I've created an web app that client can upload an svg file, the app will create a progressive draw animation from that file, and then create a downloadable video from that animation. I'm using Progressive Draw - SVG for the progressive draw animation. Are there any ways to convert this to an video file or just record this in the screen to render a video file? I was using RecordRTC to
我创建了一个Web应用程序,客户端可以上传svg文件,应用程序将从该文件创建渐进式绘制动画,然后从该动画创建可下载的视频。 我使用渐进绘制 - SVG进行渐进绘制动画。 有什么方法可以将其转换为视频文件,或者只是在屏幕上记录这些内容来渲染视频文件? 我使用RecordRTC来录制动画,但由于视频全部为空,因此无法录制SVG格式。 任何建议? 提前致谢!
I'm working with animated SVGs / Snap.svg for the first time, so please forgive my lack of knowledge on this subject. I made a series of 3 animated SVG "frames" (400x300px), each nested within a larger SVG (1200x300px) to contain them all. A div element with a clip style property hides the other two "frames" when they're not ready to be shown. Using Snap.svg, each
我正在第一次使用动画SVG / Snap.svg,所以请原谅我对这个主题的不了解。 我制作了一系列3个动画SVG“帧”(400x300px),每个嵌套在一个更大的SVG(1200x300px)中以包含它们。 当clip样式属性的div元素没有准备好显示时,会隐藏另外两个“帧”。 使用Snap.svg,每个框架应该在一段时间后使用translate “滑动”到视图中,并且在每个框架内都有一些动画元素。 长话短说:动画在Firefox中看起来很完美,但在Chrome / Webkit中看
Scenario : Want to provide rich graphical charts on a map of a particular city. Since I could not find the official svg version map for that city, I decided to try it myself. I was able to get the official pdf map of the city and converted it to svg using inkscape. I want to be able to manipulate the map at district level. Using inkscape i can demarcate the boundaries of the districts furthe
场景:想要在特定城市的地图上提供丰富的图形图表。 由于我找不到该城市的官方svg版本地图,我决定亲自尝试。 我能够获得城市的官方pdf地图,并使用inkscape将其转换为svg。 我希望能够在地区层面上操作地图。 使用Inkscape,我可以将区域的边界进一步划分为我想要处理的分区。 然后,我想操纵或在这些分区工作。 区级是路径(inkscape术语)。 a)在Inkscape中,通过路径选项选择编辑节点后,如何拆分单个区域(区域
While attempting to make a game using Canvas I noticed a few quirks on tablet / phone browsers. 1) How do I disable the Canvas from being selectable? It seems like when the user touches it, it highlights the canvas, and almost makes an attempt to select it. This is undesired. 2) Browser slide gestures. Some browser have slide gestures that override any movement capturing done in the canvas
在尝试使用Canvas制作游戏时,我注意到了平板电脑/手机浏览器中的一些怪癖。 1)如何禁用Canvas选择? 看起来用户触摸它时,它会突出显示画布,并且几乎会尝试选择它。 这是不希望的。 2)浏览器滑动手势。 某些浏览器具有滑动手势,可以覆盖在画布或网页中完成的任何移动捕捉。 这是非常烦人和不受欢迎的。 3)使用HTML UI元素进行画布控制。 我注意到,当有一个与其他ui元素(如文本)一起呈现的画布时,有时在画布
I try to create an npm package, which can be started as a command from shell. I have package.json { "name": "myapp", "version": "0.0.6", "dependencies": { "async": "", "watch": "", "node-promise": "", "rmdir": "", "should": "", "websocket": "" }, "bin": "myapp" } and myapp #!/bin/bash path=`dirname "$0"` file="/myapp.js" node $path$file $1 & But I get
我尝试创建一个npm包,它可以作为shell的命令启动。 我有package.json { "name": "myapp", "version": "0.0.6", "dependencies": { "async": "", "watch": "", "node-promise": "", "rmdir": "", "should": "", "websocket": "" }, "bin": "myapp" } 和myapp #!/bin/bash path=`dirname "$0"` file="/myapp.js" node $path$file $1 & 但是我得到一个错误: module.js:340 thro
I dont get why i get so many different errors. I'm using Google Places API for a test, and using simply an ajax query call with callback, i receive back the json but in CHrome browser i get "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" why the hell is that? I supposed Google does it right, and their json must be correct...so where could be the problem? this is my code $.ajax({ dataTyp
我不明白为什么我会得到这么多不同的错误。 我使用Google Places API进行测试,并使用回调函数简单地使用ajax查询调用,我收到了json,但在CHrome浏览器中,我得到 "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" 为什么这到底是什么? 我认为谷歌是对的,他们的JSON必须是正确的......那么问题在哪里呢? 这是我的代码 $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?l
I am new to data annotations, so i am trying to get it working. The predefined data annotations like [Required] and [RegularExpression] are working perfectly, however, when i try to add a custom class validation, it is completely ignored. Here's my source code: namespace Models { public class ModelClass { [Display(Name = "Test")] [CustomClassTest] public int
我是数据注释的新手,所以我试图让它工作。 像[Required]和[RegularExpression]这样的预定义数据注释是完美的,但是,当我尝试添加自定义类验证时,它完全被忽略。 这是我的源代码: namespace Models { public class ModelClass { [Display(Name = "Test")] [CustomClassTest] public int? TestIntField { get; set; } } public class CustomClassTest : ValidationAttribute {
I want my selenium IDE test case to run like the steps below in order to select a date automatically: Click departure date to open datepicker Starting with day currently selected, loop through dates until reaching the next available date (If required move onto the next month or year to find the next available date) Select the available date from the datepicker Can somebody show me as I
我希望我的硒IDE测试案例像下面的步骤一样运行,以便自动选择一个日期: 点击出发日期打开日期选择器 从当前选择的日期开始,循环浏览日期,直到达到下一个可用日期(如果需要,转到下个月或每年以查找下一个可用日期) 从日期选择器中选择可用日期 有人可以告诉我,因为我是新来的硒如何为上面的例子做到这一点? 我现在所有的脚本都可以打开日历。 以下是我设法收到的与上面截图相匹配的html: //Months drop down
when i press button, this error is blow up Forbidden (CSRF token missing or incorrect.): /orders/basket_adding/ / I take csrf_token from the form on the main page, all the others inherit from the page where the form is, from where I get the token! Pls help me) views def basket_adding(request): print('HER') return_dict = {} session_key
当我按下按钮时,这个错误就被炸毁了 禁止(CSRF令牌丢失或不正确):/ orders / basket_adding / / 我从主页上的表单中获取csrf_token,所有其他表单从表单所在的页面继承,从我获取标记的地方继承。 请帮助我) 意见 def basket_adding(request): print('HER') return_dict = {} session_key = request.session.session_key data
I want to use AngularJS with Django however they both use {{ }} as their template tags. Is there an easy way to change one of the two to use some other custom templating tag? For Angular 1.0 you should use the $interpolateProvider apis to configure the interpolation symbols: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$interpolateProvider. Something like this should do the trick: myModule.config(funct
我想在Django中使用AngularJS,但他们都使用{{ }}作为模板标签。 有没有简单的方法来改变其中一个使用其他自定义模板标签? 对于Angular 1.0,您应该使用$ interpolateProvider apis来配置插值符号:http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$interpolateProvider。 像这样的应该做的诀窍: myModule.config(function($interpolateProvider) { $interpolateProvider.startSymbol('{[{'); $interpolateProvider.endSymbol('}]}