I'm trying to import a utilities file but running into a weird error only when I run the code through a script. When I run test.py location: /home/amourav/Python/proj/test.py code: import os os.chdir(r'/home/amourav/Python/') print os.listdir(os.getcwd()) print os.getcwd() from UTILS import * The output is: ['UTILS_local.py','UTILS.py', 'proj', 'UTILS.pyc
我试图导入一个实用程序文件,但只有在通过脚本运行代码时才会遇到奇怪的错误。 当我运行test.py 位置:/home/amourav/Python/proj/test.py 码: import os os.chdir(r'/home/amourav/Python/') print os.listdir(os.getcwd()) print os.getcwd() from UTILS import * 输出是: ['UTILS_local.py','UTILS.py','proj','UTILS.pyc'] /家庭/ amourav / Python的 Traceback(最近
I basically want to learn a faster way to slice a Pandas dataframe with conditional slicing based on regex. For example the following df (there's more than 4 variations in the string_column, they are only for illustrative purposes): index, string_col1, string_col2, value 0, 'apple', 'this', 10 1, 'pen', 'is', 123 2, 'pineapple', 'sparta', 20 3, 'pen pineapple apple pen', 'this', 234 4, 'app
我基本上想学习一种更快速的方法来基于正则表达式切分一个Pandas数据框和条件切片。 例如下面的df(string_column中有4个以上的变体,它们仅用于说明目的): index, string_col1, string_col2, value 0, 'apple', 'this', 10 1, 'pen', 'is', 123 2, 'pineapple', 'sparta', 20 3, 'pen pineapple apple pen', 'this', 234 4, 'apple', 'is', 212 5, 'pen', 'sparta', 50 6, 'pineapple', 'this', 69 7, 'pen pineapple apple
I am new to Python. I am attempting to create a Python OCR program, and am following a tutorial online for it. Here is the recommended code I use: from PIL import Image from pytesser import * image_file = 'menu.tif' im = Image.open(image_file) text = image_to_string(im) text = image_file_to_string(image_file) text = image_file_to_string(image_file, graceful_errors=True) print "=====output====
我是Python的新手。 我正在尝试创建一个Python OCR程序,并且正在为它进行在线教程。 这里是我使用的推荐代码: from PIL import Image from pytesser import * image_file = 'menu.tif' im = Image.open(image_file) text = image_to_string(im) text = image_file_to_string(image_file) text = image_file_to_string(image_file, graceful_errors=True) print "=====output=======n" print text 教程链接在这里找到。
Python 3.6.1 Mac OSX Regarding Tesseract, I have tried so many different sample/template codes I have found online for PDF -> Text and Image -> Text. None of them seem to work. Please let me know if you know of a code that works or a website with a good tutorial for either Tesseract, Poppler, or both. Pytesser seems outdated. Magick seems to be a windows only program. Wand does not
Python 3.6.1 Mac OSX 关于Tesseract,我已经尝试了很多不同的样本/模板代码,我已经在网上找到了PDF - >文本和图像 - >文本。 他们似乎都没有工作。 请让我知道,如果你知道一个可用的代码或一个带有Tesseract,Poppler或两者的好教程的网站。 Pytesser似乎过时了。 Magick似乎是一个仅限Windows的程序。 魔杖似乎也没有帮助。 Tesseract-OCR是我正在尝试使用的,但我不知道如何为它设置代码,并且无法找到可
I'm trying to write an OCR script with Python (2.7, Windows OS) to get text from images. First I've downloaded PyTesser and extracted it to Python27/Lib/site-packages as 'pytesser' and I've installed tesseract with pip install tesseract . Then I wrote the following script as self.py: from PIL import Image from pytesser.pytesser import * image_file = 'C:/Users/blabla/test.p
我试图用Python(2.7,Windows OS)编写OCR脚本来从图像中获取文本。 首先,我已经下载了PyTesser并将其作为“pytesser”提取到Python27 / Lib / site-packages,并且已经使用pip install tesseract 。 然后,我将下面的脚本编写为self.py: from PIL import Image from pytesser.pytesser import * image_file = 'C:/Users/blabla/test.png' im = Image.open(image_file) text = image_to_string(im) text = image_file_to_str
