I have created a 3d animated model, which I managed to run in threejs. var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader(); loader.load( 'model.fbx', function ( object ) { object.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( object ); mixers.push( object.mixer ); console.log(object.animations.length); var action = object.mixer.clipAction( object.animations[ 0 ] ); action.play(); o
我创建了一个三维动画模型,我设法以三个j运行。 var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader(); loader.load( 'model.fbx', function ( object ) { object.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( object ); mixers.push( object.mixer ); console.log(object.animations.length); var action = object.mixer.clipAction( object.animations[ 0 ] ); action.play(); object.traverse( function
Is it possible in Javascript to get the contents of the HTTP Body of the resulting HTTP request that would be sent when a Form is submitted? Say I have a Form of type 'POST' with a file input and some other input fields and an enctype attribute of 'multipart/form-data'. I would like to get the verbatim HTTP Body and possibly HTTP Headers of the request the browser would generat
是否有可能在Javascript中获取提交表单时发送的HTTP请求的HTTP正文内容? 假设我有一个带有文件输入和其他一些输入字段的'POST'类型的表单,以及'multipart / form-data'的enctype属性。 如果我提交了表单(实际上没有提交它),我希望获得浏览器生成的请求的逐字逐句HTTP正文和可能的HTTP标题。 您可以使用Response , Response.body.getReader()这是一个ReadableStream来读取FormData对象的内容。 使用T
I'm trying to create a wrapper class for ReactReduxForm's Control component to add additional functionality. Here is the base class/component definition: export class Control<T> extends React.Component<ControlProps<T>, {}> { static custom: React.ComponentClass<ControlProps<HTMLInputElement>>; static input: React.ComponentClass<ControlProps<HTM
我正在尝试为ReactReduxForm的Control组件创建一个包装类来添加其他功能。 这是基类/组件定义: export class Control<T> extends React.Component<ControlProps<T>, {}> { static custom: React.ComponentClass<ControlProps<HTMLInputElement>>; static input: React.ComponentClass<ControlProps<HTMLInputElement>>; static text: React.ComponentClass<ControlP
I am building a phonegap app and use AWS Cognito to store the User data. In the description of Cognito, it is said, that the data is offline available. This does not work in my code: var add_data; function getCognitoData(){ var params = { IdentityPoolId: COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID, Logins: { 'graph.facebook.com': FACEBOOK_TOKEN } }; AWS.config.region = AWS_REGION; AWS.config.c
我正在构建phonegap应用程序并使用AWS Cognito存储用户数据。 据说Cognito的说法是,数据是离线可用的。 这在我的代码中不起作用: var add_data; function getCognitoData(){ var params = { IdentityPoolId: COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID, Logins: { 'graph.facebook.com': FACEBOOK_TOKEN } }; AWS.config.region = AWS_REGION; AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials(params); AW
This is for research purposes on http://cssfingerprint.com Consider the following code: <style> div.csshistory a { display: none; color: #00ff00;} div.csshistory a:visited { display: inline; color: #ff0000;} </style> <div id="batch" class="csshistory"> <a id="1" href="http://foo.com">anything you want here</a> <a id="2" href="http://bar.com">anythin
这是在http://cssfingerprint.com的研究目的 考虑下面的代码: <style> div.csshistory a { display: none; color: #00ff00;} div.csshistory a:visited { display: inline; color: #ff0000;} </style> <div id="batch" class="csshistory"> <a id="1" href="http://foo.com">anything you want here</a> <a id="2" href="http://bar.com">anything you want here</a> [
I am working with javascript cross domain ajax request. my code is working fine on chrome and other devices like android browser and android native app using phonegap. But i was facing issue with Firefox.. Firefox does not support my PUT and DELETE requests. Is there any solution for firefox to make put and delete request to my server. firefox does support my post and get request. both re
我正在使用javascript跨域ajax请求。 我的代码在Chrome和其他设备(如使用phonegap的android浏览器和android原生应用)上工作正常。 但我面对的问题与Firefox .. Firefox不支持我的PUT和DELETE请求。 是否有任何解决方案让Firefox向我的服务器发出请求和删除请求。 Firefox支持我的文章并获取请求。 这两个请求工作正常。 这是我的工作代码。 var XMLHttpFactories = [ function () { return new XMLHttpReque
I'm not entirely sure how to do this but I have a endpoint URL which is a POST request for login authentication. When you add a request payload, you will get either a successful login credential or an error. However, I seem to have problems with fetching the response. Here is my spec file: describe('Service: AuthFactory',function(){ beforeEach(function () { module('ui.router
我不完全确定如何做到这一点,但我有一个端点URL,这是一个POST请求登录身份验证。 当您添加请求负载时,您将获得成功的登录凭证或错误。 但是,我似乎在获取响应时遇到了问题。 这是我的spec文件: describe('Service: AuthFactory',function(){ beforeEach(function () { module('ui.router'); module('users'); module('main'); }); var AuthFactory, httpBackend; beforeEac
How do I access a page's HTTP response headers via JavaScript? Related to this question , which was modified to ask about accessing two specific HTTP headers. Related: How do I access the HTTP request header fields via JavaScript? It's not possible to read the current headers. You could make another request to the same URL and read its headers, but there is no guarantee that the
如何通过JavaScript访问页面的HTTP响应头? 与此问题相关, 该问题已修改为询问有关访问两个特定HTTP标头的问题。 有关: 如何通过JavaScript访问HTTP请求标题字段? 无法读取当前标题。 您可以对同一个网址发出另一个请求并读取其标题,但不能保证标题完全等于当前网页。 使用以下JavaScript代码通过执行get请求来获取所有HTTP标头: var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', document.location, false); r
Im working on a web app, and one feature it needs is to be able to donwload a fairly large file interactively - this file does not exist on the server - and consists entirely of data dynamically loaded from a database. Currently im using the following code (wont run for you but you can get the idea) in which i add a text box with a filename, then a hidden text area contaning all the text needed
我正在开发一个Web应用程序,它需要的一个功能是能够交互地下载一个相当大的文件 - 这个文件在服务器上不存在 - 并且完全由从数据库动态加载的数据组成。 目前即时通讯使用下面的代码(不会运行你,但你可以得到的想法),其中我添加一个文件名的文本框,然后一个隐藏的文本区域包含json风格下载所需的所有文本,然后链接到一个尝试URI下载的函数。 不确定地说,当在chrome中运行时,我得到一个页面,说URI太长而且不能工作
I am looking to find the height of every pixel from ground in the google street view. Couple of things I know can be calculated are: Pitch of a pixel Depth map of every pixel from camera There is a javascript library to fetch depth map too. Is it possible to put the two together to calculate actual height of a pixel from ground? If we know the height of the camera then this becomes a
我期待在谷歌街景中找到地面上每个像素的高度。 我知道的几件事情可以计算出来的是: 像素的间距 来自相机的每个像素的深度图 还有一个JavaScript库来获取深度图。 是否有可能将两者结合在一起来计算像素距离地面的实际高度? 如果我们知道相机的高度,那么这成为三角函数的简单问题。 tan(角度)=相机高度/深度 所以 height-above-camera = depth * tan(angle) 如果已知摄像机距离地面8英尺,那么我们可