Handlebars won't loop over my Backbone.js Collection

I have a Backbone app where I'm attempting to populate a collection using a JSON file. I want to generate a list of "titles" from the JSON to eventually turn into a menu. Everything is going well, except that Handlebars won't loop (each) over my collection to render the list. The relevant view: var MenuView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: Handlebars.compile( '<ul


我有一个Backbone应用程序,我试图使用JSON文件填充集合。 我想从JSON生成一个“标题”列表,最终变成一个菜单。 一切都很顺利,除了把手不会循环(每个)在我的收藏上来渲染列表。 相关观点: var MenuView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: Handlebars.compile( '<ul>' + '{{#each items.models}}<li>{{attributes.title}}</li>{{/each}}' + '</ul>' ), initialize: function (

Why can't I call my Handlebars partial inside #each?

While refactoring some code I got this problem: When applying a Handlebars template that uses a partial, it complains about You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed function ... You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed function ... . The function is this: function (context, options) { options = options || {}; var namespace


重构一些代码时,我得到了这个问题:当应用使用部分的Handlebars模板时,它抱怨You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed function ... You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed function ... 功能是这样的: function (context, options) { options = options || {}; var namespace = options.partial ? options : env, helpers, pa

How to get index in Handlebars each helper?

I'm using Handlebars for templating in my project. Is there a way to get the index of the current iteration of an "each" helper in Handlebars? <tbody> {{#each item}} <tr> <td><!--HOW TO GET ARRAY INDEX HERE?--></td> <td>{{this.key}}</td> <td>{{this.value}}</td> </tr&


我在我的项目中使用Handlebars进行模板。 有没有办法获得Handlebars中“每个”助手的当前迭代的索引? <tbody> {{#each item}} <tr> <td><!--HOW TO GET ARRAY INDEX HERE?--></td> <td>{{this.key}}</td> <td>{{this.value}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </tbody> 在较新版本的Handlebars索引

TinyMCE opened in jqueryUI modal dialog

When using tinyMCE in a jqueryUI modal dialog, I can't use the hyperlink or 'insert image' features. Basically, after lots of searching, I've found this: http://www.tinymce.com/develop/bugtracker_view.php?id=5917 The weird thing is that to me it seams less of a tinyMCE issue and more of a jqueryUI issue since the problem is not present when jqueryUI's modal property is s


在jQuery UI模式对话框中使用tinyMCE时,我无法使用超链接或“插入图像”功能。 基本上,经过大量的搜索,我发现这一点: http://www.tinymce.com/develop/bugtracker_view.php?id=5917 奇怪的是,对我来说,它更少接触一个tinyMCE问题,更多的是jqueryUI问题,因为当jqueryUI的模态属性设置为false时问题不存在。 用更丰富的形式,我看到发生的情况是,只要tinyMCE失去焦点,表单中的第一个元素即使不是焦点/点击的焦点,

how to pass new jquery value to CI controller using ajax

First of all, I wanted to display data from the database to a table in VIEW one at a time then if there are changes the user will just have to double click the table and input the new value. here is the screenshot: I'm done with the displaying and editing, what I'm trying to do next is to SAVE the new data/values so that I can pass it to the controller. here is my code for getting da


首先,我想将数据库中的数据显示在视图1中的表中,如果有更改,用户只需双击表格并输入新值即可。 这里是屏幕截图: 我完成了显示和编辑, 接下来我要做的是保存新的数据/值,以便将其传递给控制器​​。 这里是我的代码获取数据库中的数据,并通过点击按钮MOVE ON使用jquery将其显示到表中。 <script type="text/javascript"> var leads = Array(); var lead_count = 0;

type using JavaScript

I have a question about mime-types. I found found information how to add custom tags to html document using document.registerElement function. Is there a similar way to register own mime-types? I know how to do it using native language plugins for web browser but I'm interested only in potential JavaScript solution. For example I would like to DOM element <object type="my_own_mime_ty


我有一个关于MIME类型的问题。 我发现找到的信息如何使用document.registerElement函数将自定义标记添加到html文档。 有没有类似的方式来注册自己的MIME类型? 我知道如何使用本地语言插件进行网页浏览,但我只对潜在的JavaScript解决方案感兴趣。 例如我想要DOM元素 <object type="my_own_mime_type"/>

Secret copy to clipboard JavaScript function in Chrome and Firefox?

Update Looks like browsers are starting to support copy natively in JS In the console windows of both Chrome and Firefox on Mac I can execute copy("party in your clipboard!"); and the text gets copied to my clipboard. I have searched SO and Google and can't seem to find anything on this. Are these specific to each browser? Where can I find more information on these JavaScript funct


更新 看起来浏览器开始在JS中本地支持复制 在Mac上的Chrome和Firefox的控制台窗口中,我都可以执行 copy("party in your clipboard!"); 并将文本复制到我的剪贴板。 我搜索了SO和Google,似乎无法找到任何相关信息。 这些特定于每个浏览器吗? 我在哪里可以找到关于这些JavaScript功能的更多信息? 浏览器版本: 执行“复制”时从Chrome控制台返回的JavaScript function (object) { if (injectedScript

transition between page changes

I am using jQueryMobile's $.mobile.changePage(...) method to switch to a different page within my project. $.mobile.changePage("#foo", { transition:"slide" }); When I run that method, the transition works perfectly but when I hit the browser's return button I see no reverse transition. I played around with some of the parameters described in http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/api/meth


我正在使用jQueryMobile的$.mobile.changePage(...)方法切换到我的项目中的不同页面。 $.mobile.changePage("#foo", { transition:"slide" }); 当我运行该方法时,转换完美,但当我点击浏览器的返回按钮时,我看不到任何反转。 我玩过http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/api/methods.html中描述的一些参数,但没有运气。 尤其是设置reverse:true只有在向前移动到目标页面时才反转过渡,但当按下后退按钮时仍然没有过渡。

Force javascript to run *before* browser redraw (jsFiddle example)

I am building a little web based application using an HTML table. One unusual property of this table is that it has fixed top row and left column (similar to excel). I accomplished this using a little jQuery and CSS. The problem is, the jQuery event that triggers my code is the $(window).scroll event, and evidently most browsers (Chrome and IE) redraw the page before the code that is called b


我正在使用HTML表构建一个基于Web的小应用程序。 该表的一个不寻常的属性是它有固定的顶行和左列(类似于excel)。 我用一个小小的jQuery和CSS完成了这个任务。 问题是,触发我的代码的jQuery事件是$(window).scroll事件,显然大多数浏览器(Chrome和IE)在该事件调用的代码完成运行之前重新绘制页面。 结果,左栏和上栏以秒为单位“赶上”表格的其余部分。 我已经提供了一个精简的jsFiddle示例,以向您展示我的问题。

trouble importing jquery into wordpress

i have a really annoying problem with wordpress built-in jquery. I have read dozen of articles on the subject of properly registering and calling registered jquery scripts using the functions.php (the code is shown below), but it can't seem to work anyway I try it. Can you please explain to me what did I do wrong, I checked every file path that is hooked to wp_register_script, wp_head in he


我有一个非常恼人的WordPress内置jQuery的问题。 我已经阅读了一些关于使用functions.php正确注册和调用已注册的jquery脚本的主题的文章(代码如下所示),但似乎无法正常工作。 你可以请我解释我做错了什么,我检查了每个文件的路径,这是连接到wp_register_script,wp_head在header.php到位,拼写是正确的...我大炮想到可能的原因为什么没有一个jQuery下面列出的插件无法在我的页面上使用,这很令人沮丧。 这里是我的网站的