I'm new on Python. I'm working in an OCR project. I'm using Python 2.7.12 on Windows 7. I have installed tesseract in the path "C:Program Files (x86)Tesseract-OCR" I found the pytesser library v0.0.2 here: https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/11386640/# When I run the code: from pytesser import * image=Image.open('dis.tiff') text=image_to_string(image) print (text)
我是Python新手。 我正在从事OCR项目。 我在Windows 7上使用Python 2.7.12。我已经在路径“C: Program Files(x86) Tesseract-OCR”中安装了tesseract, 我在这里找到了pytesser库v0.0.2:https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/11386640/# 当我运行代码时: from pytesser import * image=Image.open('dis.tiff') text=image_to_string(image) print (text) 它调用tesseract并出现tesseract.exe窗口(请参阅图像:htt
I have never used python before, and I am not sure where to start. My goal is to take image data, of numbers and multicolored background, and reliably get the correct characters identified. I looked into the tools necessary for this and I found the Anaconda python distribution which included all the possible packages I might need for this, as well as tesseract-ocr and pytesser. Unfortunately,
我从来没有用过python,我不知道从哪里开始。 我的目标是拍摄数字和多彩背景的图像数据,并可靠地获取识别出的正确字符。 我研究了必要的工具,并且我发现了Anaconda python发行版,它包含了我可能需要的所有可能的软件包,以及tesseract-ocr和pytesser。 不幸的是,我迷失在如何开始。 我使用PyCharm社区IDE,并试图遵循本指南:http://www.manejandodatos.es/2014/11/ocr-python-easy/掌握OCR。 这是我正在使用的代码:
Evening everyone, I am trying to use a tesseract (OCR) python wrapper found here, with the first example: https://code.google.com/p/python-tesseract/wiki/CodeSnippets I am using Python27, on a Windows XP machine. Everything is 32 bit. I have installed all the dependencies, found in this guide: http://opencvpython.blogspot.com/2012/05/install-opencv-in-windows-for-python.html I checked th
晚上大家, 我正在尝试使用这里找到的tesseract(OCR)python包装器,第一个示例是:https://code.google.com/p/python-tesseract/wiki/CodeSnippets 我在Windows XP机器上使用Python27。 一切都是32位。 我已经安装了本指南中的所有依赖关系:http://opencvpython.blogspot.com/2012/05/install-opencv-in-windows-for-python.html 我检查了环境变量:TESSDATA_PREFIX = C: Program Files Tesseract-OCR tessdata
I have been experimenting with PyTesser for the past couple of hours and it is a really nice tool. Couple of things I noticed about the accuracy of PyTesser: File with icons, images and text - 5-10% accurate File with only text(images and icons erased) - 50-60% accurate File with stretching(And this is the best part) - Stretching file in 2) above on x or y axis increased the accuracy by 10
过去几个小时我一直在用PyTesser进行试验,这是一个非常好的工具。 我注意到有关PyTesser的准确性的几件事: 文件与图标,图像和文本 - 5-10%的准确性 仅包含文本的文件(已删除图像和图标) - 精确度为50-60% 拉伸文件(这是最好的部分) - 在x或y轴上拉伸2)中的文件将精度提高10-20% 显然,Pytesser并不关心字体维度或图像拉伸。 虽然有很多关于图像处理和OCR的理论可以阅读,但是在应用PyTesser或其他图书馆之
randrange(start, stop) only takes integer arguments. So how would I get a random number between two float values? 使用random.uniform(a,b): >>> random.uniform(1.5, 1.9) 1.8733202628557872 random.uniform(a, b) appears to be what your looking for. From the docs: Return a random floating point number N such that a <= N <= b for a <= b and b <= N <= a for b < a.
randrange(start, stop)只接受整数参数。 那么如何获得两个浮点值之间的随机数? 使用random.uniform(a,b): >>> random.uniform(1.5, 1.9) 1.8733202628557872 random.uniform(a, b)似乎是你要找的东西。 从文档: 返回一个随机浮点数N,使a <= N <= b对于a <= b且b <= N <= a对于b <a。 看这里。 如果你想在点的右边生成一个N位数的随机浮点数,你可以这样做: round(random.uniform(