具箱) 最重要的资源(对我来说)是书籍 ,博客文章和关于机器学习的在线课程,
Is there any way to tell if a function in F# is tail-recursive? I've tried to explain it, but some people seem to struggle and ask if there's a way to confirm what they've done is tail recursive. Is there anything easy you can do (other than trying to make it overflow the stack) to confirm tail responsiveness (or not) (preferably in the IDE)? (I tried Reflector, but it just crash
有什么方法可以判断F#中的函数是否是尾递归的? 我试图解释它,但有些人似乎在努力并询问是否有办法确认他们做了什么是尾递归。 有没有什么简单的事情可以做(除了试图让它溢出堆栈)以确认尾部响应(或不)(最好在IDE中)? (我尝试了Reflector,但是当我打开F#项目时,它只是崩溃了!) 从这里(在文章中有几个例子): 我如何验证尾部呼叫正在使用? 最简单的方法是确保使用尾部呼叫是了解和应用上一节中的规
I've been reading different articles/pages on this topic and finally came to this article, which led me to a confusion! In the article, it's mentioned that Value Types always go where they were declared , by which the author meant, value types may reside in either the stack or the heap, as per how/where they're declared. Let me put down a code snippet to make myself more clear: p
我一直在阅读关于这个主题的不同文章/页面,最后来到这篇文章,这导致了我的困惑! 在文章中提到, Value Types always go where they were declared ,作者的意思是,值类型可以驻留在堆栈或堆中,就像它们声明的方式/位置一样。 让我放下一段代码,让自己更清楚: public class Test { int testInt; string testString; } int anInt; string aString; Test testObj; testObj = new Test(); 在执行这些代码行后
Is there an advanced article which I can read that can explain how memory is allocated for different types (value and reference) in .net framework. for example we know that value types are allocated space on a stack, but how is that managed? Also how are reference types managed in a heap and where are the actual values stored. (Reference type like any Class will contain many value types, whe
是否有一篇高级文章,我可以阅读,可以解释如何在.net框架中为不同类型(值和参考)分配内存。 例如我们知道值类型在堆栈上分配空间,但是如何管理? 另外如何在堆中管理引用类型以及存储实际值的位置。 (像任何类的引用类型将包含许多值类型,它们在哪里被保存以及它们如何被管理) 这比你想象的要复杂得多。 即使你声称“价值类型分配在堆栈上”也是不正确的。 例如: class Foo { int x; } int是一个值类型,但
Ok so I am using WMI (.net/C#) to constantly collect data about a specific process that is running on the machine. I get the data through Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process class. That class has a lot of properties but those that we are interested in are as follows: uint64 PageFileBytes; Value, in bytes, that this process has used in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of me
好的,我使用WMI(.net / C#)不断收集有关机器上运行的特定进程的数据。 我通过Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process类获取数据。 这个类有很多属性,但我们感兴趣的是如下: uint64 PageFileBytes; 此进程在分页文件中使用的值(以字节为单位)。 分页文件存储进程使用的未包含在其他文件中的内存页面。 分页文件由所有进程共享,分页文件中缺少空间可阻止其他进程分配内存。 uint32 PoolNonpagedBytes; 非
I am testing a long running .NET application which interacts with an unmanaged DLL and am using ProcessExplorer to monitor its memory usage. Private Bytes does not increase and stays around 21-25MB but I get a huge increase in Peak Private Bytes ~ 242MB What does Peak Private Bytes indicate? that the application needed that amount memory sometime during processing for its own requirements or
我正在测试长时间运行的.NET应用程序,它与非托管DLL进行交互,并使用ProcessExplorer监视其内存使用情况。 私人字节数不会增加,并保持在21-25MB左右,但我的峰值私人字节数大幅增加〜242MB 峰值私人字节表示什么? 应用程序在处理自己的需求期间是否需要大量内存,或者我遇到内存泄漏? 我还应该提到虚拟大小约为160MB
I'm trying to get a program I'm writing (in F#, though I would imagine the answer here is the same for any CLR language?) to report on its own memory usage (so I can get an idea of how much I'm stressing the machine, compare sizes of different workloads, and evaluate the effect of any optimizations I do in the hope of saving memory). The good news is, class Process has plenty of sta
我试图获得一个我正在编写的程序(在F#中,尽管我可以想象这里的答案对于任何CLR语言都是一样的),以便报告自己的内存使用情况(这样我就可以了解我有多少在强调机器的同时,比较不同工作负载的大小,并评估我希望节省内存的优化效果。 好消息是,Process有很多可用的统计数据。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.process_members.aspx 但是,有很多不同的内存使用数字。 这里有四个来自测
Just wondering what the difference between BeginInvoke() and Invoke() are? Mainly what each one would be used for. EDIT: What is the difference between creating a threading object and calling invoke on that and just calling BeginInvoke() on a delegate? or are they the same thing? Do you mean Delegate.Invoke/BeginInvoke or Control.Invoke/BeginInvoke? Delegate.Invoke: Executes synchronousl
只是想知道BeginInvoke()和Invoke()之间的区别是什么? 主要是每个人会用什么。 编辑:创建一个线程对象和调用调用,并只是调用BeginInvoke()上的BeginInvoke()之间有什么区别? 或者他们是同一个东西? 你的意思是Delegate.Invoke / BeginInvoke或Control.Invoke / BeginInvoke? Delegate.Invoke:在同一个线程上同步执行。 Delegate.BeginInvoke:在线程池线程上异步执行。 Control.Invoke:在UI线程上执行,但
If I understand correctly, in .NET the default implementation of Object.GetHashCode() returns a value based on an object's memory address (at least for reference-types). However, the garbage collector is free to move objects around in memory. Presumably the hash code doesn't change just because the GC moves an object, so is there special handling for this interaction, or are my assumpti
如果我理解正确,在.NET中, Object.GetHashCode()的默认实现将返回一个基于对象内存地址的值(至少对于引用类型)。 但是,垃圾收集器可以自由移动内存中的对象。 据推测哈希码不会因为GC移动一个对象而改变,那么这种交互是否有特殊的处理方式,或者我的假设是错误的? 它不返回基于地址的值。 它根据对象的同步块返回一个值。 同步块是第一次分配object.GetHashCode被调用(未覆盖时)或对该对象的锁存在争用。 (如