severside processing vs client side processing + ajax?

looking for some general advice and/or thoughts... i'm creating what i think to be more of a web application then web page, because i intend it to be like a gmail app where you would leave the page open all day long while getting updates "pushed" to the page (for the interested i'm using the comet programming technique). i've never created a web page before that was so ri

severside处理vs客户端处理+ ajax?

寻找一些一般性建议和/或想法... 我创建了我认为更多的是网页应用程序,然后是网页,因为我打算它像一个gmail应用程序,在那里你可以让页面整天保持打开状态,同时将更新“推送”到页面(对于感兴趣的是我使用彗星编程技术)。 我从来没有创建过一个网页,之前是如此丰富的Ajax和JavaScript(我现在是jquery的粉丝)。 正因为如此,我一次又一次地实现了需要服务器需要知道的UI中的动态更改的新功能,所以我面临同样的问题:

inserting/reading Base64 strings with SQLite

I tried to insert a base64 encoded string into my SQLite database, but when I read back the value, I get a different result than what I saved. More specifically, every time my string contains a "+" character, it gets stored as '?' in my db. I thought maybe the two non-alpha-numeric characters in base64-- namely, '+' and '/' are sensitive characters in SQLite,


我试图在我的SQLite数据库中插入base64编码的字符串,但是当我读回值时,我得到的结果与我保存的结果不同。 更具体地说,每当我的字符串包含一个“+”字符,它就会被存储为'?' 在我的分贝。 我想也许base64中的两个非字母数字字符 - 即'+'和'/'是SQLite中的敏感字符,所以我做了一些研究并看到了这个页面: lang_expr.html 我发现+是一元操作符,而/是二元操作符......但是

Google Closure Compiler Includes

I've been using google closure compiler for a little bit with my projects, it's awesome! I've been trying to find out whether or not you can do "includes" in a javascript file that includes other javascript files. I'm trying to have 1 javascript file that "includes" all the files I need then compiles, much like you can do with a LESS import statement, ("

Google Closure编译器包含

我一直在用我的项目使用google闭包编译器,这太棒了! 我一直在试图找出是否可以在包含其他JavaScript文件的JavaScript文件中执行“包含”操作。 我试图让1个JavaScript文件“包含”我需要的所有文件,然后进行编译,就像您可以使用LESS import语句(例如“@import”../less/bootstrap“)一样。 这可能吗? - 或者你必须在编译时在命令行中提供源文件列表吗? 非常感谢! 使用Closure-Library时 “包含”通过goog.require调

Handling common JavaScript files in Visual Studio 2010

We're beginning work on a couple of fully JavaScript-dependent web apps (our previous apps have been ASP.NET MVC, with JavaScript 'goodness' sprinkled over-the-top). We have a few files that will be shared across the board, and it would be nice to store these files in a Common project, and 'Add As Link' them into individual projects (as would be possible with compiled code).

处理Visual Studio 2010中的常见JavaScript文件

我们正在开发一些完全依赖于JavaScript的Web应用程序(我们以前的应用程序已经是ASP.NET MVC,JavaScript的'善良'已经过时了)。 我们有几个文件将被全部共享,并且将这些文件存储在通用项目中并将它们添加为单个项目(编译代码将可能)是很好的。 很明显,这不适用于JavaScript之类的文件,因为该文件实际上并不在正确的位置。 有没有人对保持单个版本的共享JavaScript文件有任何建议,以便在多个项目中使用?

Executing JavaScript code on Windows Store App

I have a JavaScript library (library.js file) with functions that I need to invoke from projects targeting multiple platforms (Mac, Windows Desktop, Windows 8.1, Android, etc..). For example, lets say I have an algorithm that that takes input A and returns B. The JavaScript library that has the implementation for translating A --> B should be reused across all platforms For Windows RT, 8.1,

在Windows Store App上执行JavaScript代码

我有一个JavaScript库(library.js文件),其功能需要从多个平台(Mac,Windows桌面,Windows 8.1,Android等)项目中调用。 例如,假设我有一个算法,它接受输入A并返回B.具有用于翻译A - > B的实现的JavaScript库应该在所有平台上重用 对于基于Windows RT,8.1,10 XAML的C#商店应用程序,我有什么选择可以在运行时执行JavaScript脚本? 我正在寻找一个JavaScript引擎,可以通过输入参数来执行脚本并返回一个值。 到

JavaScript Execution Engine Unspecified?

