I am developing an application in which i check if the user is not loggedIn I have to display the login form, else dispatch an action that would change the route and load other component. Here is my code: render() { if (isLoggedIn) { // dispatch an action to change the route } // return login component <Login /> } How can i achieve
我正在开发中,我检查,如果用户不是一个应用程序loggedIn我一定要显示登录表单,否则dispatch的action将改变路线和加载其他组件。 这是我的代码: render() { if (isLoggedIn) { // dispatch an action to change the route } // return login component <Login /> } 我怎么能实现这一点,因为我不能改变内部渲染功能的状态。 考虑到你正在使用react-rout
I am using grunt-babel to transform my react-jsx files into .js . I am planning to write a grunt task for this. Currently, I have below module.exports = function( grunt ) { require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.initConfig( { babel : { options : { plugins : ['transform-react-jsx'], presets: ['es2015', 'react'] },
我正在使用grunt-babel将我的react-jsx文件转换为.js文件。 我正在计划为此写一个咕task任务。 目前,我有下面 module.exports = function( grunt ) { require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.initConfig( { babel : { options : { plugins : ['transform-react-jsx'], presets: ['es2015', 'react'] }, client : {
Background I'm trying to setup a Yii2 project with Browserify to manage JS dependancies. As Yii2 places JS and CSS dependancies in the vendor/bower directory, i'm trying to configure Browserify to use this as the include path for vendor dependancies. I have a Grunt task setup to run my js build. Problem When I try to compile my js files using the Grunt task I am getting an error
背景 我正在尝试使用Browserify设置Yii2项目来管理JS依赖关系。 由于Yii2将JS和CSS依赖放置在vendor/bower目录中,我试图将Browserify配置为使用它作为供应商依赖的包含路径。 我有一个Grunt任务设置来运行我的js构建。 问题 当我尝试使用Grunt任务编译我的js文件时,发现尝试查找React (第一个包含在我的js项目中)的错误。 Error: Cannot find module 'react' from '{my-working-directory}/modules/co
I'm building an application which allows users to build and apply their own components and templates. I want to allow users to edit strings of jsx data and then perform the transform client-side for render. While the in the in browser transform performs jsx transforms on embedded scripts, and react-tools is available on the server, I can't determine how to make the transform function a
我正在构建一个允许用户构建和应用他们自己的组件和模板的应用程序。 我想让用户编辑jsx数据字符串,然后执行变换客户端进行渲染。 虽然在浏览器中的转换在嵌入式脚本上执行jsx转换,并且服务器上提供了react-tools,但我无法确定如何使转换功能可用于客户端。 内联浏览器转换似乎没有提供任何访问方法,而当我尝试在客户端上使用react-tools转换时,Atomify / Browserify崩溃。 JSXTransformer模块导出两个函数: tran
I have a React component, to whose props I want to assign a string that includes both JavaScript variables and HTML entities. Some of the approaches I've attempted have resulted in the HTML entity being rendered escaped. For example, – gets rendered literally as " – " instead of as " – ". Is there a way to get an HTML entity to render unescaped in
我有一个React组件,我想为其指定一个字符串,其中包含JavaScript变量和HTML实体。 我尝试过的一些方法导致HTML实体被转义。 例如, – 从字面上将其渲染为“ – ”而不是“ – ”。 有没有办法让一个HTML实体在被分配给React道具的JSX动态内容块中进行非转义渲染? 尝试 尝试使用模板文字: <MyPanel title={`${name} – ${description}`}> ... </MyPanel> 问题:在渲染输出中,
In a React component for a <select> menu, I need to set the selected attribute on the option that reflects the application state. In render() , the optionState is passed from the state owner to the SortMenu component. The option values are passed in as props from JSON. render: function() { var options = [], optionState = this.props.optionState; this.props.options.forEach(func
在<select>菜单的React组件中,我需要在反映应用程序状态的选项上设置selected属性。 在render() , optionState从状态所有者传递给SortMenu组件。 选项值作为JSON中的props传入。 render: function() { var options = [], optionState = this.props.optionState; this.props.options.forEach(function(option) { var selected = (optionState === option.value) ? ' selected' : ''; options.push
Given this object: lst socials = { foo: 'http://foo' } I want to loop through it in JSX. This works: let socialLinks = [] let socialBar for (let social in socials) { socialLinks.push(<li> <a alt={social} href={socials[social]}>{ social }</a> </li>) } if (socialLinks) { socialBar = <div className='align-bottom text-center
鉴于这个对象: lst socials = { foo: 'http://foo' } 我想通过它在JSX中循环。 这工作: let socialLinks = [] let socialBar for (let social in socials) { socialLinks.push(<li> <a alt={social} href={socials[social]}>{ social }</a> </li>) } if (socialLinks) { socialBar = <div className='align-bottom text-center'>
Sorry for what it appears to be a newbie question (been up working late and just got started with React) but I am trying to figure out how to just render a simple table with n x n dimension. For instance, in my component, the render output would be something like this: <table id="simple-board"> <tbody> <tr id="row0"> <td id="cell0-0">
对不起,它似乎是一个新手问题(工作起来很晚,刚开始使用React),但我想弄清楚如何渲染一个简单的n × n维表格。 例如,在我的组件中,渲染输出将如下所示: <table id="simple-board"> <tbody> <tr id="row0"> <td id="cell0-0"></td> <td id="cell0-1"></td> <td id="cell0-2"></td> </t
I have a little issue with React. I can't create a nested component with a for loop. What I want to do is create 9 cells of a table and then create 3 rows with 3 cells for every row and after that mount the 3 rows together and create a board 9x9. Let say that I want to get something like this, but using a loop class Board extends React.Component { renderSquare(i) { return <Sq
我对React有一个小问题。 我无法用for循环创建嵌套组件。 我想要做的是创建一个表的9个单元格,然后创建3行,每行3个单元格,然后将3行一起安装并创建一个9x9的电路板。 假设我想要得到像这样的东西,但是使用循环 class Board extends React.Component { renderSquare(i) { return <Square value={this.props.squares[i]} onClick={() => this.props.onClick(i)} />; } render(){ return(
Currently the render method can only return a single element/component. See: here In the discussion under that ticket some suggest to wrap multiple elements returned from a React component in a HTML comment so that the wrapping component is ignored by the browser, eg: <A> <B></B> <Fragment> <C></C> <D></D> </Fragme
目前渲染方法只能返回一个元素/组件。 看这里 在该票证下的讨论中,有人建议在HTML注释中包装从React组件返回的多个元素,以便浏览器忽略包装组件,例如: <A> <B></B> <Fragment> <C></C> <D></D> </Fragment> <E></E> </A> 会呈现给: <a> <b></b> <!--<fragment data-reacti