I have build a game using canvas and Javascript, and I would like to implement multiplayer functionality using WebSockets and Node.js I'm completely new to Node, and I have managed to get a basic web server up and running with the following code: var http = require("http"); console.log("Server started at port 8888"); http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeH
我使用canvas和Javascript构建了一个游戏,并且我想使用WebSockets和Node.js实现多人游戏功能 我对Node完全陌生,并且设法使用以下代码启动并运行基本Web服务器: var http = require("http"); console.log("Server started at port 8888"); http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); response.write("Hello World"); response.e
I have created a Web Socket server using c++.As we know that HTML 5 support Web Socket and we have standard Web Socket Java Script Api to communicate with web socket server.I am able to connect to web Socket server using Web Socket Api. Since Web Socket Api is supported in Only new browser. IE version 10 Chrome version 16 Firefox version 6 Safari version 6.0
我已经使用c ++创建了一个Web Socket服务器,因为我们知道HTML 5支持Web Socket,并且我们有标准的Web Socket Java Script Api来与Web套接字server.I连接到使用Web Socket API的Web Socket服务器。 由于只有新浏览器支持Web Socket API。 IE version 10 Chrome version 16 Firefox version 6 Safari version 6.0 Opera version 12.10 我需要为以下浏览器版本提供支持。 Web
I need help. I have an angular app and by using DocRaptor want to generate PDF and save it as file. But I cant trigger the dialog to save file in Safari with any method what I have found on Stack Overflow. Those methods open file in current browser tab and replace site html or open file in new tab. No one cant shows the dialog. Here the examples what I have already tried to use. Environment
我需要帮助。 我有一个角度的应用程序,并通过使用DocRaptor想要生成PDF并将其保存为文件。 但我不能触发对话框在Safari中使用我在堆栈溢出中找到的任何方法保存文件。 这些方法在当前浏览器选项卡中打开文件,并替换网站html或在新选项卡中打开文件。 没有人不能显示对话框。 这里是我已经尝试使用的例子。 环境MacOS - EL Capitan。 Safari 9.0.3 解决方案#1 var content = 'file content for example'; var blob
I have software that uses html5 and websockets and allows me to create a webpage that allows users to connect to a windows server using remote desktop protocol in their web browser, can I use modernizer to make this site compatible with ie8? Their are pages that I have to store on the windows server and on my web hosting account that are needed for this app. Basically, can modernizer work on a
我有使用html5和websockets的软件,并允许我创建一个网页,允许用户在他们的网页浏览器中使用远程桌面协议连接到Windows服务器,我可以使用modernizer使本站与ie8兼容吗? 他们是我必须存储在Windows服务器和我的网络托管帐户所需的这个应用程序的页面。 基本上,modernizer可以在一个已经在html5中构建的web应用程序上工作吗? 如果是这样,我该怎么做? 我们使用的软件是Ericom AccessNow这是一个简短的描述,“Ericom Acce
I currently have a Qt-based GUI application that simply provides a graphical dashboard (guages, graphs, and such) displaying real-time data provided by another application via a TCP connection. For architectural and security reasons, I have been told that my TCP connection is no longer allowed, and that an HTTPS websocket will be my only conduit. It was suggested that I convert my app to a weba
我目前有一个基于Qt的GUI应用程序,它只是简单地提供一个图形仪表板(参数,图表等),显示由另一个应用程序通过TCP连接提供的实时数据。 由于架构和安全原因,我被告知我的TCP连接不再被允许,并且HTTPS websocket将成为我唯一的管道。 有人建议我将应用程序转换为使用HTML5和Javascript的web应用程序。 但是,我不是一个网络程序员,但可以认为这是学习新技术的机会。 在作出决定之前,我想先了解一下风景。 所以,我认为
I have read many posts on SO and the web regarding the keywords in my question title and learned a lot from them. Some of the questions I read are related to specific implementation challenges while others focus on general concepts. I just want to make sure I understood all of the concepts and the reasoning why technology X was invented over technology Y and so on. So here goes: Http Polling
我在SO和网上阅读了很多关于我的问题标题中关键字的帖子,并从中学到了很多。 我读到的一些问题与具体的实施挑战有关,而另一些则关注一般概念。 我只想确保我理解了为什么技术X是相对于技术Y而言发明的所有概念和理由。 所以在这里: Http轮询:基本上是AJAX,使用XmlHttpRequest。 Http Long Polling: AJAX,但服务器保留响应,除非服务器有更新,只要服务器有更新,它就发送它,然后客户端可以发送另一个请求。 缺点
I'm trying to connect two peers using peerJS. I am pretty much just following through their "Getting Started" but I am still struggling. Below is the code that I have gotten so far. <body> <script src="http://cdn.peerjs.com/0.3/peer.min.js"></script> <script> var conn; var peer = new Peer({key: 'lwjd5qra8257b9'}); peer.on('open', function(id){
我正尝试使用peerJS连接两个对等端。 我几乎完成了他们的“入门”,但我仍在挣扎。 以下是我迄今获得的代码。 <body> <script src="http://cdn.peerjs.com/0.3/peer.min.js"></script> <script> var conn; var peer = new Peer({key: 'lwjd5qra8257b9'}); peer.on('open', function(id){ console.log('My peer ID is:' + id); document.getElementById('peerIdDisplay').in
I want to accomplish something similar to what photoshop.com has and this site here: http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/ Does anyone know how to do this with javascript (preferably jquery) ? 一个jPhysics演示可以在http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~rcpinto/physics/上在线找到,并从http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jphysics或Google下载。 .google.com / p / jqueryphysics / I think
我想完成类似于photoshop.com和此网站的功能:http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/ 有谁知道如何用JavaScript(最好是jQuery)来做到这一点? 一个jPhysics演示可以在http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~rcpinto/physics/上在线找到,并从http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jphysics或Google下载。 .google.com / p / jqueryphysics / 我认为谷歌的例子使用Box2Djs。 我已经使用box2d python和它的伟大
Looking through the dom.js source from the Closure library I found this (in goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass_ ): if (opt_class) { var arrayLike = {}; var len = 0; for (var i = 0, el; el = els[i]; i++) { var className = el.className; // Check if className has a split function since SVG className does not. if (typeof className.split == 'function' && goog.array.contains(cla
通过Closure库查看dom.js源代码,我发现了这个(在goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass_ ): if (opt_class) { var arrayLike = {}; var len = 0; for (var i = 0, el; el = els[i]; i++) { var className = el.className; // Check if className has a split function since SVG className does not. if (typeof className.split == 'function' && goog.array.contains(className.split(' '), opt_clas
there is a dropdown with 5 options. Currently,option 2 is selected.The user selects option 4 now.The onchange event gets fired which is caught in a JS function listening for onchange on the select. In the JS function, I can check easily the index of the option selected by the user using the selectedIndex property.However, I want to also know what was the original value that the user changed it
有5个选项的下拉菜单。 目前,选项2被选中。用户现在选择选项4. onchange事件被触发,这被捕获在一个JS函数中,在select上侦听onchange。 在JS函数中,我可以轻松地检查用户使用selectedIndex属性选择的选项的索引。但是,我也想知道用户将其改为的原始值是什么。 在这种情况下是否存在一个基本上保留原始值的属性,即选项2。 就像我把一个概念放在一起 - 可能有更好的方法来做到这一点: var vals = []; document.getEl