Jquery confirmation box

I'm looking to create a generic confirmation box that can be used by multiple widgets easily, but I'm running into problems with scope and was hoping for a clearer way of doing what I'm trying to do. Currently I have the following - (function() { var global = this; global.confirmationBox = function() { config = { container: '<div>', message:''


我期待创建一个可以被多个小部件轻松使用的通用确认框,但是我遇到了范围问题,并希望能够以更清晰的方式执行我正在尝试执行的操作。 目前我有以下 - (function() { var global = this; global.confirmationBox = function() { config = { container: '<div>', message:'' } return { config: config, render: function(caller) { var jqContainer =

What is the effect of starting a url with "//", and leaving out "http:"

Possible Duplicate: Absolute URLs omitting the protocol (scheme) in order to preserve the one of the current page I recently noticed that the embed codes for the "like" and "tweet" buttons don't include the http protocol. For example: <script type="text/javascript" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script> <script>(function(d, s, id) { va


可能重复: 绝对URL忽略协议(方案)以保留当前页面的一个 我最近注意到“like”和“tweet”按钮的嵌入代码不包含http协议。 例如: <script type="text/javascript" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connec

How to go to website from list in JavaScript

Let's say I have a list such as var websites = { website1.com, website2.com, website3.com, }; When I press something, such as a <a> tag, choose from the list of websites, and automatically go there. I don't want any customization, repeating pages are fine, I just want something basic and simple. You just need to make it a complete URL and set window.location equal t


比方说,我有一个列表,如 var websites = { website1.com, website2.com, website3.com, }; 当我按下<a>标签等内容时,请从网站列表中选择,然后自动转到该网站。 我不想要任何定制,重复页面没问题,我只想要一些基本和简单的东西。 您只需要将其设置为完整的URL并将window.location设置为与该URL相同即可。 另外,对于一个简单的列表,像[1, 2, 3]这样的数组可以比{1,2,3}这样的对象更容易使用。

go to url if div has certain bg image

I'm trying to check if a div has a certain background image, and if it has the image, then the page should navigate to a url. However, I can't get it to work, what am I doing wrong? case key.enter: if (letterIndex == 0 && $(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).prev().remove(); } else if ($('.content').css("background-image") === "url(img/screen-check.jpg)") {


我试图检查一个div是否有特定的背景图像,如果它有图像,那么页面应该导航到一个url。 但是,我无法工作,我做错了什么? case key.enter: if (letterIndex == 0 && $(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).prev().remove(); } else if ($('.content').css("background-image") === "url(img/screen-check.jpg)") { // go to url } else { $(this).closest('li').to

Issue removing duplicate val() in :checked .map function

I could use some insight or a helpful reference on where to look for checking values on selected checkboxes and if there are duplicates, only return one. I'm working on a software trial wizard using bootstrap wizard. The first tab is a "solutions catalog" where the user can filter through hundreds of solutions. Many solution types are duplicate as they apply to multiple industry

除去重复的val()in:checked .map函数

我可以使用一些见解或有用的参考资料来查找在选定复选框上检查值的位置,如果有重复项,则只返回一个。 我正在使用bootstrap向导来开发一个软件试用向导。 第一个标签是一个“解决方案目录”,用户可以通过数百种解决方案进行过滤。 许多解决方案类型都适用于多种行业类型,因此重复。 一旦用户做出选择,他们将转到标签2并查看他们的选择。 我可以映射:在下一步中检查并加入自定义分隔符中的值,但无法弄清楚如何仅显示重

Javascript redirect to hash from base url

The following is not working (I just get a reload): location.host += "/#settings"; location.reload(); How do I tell JS to navigate to a URL based on the existing url and totally reload that page (not just append the hash)? This also does not work: window.location.href = "/#settings"; My base url is "http://localhost:sss/pricing" I want to red


以下不起作用(我刚刚重新加载): location.host += "/#settings"; location.reload(); 如何让JS根据现有的url导航到一个URL并完全重新加载该页面(而不仅仅是追加散列)? 这也不起作用: window.location.href = "/#settings"; 我的基地网址是"http://localhost:sss/pricing" 我想用重新加载重定向到"http://localhost:sss/#settings" 。 我不想在任何地

Javascript/Jquery to go to URL from <input> and <datalist>

My problem: I am looking to make an input box that autocompletes suggestions as I type them in. Upon typing them taking the first selection (this is already figured out in the plug-in) by either clicking or pressing enter, I'd like to submit that selection which is tied to a URL to redirect to that new URL. Basic Example of Plug-in This here is directly from the developer's website an

Javascript / Jquery从<input>和<datalist>转到URL

我的问题:我正在寻找一个输入框,当我输入时自动填充建议。通过点击或按下回车键,在输入第一个选择(这已经在插件中已经计算出来)后,我想提交与URL关联的选择以重定向到新的URL。 插件的基本示例 这里直接来自开发者的网站,并且是一个使用的例子。 <input class="form-control awesomplete" list="mylist" /> <datalist id="mylist"> <option>Ada</option> <option>Java</option

Get browser to redirect window from modalized content

I have content in a modalized window, and when a user clicks a link, I'd like to have the entire browser redirect, not just the modal window. This doesn't work, unfortunately. Code I currently have: <a onclick="window.location.href = 'http://insert/url/here'">morestuff!</a> This only loads the url in the modal window. What can I do to get the whole window to load said ur


我在模态化窗口中有内容,当用户点击链接时,我希望整个浏览器都重定向,而不仅仅是模式窗口。 不幸的是,这不起作用。 代码我目前有: <a onclick="window.location.href = 'http://insert/url/here'">morestuff!</a> 这只会在模态窗口中加载网址。 我能做些什么来获得整个窗口来加载所述网址? 像这样的东西应该工作: <a onclick="window.parent.location.href='http://insert/url/here'">morestuff!

Populate one dropdown based on selection in another then redirect

I'm trying to build a two tier drop down menu where the second drop down populates the second. I've found a lot of examples on the site but I want my menu to redirect to a page after the second menu is selected and can't figure that bit out. I'm not that up to speed with JS so please bear with me. The code below is an example from another post: <script type="text/javascri


我正在尝试构建一个双层下拉菜单,其中第二个下拉菜单填充第二个下拉菜单。 我在网站上发现了很多例子,但是我希望我的菜单在第二个菜单被选中后重定向到一个页面,并且不能显示出来。 我对JS的速度并不满意,所以请耐心等待。 下面的代码是另一篇文章的一个例子: <script type="text/javascript"> function configureDropDownLists(ddl1,ddl2) { var colours = new Array('Black', 'White', 'Blue'); var s

Going to a URL using VueJS

I'm trying to go to a URL like this: methods: { show (file) { this.$router.go('/file/' + file.path + '?token=' + localStorage.getItem('jwt-token')); } } I'm not trying to go to a component. I just want to go to the following URL: '/file/' + file.path + '?token=' + localStorage.getItem('jwt-token') But it does not work. It's redirecting me to the home page. How


我试图去这样的网址: methods: { show (file) { this.$router.go('/file/' + file.path + '?token=' + localStorage.getItem('jwt-token')); } } 我不想去一个组件。 我只想转到以下网址: '/file/' + file.path + '?token=' + localStorage.getItem('jwt-token') 但它不起作用。 它将我重定向到主页。 我怎样才能做到这一点? 如果您想要转到不是Vue路由器URL的URL,可以通过以下方式使用标准JavaSc