I started to learn JavaScript recently. I've been working in the creation of applications with Node.js and Angular for a few months now. One of the main aspects that was puzzling me was how it is possible to write asynchronous code in JavaScript in which I do not have to worry about things like thread synchronization, race conditions, etc. So, I found a couple of interesting articles([1]


我最近开始学习JavaScript。 我一直在使用Node.js和Angular创建几个月的应用程序。 令我困惑的主要方面之一是如何在JavaScript中编写异步代码,我不必担心线程同步,竞争条件等问题。 所以,我发现了一些有趣的文章([1],[2]),它们解释了我可以如何保证我写的任何代码总是由单个线程执行。 底线,我所有的异步代码只是安排在事件循环中的某个点执行。 这听起来非常像操作系统调度程序可以在具有单个处理器的机器上工作

Link and execute external JavaScript file hosted on GitHub

When I try to change the linked reference of a local JavaScript file to a GitHub raw version my test file stops working. The error is: Refused to execute script from ... because its MIME type ( text/plain ) is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. Is there a way to disable this behavior or is there a service that allows linking to GitHub raw files? Working code: <sc


当我尝试将本地JavaScript文件的链接引用更改为GitHub原始版本时,我的测试文件停止工作。 错误是: 由于其MIME类型( text/plain )不可执行,因此拒绝执行脚本...并且启用严格的MIME类型检查。 有没有办法来禁用这种行为或有一个服务,允许链接到GitHub原始文件? 工作代码: <script src="bootstrap-wysiwyg.js"></script> 非工作代码: <script src="

Does the V8 javascript engine have a GIL?

I read that the V8 Javascript engine is a just in time compiler. And that PyPy is a Python interpreter that is also a just in time compiler. PyPy is known for having a GIL in the presence of multiple threads. Does the V8 Javascript engine have something equivalent to a global interpreter lock (GIL) to deal with web worker threads? And do all dynamic languages have problems dealing with mult

V8 javascript引擎是否有GIL?

我读到V8 Javascript引擎是一个即时编译器。 PyPy是一个Python解释器,也是一个即时编译器。 PyPy以存在多线程的GIL而闻名。 V8 Javascript引擎是否具有相当于全局解释器锁(GIL)的功能来处理Web工作线程? 所有的动态语言在处理多核问题时都会遇到问题,如果有的话,为什么JIT编译器在GIL方面有问题? Chromium Web Workers是在V8隔离区之上实现的。 每个隔离本质上都是一个完全独立的V8 VM实例。 许多隔离可以在同

Force Internet Explorer 9 to execute javascript while parsing page?

Background I am working on a responsive images plugin for a CMS I use and I have chosen to use the immediate set-cookie method to tell the server the dimensions of the user's screen. For those not familiar with this, it means you set a cookie in javascript right at the top of the document, so when the browser continues parsing the rest of the document, it sends your cookie along with any

强制Internet Explorer 9在解析页面时执行JavaScript?

背景 我正在为我使用的CMS创建一个响应式图像插件,并且我选择使用立即的set-cookie方法来告诉服务器用户屏幕的尺寸。 对于那些不熟悉这一点的人来说,这意味着你在文档顶部的JavaScript中设置了一个cookie,所以当浏览器继续解析文档的其余部分时,它会发送你的cookie以及它发送给图像的任何请求。 这适用于大多数浏览器,IE9除外。 这个流行的解释似乎是,IE9在解析完文档之前并没有真正设置cookie,这看起来很奇怪。

Why is IE9 taking so long to execute some JQuery?

I have an application that executes this piece of code (JQuery 1.4.2) in an ASPX page for each element in the HTML table (500x) $(".ArtRow_" + artId).each(function () { if ($(this).find(".ArtOpen_" + artId).length <= 0) return; .... }; omitting the line with find makes this page load normally, but with the find: firefox & chrome: +- 3sec in IE9: +- 42 sec ( using 50% cpu on a dua


我有一个应用程序在ASPX页面中为HTML表格(500x)中的每个元素执行这段代码(JQuery 1.4.2) $(".ArtRow_" + artId).each(function () { if ($(this).find(".ArtOpen_" + artId).length <= 0) return; .... }; 用find行会使这个页面正常加载,但是用find: firefox&chrome:+ - 3秒 在IE9中:+ - 42秒(在双核上使用50%cpu) 我在IE中做了一个配置文件,并且95%的时间,IE正在执行函数CLASS (调用堆栈: