Javascript method to navigate to other url

This question already has an answer here: How to get the browser to navigate to URL in JavaScript [duplicate] 3 answers You can use window.location=""; You can also use navigate like this (only works in some IE) window.navigate(""); window.location.href = ""; window.location = "" Or: window.location.href


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何让浏览器在JavaScript中导航到URL [复制] 3个答案 您可以使用 window.location=""; 您也可以像这样使用导航(只适用于某些IE) window.navigate(""); window.location.href = ""; window.location = "" 要么: window.location.href = "" 如果你想刷新你可以使用方

Get frame from Img tag with a url source in Javascript

I have a img tag in my html <img width="600px" height ="400px" id='the_img_1' src=''> Img element is displaying the video from a local url. I want to get a frame(or image in jpg form) of video from this img tag in javascript. Is this possible? 我希望这会帮助你,这正是你想要的,这不是最好的方式,但它是按照你的要求: var imgTags = document.getElementsByTa


我在我的HTML中有一个img标签 <img width="600px" height ="400px" id='the_img_1' src=''> Img元素正在显示来自本地网址的视频。 我想从javascript中的这个img标签中获得一个框架(或者jpg格式的图片)。 这可能吗? 我希望这会帮助你,这正是你想要的,这不是最好的方式,但它是按照你的要求: var imgTags = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0; i<imgTags.lengt

Adding image src in the inline html under javascript

Hi I am showing a infoWindow on click of the marker on google map , the content of the infoWindow is an inline html along with img tag the src of the image changes for every marker,I want to get the img src dynamicaly the code what iv done is var contentString = '<div id="content">'+ '<div id="siteNotice">'+ '<img id="image" alt="No Photograph to Display" src="" width="400px"

在javascript下的inline html中添加图像src

您好我正在显示一个infoWindow点击在谷歌地图上的标记,infoWindow的内容是一个内嵌的HTML与img标记的图像的src为每个标记更改,我想获得IMG SRC dynamicaly代码什么iv完成了 var contentString = '<div id="content">'+ '<div id="siteNotice">'+ '<img id="image" alt="No Photograph to Display" src="" width="400px" height="250px" />'+ '</div>'+ '<h1 id="firstHeading" class="fir

encoding lost when attribute read from input field

I'm using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example, <input id='hiddenId' type='hidden' value='chalk &amp; cheese' /> gets pulled into <input type='text' value='chalk &amp; cheese' /> via some jQuery to get the value from the hidden field (it's at this point that I lose t


我使用JavaScript从隐藏字段中提取值并将其显示在文本框中。 隐藏字段中的值被编码。 例如, <input id='hiddenId' type='hidden' value='chalk &amp; cheese' /> 被拉进去 <input type='text' value='chalk &amp; cheese' /> 通过一些jQuery从隐藏字段中获取值(在这一点上,我失去了编码): $('#hiddenId').attr('value') 问题在于,当我读到chalk &amp; cheese 来自隐藏领域的chalk &

Returning both Partial View and a Message

I have a partialview where it's possible to change a Connection String. When submitting an Edit action is called. From here I want to either return and re-open the partial view if I want the user to have a second go. If everything went well (or crashing) I want to call my JavaScript function Logout , that logs the user out and redirect to some startpage. Both solutions works, just not to


我有一个partialview可以更改连接字符串。 提交Edit操作时被调用。 从这里我想要返回并重新打开局部视图,如果我希望用户有第二次去。 如果一切顺利(或崩溃),我想调用我的JavaScript函数Logout ,它将用户注销并重定向到某个首页。 两种解决方案都有效,只是不在一起 我显然错过了一些最佳做法,我该怎么办? 部分视图:EditSetting @model WebConsole.ViewModels.Setting.SettingViewModel @using (Ajax.BeginForm(

Catch too long form submission

I am developing an HTML page which has simple HTML form (nothing special) being submitted by button. There is a couple of situations when form submitted and response comes too long (if whenever really comes back). How can i organize the form the way it fires some callback when waiting a response is too long? We could show up some notice for user, indicating our server is overloaded in that sit


