I'm trying to use my local s3ninja with s3cmd. Every command like: s3cmd ls s3://test throws the same exceptions. The s3cfg seems to be ok and the called endpoints are correct. Was anyone able to use s3ninja with s3cmd? PS: I know S3 isn't costly and there are many better ways to test against S3. I need S3 Ninja for other reasons. Here is the debug information: DEBUG: ConfigPar
我试图用s3cmd来使用我的本地s3ninja。 每个命令如: s3cmd ls s3://test将抛出相同的异常。 s3cfg似乎没问题,被叫端点是正确的。 有人能够使用s3ninja与s3cmd? PS:我知道S3并不昂贵,有很多更好的方法可以测试S3。 其他原因,我需要S3忍者。 这是调试信息: DEBUG: ConfigParser: Reading file '/Users/daniel/.s3cfg' DEBUG: ConfigParser: access_key->AK...17_chars...E DEBUG: ConfigParser: access_token-
I've had pretty good success using this answer to profile my Cython code, but it doesn't seem to work properly with nested functions. In this notebook you can see that the profile doesn't appear when the line profiler is used on a nested function. Is there a way to get this to work? tl,dr: This is seems to be an issue with Cython , there's a hackish way that does the trick b
我用这个答案来分析我的Cython代码已经取得了相当不错的成功,但它似乎无法与嵌套函数正常工作。 在这个笔记本中,你可以看到当在一个嵌套函数上使用线剖析器时,配置文件没有出现。 有没有办法让这个工作? TL博士: 这似乎是Cython一个问题,存在一种伎俩,但不可靠,你可以将它用于一次性案例,直到这个问题得到解决* 更改line_profiler源代码: 我不能100%确定,但它工作,你需要做的就是下载line_profiler的源代
I noticed that if I iterate over a file that I opened, it is much faster to iterate over it without "read"-ing it. ie l = open('file','r') for line in l: pass (or code) is much faster than l = open('file','r') for line in l.read() / l.readlines(): pass (or code) The 2nd loop will take around 1.5x as much time (I used timeit over the exact same file, and the results were 0.
我注意到,如果我遍历一个我打开的文件,那么不用“读取”就可以快速遍历它。 即 l = open('file','r') for line in l: pass (or code) 比...快得多 l = open('file','r') for line in l.read() / l.readlines(): pass (or code) 第二个循环将花费大约1.5倍的时间(我在同一个文件中使用timeit,结果为0.442比0.660),并且会得到相同的结果。 所以 - 什么时候应该使用.read()或.readlines()? 由于我总是需
I'm trying to redirect the output of a python script to a file. I have run: C:>python c:python_script.py > a.txt 2>&1 Found here but output is only written once the process completes or is killed. Is there a way to have the redirection write to file as output is written to stdout & stderr?
我试图将python脚本的输出重定向到一个文件。 我跑了: C:>python c:python_script.py > a.txt 2>&1 在这里找到,但输出只在进程完成或被杀死后才写入。 当输出写入stdout&stderr时,是否有办法将重定向写入文件?
To preface, I have already seen this question Is it possible to use pip to install a package from a private github repository? I am trying to install a package from a private repository that I have access to using pip. I am able to directly clone it like so: (myenv)robbie@ubuntu:~/git$ git clone git@github.com:matherbk/django-messages.git Cloning into 'django-messages'... remote: Counting ob
前言,我已经看到这个问题是否可以使用pip从私人github存储库安装包? 我试图从我有权访问的使用pip的私有存储库安装包。 我可以像这样直接克隆它: (myenv)robbie@ubuntu:~/git$ git clone git@github.com:matherbk/django-messages.git Cloning into 'django-messages'... remote: Counting objects: 913, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (345/345), done. remote: Total 913 (delta 504), reused 913 (delta 50
I'm writing a deploy script using python, however after I finished it I found there might be not possible for what I thought. The situation is like this. I have 3 hosts. Host1: Ubuntu 12.04 Host2: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 Host3: Windows Server 2008 R2, with Cygwin 1.7.8 installed, also WinSSHD installed (I know normal ssh login is handled by WinSSHD, however rsync uses cy
我正在使用python编写一个部署脚本,但是在我完成之后,我发现可能无法实现我的想法。 情况就是这样。 我有3个主机。 主机1:Ubuntu 12.04 主机2:SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 Host3:安装了Cygwin 1.7.8的Windows Server 2008 R2,还安装了WinSSHD(我知道正常的ssh登录是由WinSSHD处理的,但是rsync使用cygwin路径,不知道错在哪里) 现在我需要在Host1上运行remote copy命令,让Host2和Host3之间传输文
I'm using the adafruit ultimate GPS breakout with my Raspberry Pi 2 using python2.7.9, GPSD, and the python-gps package. I'm successfully getting gps updates at 1Hz over the serial port. This device is supposedly capable of 10Hz updates, which I would like to enable. According to the datasheet (see snippet below), this can be set by serial command. My problem is that I can't fin
我使用python2.7.9,GPSD和python-gps软件包,与我的Raspberry Pi 2一起使用adafruit ultimate GPS breakout。 我在串口上以1Hz的速度成功获得gps更新。 这个设备据说能够实现10Hz的更新,我希望启用它。 根据数据表(见下面的片段),这可以通过串行命令设置。 我的问题是,我找不到足够的文档来说明python-gps模块或GPSD,它会告诉我应该如何使用我的python脚本通过串行发送命令到GPS。 有人能指引我朝着正确的方向吗?
This question already has an answer here: How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python? 43 answers From the Docs: Enumerations are created using the class syntax, which makes them easy to read and write. An alternative creation method is described in Functional API. To define an enumeration, subclass Enum as follows: >>> >>> from enum import Enum >>> class Co
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何在Python中表示'Enum'? 43个答案 从文档:枚举是使用类语法创建的,这使得它们易于读取和写入。 Functional API中介绍了另一种创建方法。 要定义枚举,Enum的子类如下所示: >>> >>> from enum import Enum >>> class Color(Enum): ... red = 1 ... green = 2 ... blue = 3 Python3.4 +支持enum模块中的各种枚举类型。 显然它与C
This question already has an answer here: How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python? 43 answers You should never have to create an instance of an enum; they're all accessed directly from the class, and you can just assign them to variables as you like: a = CBarReference.ThisBar b = CBarReference.NextBar c = CBarReference.Undefined d = CBarReference.ThisBar assert(a == d) assert(b
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何在Python中表示'Enum'? 43个答案 你不应该创建一个枚举的实例; 它们都可以直接从类中访问,并且只需将它们分配给变量即可: a = CBarReference.ThisBar b = CBarReference.NextBar c = CBarReference.Undefined d = CBarReference.ThisBar assert(a == d) assert(b != a) assert(b != c)
This question already has an answer here: How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python? 43 answers How do I create a constant in Python? 29 answers
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何在Python中表示'Enum'? 43个答案 如何在Python中创建常量? 29个答案