I have simple image uploader in a website and a javascript function which uses FileReader and converts image to base64 to display it for user without uploading it to actual server. function generateThumb(file) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); fileReader.onload = function (e) { // Converts the image to base64 file.dataUrl = e.target.
我在网站上有一个简单的图片上传器和一个JavaScript函数,它使用FileReader并将图像转换为base64,以便将其显示给用户,而无需将其上传到实际服务器。 function generateThumb(file) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); fileReader.onload = function (e) { // Converts the image to base64 file.dataUrl = e.target.result; }; } 现在我正在尝试使用Moc
Is it possible to manually add NG animate to an element? For example I want to add ng-enter and ng-leave when a ng-class is added or removed. But I also need ng-enter-active and ng-leave-active classes that gives me more control over the animation process. Yes, you can. But you've to do some trick here like following. Use https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ for your application. I
是否可以手动添加NG动画元素? 例如,我想在添加或删除ng-class时添加ng-enter和ng-leave。 但是我还需要ng-enter-active和ng-leave-active类,这使我可以更好地控制动画过程。 是的你可以。 但是你必须像下面这样做一些技巧。 为您的应用程序使用https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/。 它默认有很好的动画。 如果你将这个添加到你的元素,每当插入到DOM的元素,都会有一个动画。 但是在你的场景中,当你根据你
How to use Globalize 1.0 in html web application . I need to get the below information using Globalize 1.0 support How to create simple sample with Globalize 1.0 support. How to get the default currency and percentage symbol using Globalize 1.0 support and how to change the symbol dynamically How to get the Positive / Negative pattern for Currency/Percentage value of the specified culture
如何在html web应用程序中使用Globalize 1.0。 我需要使用Globalize 1.0支持来获得以下信息 如何使用Globalize 1.0支持创建简单示例。 如何使用Globalize 1.0支持获取默认货币和百分比符号以及如何动态更改该符号 如何获得指定文化的货币/百分比值的正/负模式以及如何动态更改模式 如何获取指定文化的默认日期格式。 如何获取指定文化的默认组分隔符和小数点分隔符 如果您有任何问题的样品或代码段意味着请分享。
I use the javascript plugin dataTables.fixedHeader and fill the data with ajax. Now I have the problem, that the width of each data-column is dynamically and the header stays on the same static width. Code: HTML: <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="custTable"> <thead> <tr>
我使用JavaScript插件dataTables.fixedHeader并用ajax填充数据。 现在我遇到了问题,即每个数据列的宽度都是动态的,并且标题保持相同的静态宽度。 码: HTML: <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="custTable"> <thead> <tr> <th> ......
I am working on an AJAX application with a lot of Javascript. All pages are loaded through AJAX. On a certain page I have a grid which is build in Javascript. Now when I leave that page I want to destroy that grid. I call jQuery.remove() but this only deletes the object from the DOM. My question is how can I delete this grid object from the memory? Cause it still exists when I move away f
我正在使用大量Javascript来处理AJAX应用程序。 所有页面都通过AJAX加载。 在某个页面上,我有一个使用Javascript构建的网格。 现在,当我离开那个页面时,我想摧毁那个网格。 我调用jQuery.remove(),但这只会从DOM中删除对象。 我的问题是如何从内存中删除这个网格对象? 因为当我离开页面时它仍然存在。 非常感激! 如果删除对网格的所有引用(即将空值赋予变量),则垃圾回收器将从内存中删除该对象。 将网格
I'm confused about this since I've seen several different comments. I'm reading a javascript book where it mentions that setting global variables to null is good practice (assuming there are no other references) and the GC reclaims memory for this variable on it's next sweep. I've seen other comments that say global variables are never disposed by the GC. Also when program
自从我看到几条不同的评论后,我对此感到困惑。 我正在阅读一本JavaScript书籍,其中提到将全局变量设置为null是很好的做法(假设没有其他引用),并且GC在下一次扫描时为此变量回收内存。 我见过其他评论,说全局变量永远不会被GC处置。 当在OOP结构中编程JavaScript时,如果我有这样的事情(游戏在全局环境中)会发生什么: var game = {}; game.level = 0; game.hero = new hero(); //do stuff game.hero = null; 因为
Does JavaScript support garbage collection? For example, if I use: function sayHello (name){ var myName = name; alert(myName); } do I need to use "delete" to delete the myName variable or I just ignore it? 忽略它 - 在sayHello函数完成之后,myName落在范围之外并被gc化。 no. delete is used to remove properties from objects, not for memory management. JavaScript supports ga
JavaScript是否支持垃圾收集? 例如,如果我使用: function sayHello (name){ var myName = name; alert(myName); } 我是否需要使用“删除”删除myName变量或者我只是忽略它? 忽略它 - 在sayHello函数完成之后,myName落在范围之外并被gc化。 没有。 delete用于从对象中删除属性,而不用于内存管理。 JavaScript支持垃圾收集。 在这种情况下,由于你明确地声明了函数中的变量,它将在函数退出并在某个时间之
If i have a function like this function do(callback) { //do stuff callback(); } and then I pass in an anonymous function: do(function() { //do something else }); does that anonymous function ever get collected during the lifespan of the page? If not, how can i make it available for GC? do I have to do this? var h = function() { //do something }; do(h); delete h; Do I even have to wor
如果我有这样的功能 function do(callback) { //do stuff callback(); } 然后我传递一个匿名函数: do(function() { //do something else }); 这个匿名函数是否在页面的生命周期中被收集? 如果没有,我如何使它可用于GC? 我必须这样做吗? var h = function() { //do something }; do(h); delete h; 我甚至不必担心这个吗? 我正在构建一个具有很长使用期限的Web应用程序,这使得大量的Ajax调用会将对象保留一段
I am building large website with heavy javascript usage, all of my content is being loaded trough ajax , it is very similar to facebook, and since there is a lot of different pages i need a lot of javascript, so what i thought of is to divide my script in to sections, each page would have it's own script file. Now loading is simple, i just load a new file with each page, but my concern is w
我正在构建大型网站,其中使用了大量JavaScript,我的所有内容都是通过ajax加载的,它与Facebook非常相似,并且由于有很多不同的页面,我需要大量的JavaScript,所以我想到的是将我的脚本分成几个部分,每个页面都有它自己的脚本文件。 现在加载很简单,我只是每个页面加载一个新文件,但是我担心如果用户通过100个不同的页面并加载100个不同的脚本文件会发生什么? 目前,我的网站没有那么多页面,但我相信它将在未来某个时
I'm having trouble destroying Sprites in Phaser. I have a JavaScript object, let's call it Block. Block has a sprite property, that gets set like so: this.sprite = this.game.add.sprite(this.x, this.y, 'blocks', this.color); At a certain point in my code, Block is referenced by two different arrays: square[0] = Block; destroy[0] = Block; On a certain Update() cycle, I need to destro
我无法在Phaser中销毁Sprites。 我有一个JavaScript对象,我们称它为Block。 Block有一个精灵属性,可以这样设置: this.sprite = this.game.add.sprite(this.x, this.y, 'blocks', this.color); 在我的代码中的某个点,Block被两个不同的数组引用: square[0] = Block; destroy[0] = Block; 在某个Update()周期中,我需要销毁精灵,所以我使用下面的代码: square[0].sprite.destroy(true); //Destroy the sprite. squ