What should I consider when choosing a dependency injection framework for .NET

see also Which C#/.NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? There are now many dependency injection frameworks to choose from. You used to often be forced to use a given dependency injection framework due to a library you were using. However the Common Service Locator library has enabled library code to be independent of injection frameworks. The time it takes to learn al


另请参阅哪些C#/ .NET依赖注入框架值得研究? 现在有许多依赖注入框架可供选择。 由于您使用的库,您经常被迫使用给定的依赖注入框架。 然而,通用服务定位器库已使库代码独立于注入框架。 花足够多时间来学习所有这些以决定使用哪一个是不合理的。 我不相信我们还没有达到可以谈论最佳依赖注入框架的阶段。 那么我应该问什么问题关于项目和我自己来帮助决定在特定情况下使用最佳依赖注入框架? 了解为什么选择当前使

Dependency Injection in .NET with examples?

Can someone explain dependency injection with a basic .NET example and provide a few links to .NET resources to extend on the subject? This is not a duplicate of What is dependency injection? because I am asking about specific .NET examples and resources. Here's a common example. You need to log in your application. But, at design time, you're not sure if the client wants to log to


有人可以用 一个基本的.NET例子解释依赖注入 ,并提供一些到.NET资源的链接来扩展这个主题吗? 这不是什么是依赖注入的重复? 因为我在询问特定的.NET示例和资源。 这是一个常见的例子。 您需要登录您的应用程序。 但是,在设计时,您不确定客户端是否想要登录到数据库,文件或事件日志。 所以,你想使用DI来将这个选择推迟到客户可以配置的选项。 这是一些伪代码(大致基于Unity): 您创建一个日志记录界面: pub

Visual studio new project wizard: .NET Core vs .NET Standard library?

In the new project wizard in Visual Studio 2017, I see both the option to create a new .NET Standard library as well as a new .NET Core library. I understand that .NET Standard is a specification while .NET Core is a cross-platform implementation of that spec. But can someone explain the real differences when creating libraries from each of the following ways? To make matters worse, if you lo

Visual Studio新项目向导:.NET Core vs .NET标准库?

在Visual Studio 2017中的新项目向导中,我看到了创建新的.NET 标准库以及新的.NET Core库的选项。 我知道.NET标准是一个规范,而.NET Core是该规范的一个跨平台实现 。 但是,有人能够从以下各种方式创建库时解释真正的差异吗? 更糟糕的是,如果仔细观察,两个对话框的顶部都会有一个下拉框,上面写着“.NET Framework 4.6.2”:( - 这有什么用? .NET标准库 .NET核心库 附注:命名约定令人困惑。 “.NET 5”听起来更简

.NET (standard, Core and Framework): Developing Cross Platform Applications

I have searched SO, but I find a lot of answers but not targeting my questions: AS the definitions say: .NET Framework 4.6 is a full framework for everything related to .NET, but lacks libraries & runtime optimized for multi-platform (Windows, Linux and Mac) and cloud deployments .NET Core on the other hand is a subset of .NET Framework 4.6 which is mainly optimized for multi-platform a


我搜索过,但我找到了很多答案,但没有针对我的问题: 正如定义所说: .NET Framework 4.6是与.NET相关的一切的完整框架,但缺少针对多平台(Windows,Linux和Mac)和云部署进行优化的库和运行库 另一方面,.NET Core是.NET Framework 4.6的一个子集,主要针对多平台和云部署进行了优化 NET标准:一组“标准”API而不是平台。 所以基本上你不关心平台,只是标准(版本1.3,1.6 ...),你的代码可以在支持它的所有平台上运

.NET Standard Library vs. .NET Standard

Reading some blogs and the official documentation for .NET Core 1.0, I'm still quite confused (like many others). Don't get me wrong, I've literally read dozens of posts on the web trying to understand the architecture and terms for this new platform. Reading the docs and blogs, this is what they say about .NET Standard Library : The .NET Standard Library is a formal specificati


阅读一些博客和.NET Core 1.0的官方文档,我仍然很困惑(像许多其他)。 不要误解我的意思,我从字面上阅读了数十篇文章,试图了解这个新平台的架构和条款。 阅读文档和博客,这是他们对.NET标准库的看法: .NET标准库是.NET API的一个正式规范,旨在用于所有.NET运行时。 但是他们也使用了这个术语: .NET Standard和netstandard ,你可以在平台支持表上看到。 问题: .NET标准库 == .NET标准 ? 如果不是,有什么不

What's the difference between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin?

Microsoft now has .NET Core, .NET Framework and Xamarin (Mono) in its .NET family. There seems to be a lot of overlap here. What's the difference between these types of .NET? When should I choose to use .NET Core in my project, instead of .NET Framework or Xamarin? You should use .NET Core, instead of .NET Framework or Xamarin, in the following 6 typical scenarios according to the docum

.NET Core,.NET Framework和Xamarin有什么区别?

微软现在在其.NET系列中有.NET Core,.NET Framework和Xamarin(Mono)。 这里似乎有很多重叠。 这些类型的.NET有什么区别? 什么时候应该选择在我的项目中使用.NET Core,而不是.NET Framework或Xamarin? 根据此处的文档,您应该在以下6种典型场景中使用.NET Core而不是.NET Framework或Xamarin。 1.跨平台的需求 显然,如果你的目标是要有一个应该可以跨平台(Windows,Linux和MacOS)运行的应用程序(Web /服务)

Tamper Protection on .NET Assemblies

Many obfuscation tools today offer tamper protection. We gave it a try but it was not applicable in most of our real-world cases. Does it worth to invest time in this technologies or the added protection level is something that hackers can break in minutes as all the rest? References: Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://www.red-gate.com/products/dotnet-development/smartass


目前许多模糊处理工具都提供了防篡改功能。 我们试了一下,但它并不适用于我们大多数现实世界的案例。 在这些技术上投入时间或增加保护级别是否值得黑客在几分钟内就可以像所有其他人一样突破? 参考文献: 从反向工程保护.NET代码? http://www.red-gate.com/products/dotnet-development/smartassembly/features/ http://www.9rays.net/Category/55-spicesnet-obfuscator.aspx http://xheo.com/products/code-pro

How to completely uninstall Visual Studio 2010?

I've been looking to find a CLEAN solution to completely and ultimately remove Visual Studio 2010 from my computer. When you install Visual Studio, it also installs a bunch of programs (about 55) in the add/remove programs panel ( appwiz.cpl ). I've already tried a small utility made by Microsoft but it does almost nothing. I'm really looking now for a better way to uninstall any

如何完全卸载Visual Studio 2010?

我一直在寻找一种可以彻底并最终从我的电脑中删除Visual Studio 2010的CLEAN解决方案。 当您安装Visual Studio时,它还会在“添加/删除程序”面板( appwiz.cpl )中安装一堆程序(大约55个)。 我已经试过了微软制造的一个小工具,但它几乎没有任何东西。 我真的正在寻找更好的方式来卸载任何版本的Microsoft Visual Studio。 因为我有很多计算机,所以我经常切换到一个版本或另一个版本,或者我决定在一台计算机上不再需要

Differences between Visual Studio (.sln) build runner and MSBuild

I'm trying to set TeamCity to do a CI using .Net and configuring build runners I have: Visual Studio (sln) MSBuild Visual Studio 2003 What's the difference? Why three build to work on the same type of project? (With the exception of 2003 which is only for 2003 I believe, Why?) Taking the issue, we have this build runners for .exe files: .NET Process Runner Command Line T

Visual Studio(.sln)生成runner和MSBuild之间的区别

我试图设置TeamCity使用.Net配置CI并配置我拥有的构建运行程序: Visual Studio(sln) 的MSBuild Visual Studio 2003 有什么不同? 为什么三个构建工作在同一类型的项目上? (除了2003年的例外,我相信为什么?) 考虑到这个问题,我们为.exe文件构建了这个运行程序: .NET Process Runner 命令行 “命令行”版本运行程序不适用于任何.net程序集? 为什么.Net Process Runner? Visual Studio(sln) 如

What is the best approach for applying styles to massive amounts of items?

In my LOB apps I usually wind up with containers that contain a bunch of different textblocks and textboxes for users to enter data. Normally I need to apply a certain margin or vertical/horizontal alignment to each control. Let's say I have Grid on my form that looks like this (a lot of markup was eliminated for brevity): <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions.../> <Grid.Row


在我的LOB应用程序中,我通常使用容器来包含大量不同的文本块和文本框,供用户输入数据。 通常我需要为每个控件应用一定的边距或垂直/水平对齐。 假设我的表单上有Grid,看起来像这样(为简洁起见,很多标记被删除): <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions.../> <Grid.RowDefinitions.../> <TextBlock Text="MyLabel" /> <TextBox Text={Binding ...}/> . ' <!-- Repated