我正在开发一个HTML页面,它具有简单的HTML表单(没有特别的)被按钮提交。 有几种情况表单提交和响应时间太长(如果每次真的回来)。 如何在等待响应时间过长时触发某些回调的方式来组织表单? 我们可能会显示一些用户通知,表明我们的服务器在这种情况下超载。 这是通过表单发送的请求: POST HTTP/1.1 Host: Proxy-Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 83 Cache-Control: max

ASP.Net MVC: HTTP Error 414. The request URL is too long

I am developing an ASP.Net MVC application. On the button click, I am calling JavaScript function. this.appDetails = function() { editorModel.appModel.application.Name = $("#appTitleText").val(); editorModel.appModel.application.Nicknames_c = $("#appNicknames").val(); editorModel.appModel.application.Default_HMI__c = $("#AppModel_application_Default_HMI__c")

ASP.Net MVC:HTTP错误414.请求URL太长

我正在开发一个ASP.Net MVC应用程序。 在按钮上单击,我打电话给JavaScript函数。 this.appDetails = function() { editorModel.appModel.application.Name = $("#appTitleText").val(); editorModel.appModel.application.Nicknames_c = $("#appNicknames").val(); editorModel.appModel.application.Default_HMI__c = $("#AppModel_application_Default_HMI__c").val(); ed

Input File Length in Internet Explorer

I want to get the number of files selected for input file. In HTML, I have: <input id="photoFile" type="file" name="pictures" multiple="multiple"/> Im using JQuery and I have: $('#photoFile').get(0).files.length; But I found out this is not a solution for Internet Explorer. It works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. How to make it work also in IE 8+? 即使IE9不支持HTML5 File API

在Internet Explorer中输入文件长度

我想获取为输入文件选择的文件数量。 在HTML中,我有: <input id="photoFile" type="file" name="pictures" multiple="multiple"/> 我使用JQuery和我有: $('#photoFile').get(0).files.length; 但是我发现这不是Internet Explorer的解决方案。 它适用于Chrome,Firefox,Safari和Opera。 如何使它在IE 8+中也能正常工作? 即使IE9不支持HTML5 File API,因此它会为文件属性返回未定义的值。 它是File API,它在IE

Firefox Web Console Disabled?

How come I get this message from Firefox Web Console The Web Console logging API (console.log,, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page The same webpage can print messages in Chrome Console but not Firefox. I opened the same webpage in another computers' Firefox (don't know what version) Web Console can print messages. My Firefox version

Firefox Web控制台已禁用?

我如何从Firefox Web Console获取此消息? Web控制台日志API(console.log,,console.warn,console.error)已被此页面上的脚本禁用 同一网页可以在Chrome控制台中打印消息,但不能在Firefox中打印消息。 我在另一台电脑的Firefox中打开了相同的网页(不知道是哪个版本),Web控制台可以打印邮件。 我的Firefox版本是最新的,8.0。 例如,当页面本身定义了一个名为console的全局变量时,就会发生这种情况。

How to make Google Chrome JavaScript console persistent?

Since I'm building a dynamic site, I need to track the changes between pages, ie. Ajax calls, POST, GET stuff and similar stuff. I'm looking for the same functionality like in Firebug (where you can enable "persistent" and the console is not cleared every time you reload a page or submit a form. So, my questions is: is there a way to make Google Chrome JavaScript console pe


由于我正在构建动态网站,因此我需要跟踪页面之间的更改,即。 Ajax调用,POST,GET东西和类似的东西。 我正在寻找与Firebug相同的功能(您可以在其中启用“持久性”功能,并且每次重新加载页面或提交表单时都不会清除控制台。 所以,我的问题是: 有没有办法让Chrome浏览器JavaScript控制台持久? (如果是,如何?) 更新 :在这里复制答案,如果有人仍然在寻找这个,Chrome 14+在Developer Tools> Settings中设置了