Prevent history propagation to the parent window

I have 2 simple html pages: parent and child. Parent stores child inside the iframe . Parent.html: <html> <head></head> <body> <input type="text" id="text" /> <input type="button" value="change hash" onclick="javascript:changeHash()" /> <iframe src="Child.html"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeHash () {


我有2个简单的HTML页面:父母和孩子。 Parent将子项存储在iframe 。 Parent.html: <html> <head></head> <body> <input type="text" id="text" /> <input type="button" value="change hash" onclick="javascript:changeHash()" /> <iframe src="Child.html"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeHash () { window.location.ha

Trigger events on content

I wrote a Chrome Extension that automatically fills some registration forms. There are some select fields that need to be triggered on " change " event in order to start some Ajax calls. First I use JQuery attr or val to change the value of the select field, and than I use .trigger to invoke the "change" event, but this last one doesn't work. Example: I want to sele


我编写了一个Chrome扩展程序,自动填写一些注册表单。 有些选择字段需要在“ 更改 ”事件上触发才能启动一些Ajax调用。 首先,我使用JQuery attr或val来更改select字段的值,并且使用.trigger来调用“change”事件,但最后一个不起作用。 例: 我想选择包含单词“London”的选项并调用change元素,以启动一些在“change”事件上有一些监听器的本地代码的操作 jQuery("#SelectElement option:contains('London')").attr("selected"

Signing jwt token with refresh token as payload

How I understand jwt based authentication should work: Client sends log-in credentials to server. Server verifies if credentials are correct and responds with a signed jwt token and a refresh token, while also storing the refresh token in database. Client uses jwt token as a Authentication header in all requests. When the jwt token has expired, server responds with 401 Unauthorized . Cl


我如何理解基于jwt的身份验证应该工作: 客户端将登录凭据发送到服务器。 服务器验证凭证是否正确,并使用签名的jwt令牌和刷新令牌进行响应,同时还将刷新令牌存储在数据库中。 客户端在所有请求中使用jwt token作为Authentication标头。 当jwt令牌过期时,服务器响应401 Unauthorized 。 客户端使用Authentication标头中的刷新标记发送刷新jwt标记的请求。 服务器检查数据库中是否存在刷新令牌,并且它尚未过期。

Handling JWT expiration and JWT payload update

I have a Koa based Node.js backend for my personal/hobby application. I implemented session handling with JWT tokens. The client (AngularJS) gets the token after a successful login and stores the token somewhere (currently in sessionStorage but for the purposes of this question it shouldn't matter). I have two questions: When I need to update the user record which the JWT represents, s


我有一个基于Koa的Node.js后端,用于我的个人/业余爱好应用程序。 我用JWT令牌实现会话处理。 客户端(AngularJS)在成功登录后获取令牌并将令牌存储在某处(目前在sessionStorage但对于这个问题目的不重要)。 我有两个问题: 当我需要更新JWT代表的用户记录时,例如,用户打开双因素身份验证(2FA),所以我要求他提供他的电话号码,并且我想在用户记录中设置此电话号码。 目前,在成功验证电话号码后,我打电话给后台

Saving app state in jQuery mobile

I have done a bit of research on how to do this but can't find any.I have an app that has a Home page.On this homepage, there is a Register button.I want to implement a system where if the user clicks on this and registers, the app never starts with the Register button displayed again,but rather, a view Profile button.How do i implement such a system? My guess is to store some boolean value

在jQuery mobile中保存应用程序状态

我已经做了一些研究如何做到这一点,但找不到任何。我有一个应用程序,有一个Home在这个主页上,有一个Register按钮。我想实现一个系统,如果用户点击在这个和注册,应用程序永远不会再次显示Register按钮,而是一个view Profile按钮。我该如何实现这样一个系统? 我的猜测是在localstorage中存储一些布尔值,并在应用程序启动时检查此值? 更新:我只是想补充一点,我的jQuery手机应用程序与已经使用Google User's Servi

AngularJS + PHP. Login panel

I have very big problem with login panel. I am still learning AngularJS. Can you help me with login panel? Here is my code guys. I don't know what I should do now: api.php: public function getLogin() { $sql = "SELECT login FROM users WHERE login='$username' AND password='$password'"; return $this->db->fetchAll(); } $app->get('/login', function ()

AngularJS + PHP。 登录面板

我对登录面板有很大的问题。 我仍然在学习AngularJS。 你能帮助我登录面板? 这是我的代码人。 我不知道我现在该做什么:api.php: public function getLogin() { $sql = "SELECT login FROM users WHERE login='$username' AND password='$password'"; return $this->db->fetchAll(); } $app->get('/login', function () use ($app, $DataProvider) { $login = $DataProvid

Authentication for users on a Single Page App?

I have developed a single page app prototype that is using Backbone on the front end and going to consume from a thin RESTful API on the server for it's data. Coming from heavy server side application development (php and python), I have really enjoyed the new different design approach with a thick client side MVC but am confused on how best to restrict the app to authenticated users who lo


我开发了一个单页面应用程序原型,它在前端使用Backbone,并将从服务器上的瘦RESTful API消耗数据。 来自沉重的服务器端应用程序开发(PHP和Python),我真的很喜欢新的不同的设计方法与厚的客户端MVC,但很困惑如何将应用程序限制为登录身份验证的用户。 我更喜欢将应用程序本身放在登录后面,并且还希望除了网站的本地登录外,还最终实现其他类型的登录(openid,fb connect等)。 我不清楚这是如何完成的,并且一直在寻

Redirect with post data

How can I redirect with post data? How to move to new page with $_POST ? How to do this? How is it done and whyfore shall it be done There is a JQuery plug-in that accomplishes pretty much what you're trying to do: After including JQuery and the jquery.redirect.min.js plug-in, you can simply do something like


我如何重定向发布数据? 如何使用$_POST移动到新页面? 这个怎么做? 它是如何完成的,为什么要这样做 有一个JQuery插件可以完成你想要做的事情:。 在包含JQuery和jquery.redirect.min.js插件之后,您可以简单地执行如下操作: $().redirect('demo.php', {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'}); 在新的JQuery版本上使用下面的代码: $

Javascript Post on Form Submit open a new window shows you how to submit a form that you create via JavaScript via post. Below is my modified code. var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", "test.jsp"); var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name",

Javascript在表单上发布提交打开一个新窗口向您展示了如何提交一个您通过JavaScript创建的表单。 以下是我修改的代码。 var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", "test.jsp"); var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "id"); hiddenField.setAttrib

prevent refresh of page when button inside form clicked

I have an issue while using buttons inside form. I want that button to call function. It does, but with unwanted result that it refresh the page. My simple code goes like this <form method="POST"> <button name="data" onclick="getData()">Click</button> </form> On clicking the button, the function gets called with page refreshed, which resets all my previous reques


我在使用窗体中的按钮时遇到了一个问题。 我想要那个按钮来调用函数。 它确实存在,但会导致不必要的结果刷新页面。 我的简单代码就是这样 <form method="POST"> <button name="data" onclick="getData()">Click</button> </form> 点击该按钮时,该函数会刷新页面,这会重置我之前请求的所有影响当前页面的前一个请求的结果。 我应该怎么做才能防止页面刷新? 让getData()返回false。 这