So we are loading a page in an iframe. This child page is loaded from a cache on the same domain as the parent. However external assets are not cached locally, and are loaded from the external site - including javascript. In one site we have frame-busting code: if (top.location != self.location) { top.location = self.location } Now I know that we could use the solution from coderr but I
所以我们在一个iframe中加载一个页面。 此子页面从与父项相同的域上的缓存中加载。 但是,外部资源不会在本地缓存,而是从外部网站加载 - 包括JavaScript。 在一个网站中,我们有框架破解代码: if (top.location != self.location) { top.location = self.location } 现在我知道我们可以使用编码器的解决方案,但我不确定这会对问题产生何种影响/敲门声。 考虑到我们有权访问缓存的子页面,我想知道是否有任何我们可
i have jquery, but it is not going to next page, it always display images and waits, never proceed to next page. HTML code: <div id="toHide" class="pb-text-align-center"> <img style="display: inline" src="img/load.gif" /> <form wicket:id="safeForm" class="clearfix"> <input type="hidden" wicket:id="submitted" value="false" /> </form> </div>
我有jQuery,但它不会进入下一页,它总是显示图像并等待,永远不会进入下一页。 HTML代码: <div id="toHide" class="pb-text-align-center"> <img style="display: inline" src="img/load.gif" /> <form wicket:id="safeForm" class="clearfix"> <input type="hidden" wicket:id="submitted" value="false" /> </form> </div> HTML查看来源: <SCRIPT type="te
I have a setTimeout call: if ($cardOne instanceof jQuery){ setTimeout(function() { resetCard($cardOne); }, 1000); $cardOne = ""; } calling this function: function resetCard($card){ $card.removeClass('show'); } This results in this error: Result of expression '$card.removeClass' [undefined] is not a function. And I am not sure what that means. Is setTimeOut
我有一个setTimeout调用: if ($cardOne instanceof jQuery){ setTimeout(function() { resetCard($cardOne); }, 1000); $cardOne = ""; } 调用这个函数: function resetCard($card){ $card.removeClass('show'); } 这导致了这个错误: 表达式'$ card.removeClass'[undefined]的结果不是函数。 我不确定这意味着什么。 setTimeOut是否需要某种返回值? 我已经证实,$ card实际上是一
I have the following code which demonstrates the difference in calling a long-running function directly from an event trigger, vs. using setTimeout() . Intended behavior: When the first button is pressed, it appears pressed, the calculation runs for several seconds, then when the calculation finishes, the button appears depressed again and the second column changes from "not calculating
我有以下代码,它演示了直接从事件触发器调用长时间运行的函数与使用setTimeout()的区别。 意图行为: 当按下第一个按钮时,它显示为按下,计算运行几秒钟,然后当计算结束时,按钮再次出现按下,第二列从“尚未计算”变为“已完成计算”。 (我不会详细说明为什么会出现这种情况,这是用相关的答案解释的。) 当按下第二个按钮时,按钮立即按下; 第二列立即变为“计算...”文本。 当计算完成几秒钟后,第二列从“计算...”变为
The window.performance object exposes information about performance of the last page load done by the browser, including dns lookup times among others. However, I haven't been able to find anything similar for Ajax calls. The higher-level problem I'm trying to solve is to be able to use Google Analytics to track load times. You can set custom events and track timing on javascript, but
window.performance对象公开有关由浏览器完成的最后一次页面加载性能的信息,包括dns查找时间等。 但是,我一直无法找到类似的Ajax调用。 我试图解决的更高级别问题是可以使用Google Analytics来跟踪加载时间。 您可以设置自定义事件并在javascript上跟踪计时,但目前无法获取查找时间和其他相关性能数据。 也许有办法从XMLHttpRequest对象获取这些信息? 在W3C NavigationTiming规范中定义的window.performance.timing仅
I am trying to detect if a certain webkit event ' webkitAnimationEnd ' is supported by the browser, to do so I like to check if the event exists. But I can't seem to figure out how. Does anyone have a clue? 在没有浏览器嗅探的情况下检测事件支持表明这应该起作用: 'onWebkitAnimationEnd' in document.createElement('div'); What do you mean by "is supported"? Assuming you mean
我试图检测浏览器是否支持某个webkit事件' webkitAnimationEnd ',为此我想检查事件是否存在。 但我似乎无法弄清楚如何。 有人有线索吗? 在没有浏览器嗅探的情况下检测事件支持表明这应该起作用: 'onWebkitAnimationEnd' in document.createElement('div'); “支持”是什么意思? 假设你的意思是“在特定情况下会被浏览器解雇”,那么你需要简单地重新创建这些情况(通过脚本),看看事件是否被解雇; 如果事件从未处
I'm building a mobile web application that may or may not rely on ajax, depending on whether the user's browser supports javascript. Since I'm using JQuery, I want to make sure the mobile browser supports AJAX through JQuery before enabling my AJAX functionality. I'm running into a problem with Opera Mini because of the way it renders pages, and I'm not sure how to check it
我正在构建一个移动Web应用程序,它可能依赖于或不依赖于Ajax,具体取决于用户的浏览器是否支持JavaScript。 由于我使用的是JQuery,因此在启用AJAX功能之前,我想确保移动浏览器通过JQuery支持AJAX。 Opera Mini因为渲染页面的方式而遇到问题,我不知道如何检查它。 这里是我用来测试AJAX的代码: $(document).ready(function () { $.get( 'test.txt', function() { init_ajax();
Is it possible to import css stylesheets into a html page using Javascript? If so, how can it be done? PS the javascript will be hosted on my site, but I want users to be able to put in the <head> tag of their website, and it should be able to import a css file hosted on my server into the current web page. (both the css file and the javascript file will be hosted on my server). Here&
是否有可能使用Javascript将CSS样式表导入到HTML页面中? 如果是这样,该怎么办? PS的JavaScript将托管在我的网站上,但我希望用户能够放入他们网站的<head>标记,并且应该能够将我的服务器上托管的css文件导入当前网页。 (css文件和javascript文件都将托管在我的服务器上)。 这是“老派”的做法,希望能够在所有浏览器中使用。 理论上,你会使用setAttribute不幸的是IE6并不一致地支持它。 var cssId = 'myCss';
This question already has an answer here: Is there a JavaScript strcmp()? 5 answers You can use the localeCompare() method. string_a.localeCompare(string_b); /* Expected Returns: 0: exact match -1: string_a < string_b 1: string_a > string_b */ Further Reading: Stack Overflow - Is there a JavaScript strcmp()? Tutorials Point: JavaScript String - localeCompare() Method
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 有没有JavaScript strcmp()? 5个答案 你可以使用localeCompare()方法。 string_a.localeCompare(string_b); /* Expected Returns: 0: exact match -1: string_a < string_b 1: string_a > string_b */ 进一步阅读: 堆栈溢出 - 是否有JavaScript strcmp()? 教程要点:JavaScript String - localeCompare()方法 那么在JavaScript中,你可以检查两个字符串
i have a form displaying in a table dynamically working properly but my issue is if one field is empty in database in front end i want to hide that field. here is my view code <?php foreach($jobs as $row) { ?> <tr> <?php if($row->job_advantage_skills = '') {?> <td v
我有一个窗体显示在表中动态正常工作,但我的问题是,如果一个字段是空的数据库在前端我想隐藏该字段。 这里是我的视图代码 <?php foreach($jobs as $row) { ?> <tr> <?php if($row->job_advantage_skills = '') {?> <td valign="middle"><strong>Advantage:</strong><