I want to wrap a selected text in a div container with span, is it possible? A user will select a text and will click a button, on button click event I want to wrap that selected text with span element. I can get the selected text using window.getSelection() but how to know its exact position in DOM structure? If the selection is completely contained within a single text node, you can do thi
我想将选定的文本包装在带有span的div容器中,这有可能吗? 用户将选择一个文本,并点击一个按钮,在按钮点击事件我想用span元素来包装选定的文本。 我可以使用window.getSelection()获取选定的文本,但是如何知道它在DOM结构中的确切位置? 如果选择完全包含在单个文本节点中,则可以使用从选择中获得的范围的surroundContents()方法执行此操作。 然而,这是非常脆弱的:如果选择无法逻辑地包含在单个元素中(通常,如果
This question already has an answer here: How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript 5 answers Try the jquery-fieldselection plugin. You can download it from here. There is an example too. For obtaining the selected content in a <textarea> with Firefox: function getSel() // javascript { // obtain the object reference for the <textarea> var txtarea
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何使用JavaScript 5的答案从文本框控件中获取选定的文本 试试jquery-fieldselection插件。 你可以在这里下载。 也有一个例子。 使用Firefox获取<textarea>的选定内容: function getSel() // javascript { // obtain the object reference for the <textarea> var txtarea = document.getElementById("mytextarea"); // obtain the index of the first selecte
I am a JS programmer and I have been experimenting with jQuery a lot but have run into a couple puzzling aspects. I feel like people use jQuery for much more than necessary. I really just want to know why picking jQuery may be better than using just pure JS. I know it makes sense for webfx like the animate and fades but for things like adding event listeners it seems just as easy to use obj
我是一名JS程序员,我一直在尝试jQuery,但遇到了一些令人费解的方面。 我觉得人们使用jQuery远不止于必要。 我真的只想知道为什么选择jQuery可能比只使用纯JS更好。 我知道这对于webfx来说是有意义的,比如动画和淡入淡出,但对于添加事件侦听器等事情来说,它看起来就像使用起来一样简单 obj = document.getElementByID(_ID_); obj.addEventListener("mousedown"...); 这方面的一个例子是我今天早些时候在StackOverflow
This question already has an answer here: Get the Highlighted/Selected text 3 answers How to launch a google search in a new tab or window from javascript? 4 answers
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 获取突出显示/选定文本3个答案 如何从JavaScript的新标签或窗口启动谷歌搜索? 4个答案
This question already has an answer here: How to style a <select> dropdown with CSS only without JavaScript? 24 answers you just need to specify position of the background using percentages as follows css: background: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59666091/v.png) no-repeat 99% 50% #eeeeee; What this means is the backround position is at 99% of the box's width (so it d
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在没有JavaScript的情况下仅使用CSS设置<select>下拉菜单? 24个答案 你只需要使用百分比来指定背景的位置,如下所示 CSS: background: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59666091/v.png) no-repeat 99% 50% #eeeeee; 这意味着背景位置是盒子宽度的99% (因此它不会粘在边缘上)和其高度的50% (所以它总是垂直居中) 这是一个JSFiddle演示:http://jsfiddle.net/3s
I've been making use of the preventDefault technique on the touchmove event since now, when I noticed it doesn't seem to work anymore on iOS 11.3, for neither Safari, nor Chrome or Firefox: document.ontouchmove = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); } Has anything changed now in iOS? What's the way of preventing the bouncing at the top or end of the page? Reproduction on
从现在开始,我一直在使用touchmove事件的preventDefault技术,当时我发现它在iOS 11.3上不再适用,无论是Safari还是Chrome或Firefox: document.ontouchmove = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); } iOS中有什么变化吗? 什么是防止在页面顶部或底部弹跳的方式? 在线复制 使用jQuery在线复制 视频在这里: 这是由WebKit的一个错误引起的。 错误182521 尝试window.addEventListener("touchstart
I'm using Video.js (v6.9) and I don't understand why the seek position is behind the mouse cursor. The worst part is, Firefox is the only browser that renders it correctly, so I can't pinpoint what the issue is. Here's a screen grab of what's happening: Now this is the desired result - from YouTube: Basically, where the mouse is clicked is not where the video starts. T
我使用Video.js(v6.9),我不明白为什么查找位置在鼠标光标后面。 最糟糕的是,Firefox是唯一正确呈现它的浏览器,所以我无法确定问题所在。 以下是正在发生的事情的屏幕截图: 现在这是所需的结果 - 来自YouTube: 基本上,鼠标点击的地方不在视频开始的地方。 我试过的东西: 将Video.js从6.2更新到6.9 删除所有自定义样式 任何想法发生了什么? 如果这有帮助,我正在使用React和NPM。 你可以为你的videojs
On December 1, 2009, Google announced support for asynchronous Google Analytics tracking. The asynchronous tracking is achieved using the async directive for the <script> tag. Which browsers support the async directive ( <script async="async" /> ) and since which version? The async support as specified by google is achieved using two parts: using script on your page
在2009年12月1日,Google宣布支持异步Google Analytics跟踪。 异步跟踪是通过使用<script>标记的async指令来实现的。 哪些浏览器支持async指令( <script async="async" /> )以及哪个版本? 由google指定的异步支持使用两个部分实现: 在页面上使用脚本(该脚本由google提供)向DOM写出<script>标记。 该脚本具有async =“true”属性,以向兼容的浏览器发出信号,表明它可以继续呈现页面。
Note : This is meant to be a community wiki post To try and make user experience the best possible, what can I do to make the loading of my HTML pages more efficient? When dealing with performance of pages, there are a few important methods to keeping your page load times quick. CSS Organization Try to minimize inline CSS styles and keep commonly used CSS rules together in external styles
注意 :这是一个社区wiki文章 为尽可能地提高用户体验,我能做些什么来使HTML页面的加载更有效率? 处理页面性能时,有几个重要的方法可以快速保持页面加载时间。 CSS组织 尽量减少内联CSS样式,并将外部样式表中常用的CSS规则保留在一起。 这有助于以后保留可重用的样式,缺少样式属性会使您的HTML页面下载更快。 缩小 由于您的CSS和Javascript包含必须从您的服务器下载到客户端,因此小一些总是更好。 雅虎有一
This question already has an answer here: How to vertically center a div for all browsers? 41 answers This is how you can center elements easily: Suppose you have the following: <div class="aaa"> fsdfsd </div> Use the following css: .aaa { transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; } Here is jsfiddle: https://jsfiddl
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何垂直居中所有浏览器的div? 41个答案 这就是您可以轻松地将元素居中的方式: 假设你有以下几点: <div class="aaa"> fsdfsd </div> 使用下面的CSS: .aaa { transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; } 这里是jsfiddle:https://jsfiddle.net/ffnvjz4q/ 这是你需要的代码: #idOfForm{ transform