My model contains, among other things, two properties that were added to the model class after its initial creation and migration. public sealed class SomeModel { ... other properties, which are fine. public int PropertyOne { get; set; } public int PropertyTwo { get; set; } } My most recent migration contains: public override void Up() { ... other table being created.
除此之外,我的模型还包含在初始创建和迁移后添加到模型类中的两个属性。 public sealed class SomeModel { ... other properties, which are fine. public int PropertyOne { get; set; } public int PropertyTwo { get; set; } } 我最近的迁移包含: public override void Up() { ... other table being created. AddColumn("dbo.SomeModel", "PropertyOne", c => c.Int(nullable: false));
We are using TFS and have different branches for our Dev. in the branch A we made a migration to change a column size in the branch B we made a migration to add a new table. This branch doesn not know about the branch A modification !! both modification are merged to the main branch. When I do an update database, it does the 2 migration but at the end tells me there is pending changes.
我们正在使用TFS并为我们的开发者提供不同的分支。 在分支A中,我们进行了迁移以更改列大小 在分支B中,我们进行了迁移以添加一个新表。 这个分支不知道分支A的修改! 两个修改都合并到主分支。 当我执行更新数据库时,它执行2次迁移,但最终告诉我有未决的更改。 如果我进行了Add-Migration,它会创建与第一次迁移相同的结果(在分支A中)。 无法更新数据库以匹配当前模型,因为有未决的更改并且自动迁移已禁用。
My model previously was without any DataNotations, but I recently changed that, applying [Required] for some properties. As this happen, my migration code start to throw an exception, like: Unable to apply pending changes because automatic migration is disabled. To enable automatic migration, ensure that DbMigrationsConfiguration.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled is set to true. I assume that some
我的模型以前没有任何DataNotations,但我最近改变了这种情况,对某些属性应用了[Required]。 发生这种情况时,我的迁移代码开始引发异常,如: 无法应用未决更改,因为已禁用自动迁移。 要启用自动迁移,请确保DbMigrationsConfiguration.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled设置为true。 我假设有一些明确的迁移行为必须完成。 请澄清。 编辑 :AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true不适合我,我很有趣如何使一些迁移脚本成为可
I am developing Entity Framework based app. I am using model-first approach. I would like to handle the concurrency issues. As written in many articles I am going to do it by turning the ConcurrencyMode to fixed on a field which is a timestamp. At the moment I am facing the problem - I cannot add field (column) of type timestamp. How can I do it in model? As written here: http://social.m
我正在开发基于实体框架的应用程序。 我正在使用模型优先的方法。 我想处理并发问题。 正如许多文章中写到的,我将通过将并发模式固定在时间戳字段上来实现。 目前我面临的问题 - 我不能添加类型时间戳的字段(列)。 我如何在模型中做到这一点? 正如这里所写: HTTP:// 我尝试过安装Entity Designer数
TL;DR : what are the options nowadays to run a VS2015 solution on Linux? I have a .NET application that runs fine in Windows and have received requests to port it to Linux. I have been trying very hard to understand what it meant today in 2015 but I am really confused with all the old posts pointing to Mono and the new posts talking about vNext (and still mention Mono). Also I have an okay ba
TL; DR:现在在Linux上运行VS2015解决方案有哪些选择? 我有一个在Windows中运行良好的.NET应用程序,并且已经收到将它移植到Linux的请求。 2015年我一直在努力去理解今天的意义,但我真的很困惑所有指向Mono的新帖子和讨论vNext的新帖子(并且仍然提到Mono)。 我也有一个好的背景与.NET,但我不知道很多关于Linux的一般... 我遵循最近的教程,并设法在Linux中编译和运行Hello World控制台应用程序。 这需要安装一些我不
I'm a .Net developer and would like to investigate building and running our framework on Mono. If the initial project is successful I will happily invest in an OS learning curve, but right now I want to focus on getting things up and running and seeing the code working. What would be the best distribution to start with, assuming that I know very little about Linux, but am an experienced d
我是一个.Net开发人员,并希望调查在Mono上构建和运行我们的框架。 如果最初的项目是成功的,我会很乐意投资于操作系统的学习曲线,但现在我想专注于开发和运行代码并运行代码。 假设我对Linux知之甚少,但是一位有经验的开发人员,那么最好的发行版是什么? 我可以期待如何快速(小时/天/周?)? 到目前为止的一些反馈 (谢谢你的回答,大家):决定在CentOS上,但这也是因为这符合我想要移植到Mono的.Net代码的特定实
I have a C#/ASP.NET application which works on windows with IIS. But recently I'm tempted to switch to Linux/Mono. It comes up with some questions: Can I run my Visual Studio projects and source codes in Mono correctly? My clients use IIS for ASP.NET . Does my migration affect them? In other words does my Mono projects runs in IIS without any change or problem? Can I host Mono ASP.N
我有一个C#/ ASP.NET应用程序,它可以在Windows上使用IIS。 但最近我很想切换到Linux / Mono。 它提出了一些问题: 我可以在Mono中正确运行我的Visual Studio项目和源代码吗? 我的客户使用ASP.NET for ASP.NET。 我的迁移是否会影响他们? 换句话说,我的Mono项目在IIS中运行时没有任何变化或问题? 我可以在Apache中承载Mono ASP.NET Web项目吗? 我可以在Mono中使用ASP.NET Web窗体中的技能吗? 等待您的宝贵
Here is the description of DNX: The .NET Execution Environment (DNX) is a software development kit (SDK) and runtime environment that has everything you need to build and run .NET applications for Windows, Mac and Linux. It provide a host process, CLR hosting logic and managed entry point discovery. DNX was built for running cross-platform ASP.NET Web applications, but it can run other types
以下是DNX的说明: .NET执行环境(DNX)是一个软件开发工具包(SDK)和运行时环境,拥有构建和运行Windows,Mac和Linux的.NET应用程序所需的一切。 它提供主机进程,CLR托管逻辑和管理入口点发现。 DNX是为运行跨平台ASP.NET Web应用程序而构建的,但它也可以运行其他类型的.NET应用程序,例如跨平台控制台应用程序。 DNX是否可以选择单声道? 如果不是,那么会有什么区别? DNX是否可以选择单声道? 如果不是,那么会
Is there a way to get the Entity Framework that ships with .NET 3.5 to work with SQL Compact 4.0? I have a project that relies on .NET 3.5, and I can't move to .NET 4.0 yet, so Entity Framework 4 isn't an option. My existing code base works with .NET 3.5/EF 1/SQLCE 3.5 SP2, but on multi-threaded machines I get crashes now and then. I'd like to move to SQL CE 4.0 to see if that re
有没有办法让.NET 3.5附带的实体框架与SQL Compact 4.0协同工作? 我有一个依赖于.NET 3.5的项目,而且我现在还不能迁移到.NET 4.0,所以Entity Framework 4不是一个选项。 我现有的代码库适用于.NET 3.5 / EF 1 / SQLCE 3.5 SP2,但在多线程机器上,我现在碰到了崩溃。 我想迁移到SQL CE 4.0以查看是否可以解决这些问题。 在做了额外的研究之后,答案是否定的。 SQL CE 4.0只适用于EF 4。 尝试对我在此处描述的edmx文件
This question already has an answer here: d is less efficient than [0-9] 6 answers I think the answer is also in the linked reference: d matches any decimal digit. It is equivalent to the p{Nd} regular expression pattern, which includes the standard decimal digits 0-9 as well as the decimal digits of a number of other character sets . So d can match things like decimal digits in the Arab
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: d效率低于[0-9] 6个答案 我想答案也在链接参考中: d匹配任何十进制数字。 它相当于 p {Nd}正则表达式,其中包含标准的十进制数字0-9 以及许多其他字符集的十进制数字 。 因此, d可以匹配阿拉伯字符集中的十进制数字,而不会与[0-9]匹配。