var arr = [-3, -34, 1, 32, -100]; How can I remove all items and just leave an empty array? And is it a good idea to use this? arr = []; Thank you very much! If there are no other references to that array, then just create a new empty array over top of the old one: array = []; If you need to modify an existing array—if, for instance, there's a reference to that array stored elsewhere:
var arr = [-3, -34, 1, 32, -100]; 我怎样才能删除所有的项目,只留下一个空的数组? 这是一个好主意吗? arr = []; 非常感谢你! 如果没有其他对该数组的引用,则只需在旧数组之上创建一个新的空数组: array = []; 如果您需要修改现有的数组,例如,如果存在对该数组存储在别处的引用: var array1 = [-3, -34, 1, 32, -100]; var array2 = array1; // This. array1.length = 0; // Or this. while (array1.length
In C++ I can define a constructor and destructor explicitly, and then cout << "C or D Called" from with in the constructor/destructor function, to know exactly where. However in JavaScript how do I know when an object is destructed. The example below is the case that concerns me. I'm calling an internal function on a timeout and I'm wondering if the object stays alive
在C ++中,我可以明确地定义一个构造函数和析构函数,然后在构造函数/析构函数中用cout <<“C或D调用”from来精确地知道在哪里。 然而,在JavaScript中,我怎么知道对象何时被破坏。 下面的例子是关于我的情况。 我正在调用一个超时的内部函数,并且我想知道,只要定时器正在运行,对象就会保持活动状态,等待再次调用下一个。 用户点击呼叫控制 // Calls Control 控制呼叫消息 var message_object = new Message(
How does garbage collection work in JavaScript? Is it similar to .NET garbage collection? And is it because the implementation of garbage collection in VBScript is bad that people avoided it and established a preference for JavaScript as their standard client-side language? How does garbage collection work? The short answer is: When a block of memory (an object, say) is no longer reachable,
垃圾收集如何在JavaScript中工作? 它与.NET垃圾收集类似吗? 这是因为在VBScript中实施垃圾收集很糟糕,人们避免了它,并建立了JavaScript作为其标准客户端语言的偏好? 垃圾回收如何工作? 简短的回答是:当一块内存(一个对象,比如说)不再可达时,它有资格被回收。 何时,如何或是否回收完全取决于实施,而不同的实施方式则以不同的方式进行。 但在语言层面上,这是自动的。 例如: function foo() { var bar
Coming from C++ it is hard grained into my mind that everytime I call new I call delete . In JavaScript I find myself calling new occasionally in my code but (hoping) the garbage collection functionality in the browser will take care of the mess for me. I don't like this - is there a delete method in JavaScript and is how I use it different from in C++? Thanks. var component = new Compo
在C ++未来就很难晶到我的脑海里,每次我叫new我打电话delete 。 在JavaScript中,我发现自己偶尔会在代码中调用new代码,但是(希望)浏览器中的垃圾收集功能会为我处理混乱。 我不喜欢这样 - JavaScript中是否有delete方法,并且我是如何使用它与C ++不同的? 谢谢。 var component = new Component(); component = null; // delete this at next garbage collection 顺便提一下,“新”关键字在JavaScript中并不是真正
function include(arr,obj) { return (arr.indexOf(obj) != -1); } EDIT: This will not work on IE6, 7 or 8 though. The best workaround is to define it yourself if it's not present: Mozilla's (ECMA-262) version: if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex */) { "use strict"; if (this === void 0 || this === n
function include(arr,obj) { return (arr.indexOf(obj) != -1); } 编辑:这不会在IE6,7或8上工作。 最好的解决方法是自己定义它,如果它不存在: Mozilla的(ECMA-262)版本: if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex */) { "use strict"; if (this === void 0 || this === null) throw new TypeError(); var t = Obj
I've ran into some weird cases of positioning problems when lazy loading CSS in Chrome, eg the positioning of some elements (absolute, relative and cascaded) is off by sometimes huge margin. Basically what I'm doing is leaving out the standard loading of the stylesheet via an link-Tag and instead placing a placeholder span-Tag for the sake of having an easy way to retrieve the URL later
在Chrome中延迟加载CSS时,我遇到了一些定位问题的奇怪例子,例如某些元素(绝对,相对和级联)的定位有时会有巨大的空白。 基本上我正在做的是通过链接标签取消样式表的标准加载,而是放置一个占位符span-Tag,以便在后面检索URL的简单方法 - 标签。 在DOM完全加载后,我用如下生成的链接标签替换span-Tag: loadCSS: function() { var el = jQuery('.is_css'); if(!el.length) return; // Build link element
I have a droppable unordered list named <ul class="droppable"> . Inside the unordered list I have dynamicly generated list items named <li class="placeholder"></li> , which are also droppable. When dropping a draggable item between a placeholder, all works fine. But when dropping a draggable item on the <li class="placeholder"></li>
我有一个名为<ul class="droppable">的可拖曳的无序列表。 在无序列表中,我动态生成了名为<li class="placeholder"></li>列表项,这些列表项也可以放置。 在占位符之间放置可拖动项目时,一切正常。 但是当在<li class="placeholder"></li>本身放置一个可拖动的项目时,可拖动的项目会被附加到占位符和无序列表中。 所以我得到了它的双倍克隆。 这里有一
Apple's iPad Mini is a smaller clone of the iPad 2 in more ways than we'd want. In JavaScript, the window.navigator object exposes the same values for the Mini and iPad 2. My tests so far to detect the difference have not lead to success. Why is this important? As the iPad Mini and iPad 2 screens are identical in pixels but vary in actual size (inches / centimeters), they vary in PPI
苹果的iPad Mini是iPad 2的一个更小的克隆,其方式比我们想要的更多。 在JavaScript中, window.navigator对象为Mini和iPad 2提供了相同的值。我迄今为止检测差异的测试没有成功。 为什么这很重要? 由于iPad Mini和iPad 2屏幕像素相同,但实际尺寸(英寸/厘米)不同,因此它们在PPI(每英寸像素)上有所不同。 对于网络应用程序和游戏提供友好的用户界面,某些元素的尺寸相对于用户的拇指或手指位置进行了调整,因此,我
I have made an image gallery in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS by using jQuery mobile. IE Phonegap platform ok. The images are coming dynamically and are loaded in it, like this: Above mouseSwipe Slider: TYPE: 'mouseSwipe' HORIZ: true plugin available at The problem coming with it is that I cannot clic
我使用jQuery mobile在HTML5,JavaScript和CSS中制作了一个图片库。 IE Phonegap平台确定。 这些图像会动态地加载并加载,如下所示: 鼠标滑动滑块上方: TYPE: 'mouseSwipe' HORIZ: true plugin available at 随之而来的问题是我无法点击图像并转到下一页,因为两个事件一起发生。 第二个问题是我无法从画廊放置的地
Can anyone tell me, or point me in the direction of how to get an image from the phone's image gallery in Phonegap / Android? There's docs on accessing the camera (which works great) but not selecting an existing image. I'm looking for Phonegap / Javascript rather than Java. Thanks in advance! Erm, the Camera docs cover this. Is this not working for you? Check out Camera.Pict
任何人都可以告诉我,或者指出我如何从Phonegap / Android的手机图像库中获取图像? 有关于访问摄像头的文档(效果很好),但没有选择现有的图像。 我正在寻找Phonegap / Javascript而不是Java。 提前致谢! 嗯, Camera文档涵盖了这一点。 这不适合你吗? 有关详细信息,请查看Camera.PictureSourceType 。 文档站点给出了这个例子来导出图像: function getPhoto(source) { // Retrieve image file location from