python sqlalchemy distinct column values

I have 6 tables in my SQLite database, each table with 6 columns( Date, user, NormalA, specialA, contact, remarks ) and 1000+ rows. How can I use sqlalchemy to sort through the Date column to look for duplicate dates, and delete that row? Assuming this is your model: class MyTable(Base): __tablename__ = 'my_table' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) date = Column(DateTime)

python sqlalchemy不同的列值

我在我的SQLite数据库中有6个表,每个表有6列( Date, user, NormalA, specialA, contact, remarks )和1000多行。 我如何使用sqlalchemy对日期列进行排序来查找重复的日期并删除该行? 假设这是你的模型: class MyTable(Base): __tablename__ = 'my_table' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) date = Column(DateTime) user = Column(String) # do not really care of columns other than `id` a

How do I patch an object so that all methods are mocked except one?

I have an entry point function call it main on an object that I would like to remain unmocked, since it calls several other methods on the object: class Thing(object): def main(self): self.alpha() self.bravo() def alpha(self): self.charlie() def bravo(self): raise TypeError("Requires Internet connection!") def charlie(self): raise Excep


我有一个入口点函数将它称为main对象,我想保持unmocked,因为它调用该对象上的其他几个方法: class Thing(object): def main(self): self.alpha() self.bravo() def alpha(self): self.charlie() def bravo(self): raise TypeError("Requires Internet connection!") def charlie(self): raise Exception("Bad stuff happens here!") 这是非常简单的手动模拟:

Extend image field to allow pdf ( django )

I have ImageField in my form. As i discovered it uses pillow to validate that file is actually an image. This part is great, but i need to allow pdf in this form field also. So it should check that file is image and, if not, check if it is a pdf, and then load and store. It's great if pdf check can be really checking file format, but just extension checking is enough too. You can'


我有我的形式的ImageField。 正如我发现它使用枕头来验证该文件实际上是一个图像。 这部分是伟大的,但我需要在这个表单字段也允许pdf。 所以它应该检查该文件是否为图像,如果不是,请检查它是否为pdf,然后加载并存储。 如果pdf检查可以真正检查文件格式,这很好,但只是扩展检查也足够了。 如果您在表单中使用forms.ImageField ,则无法执行此操作。 你需要使用forms.FileField因为ImageField唯一验证图像,并提出Va

Python calculate lots of distances quickly

I have an input of 36,742 points which means if I wanted to calculate the lower triangle of a distance matrix (using the vincenty approximation) I would need to generate 36,742*36,741*0.5 = 1,349,974,563 distances. I want to keep the pair combinations which are within 50km of each other. My current set-up is as follows shops= [[id,lat,lon]...] def lower_triangle_mat(points): for i in ran


我有36,742点的输入,这意味着如果我想计算距离矩阵的下三角(使用vincenty近似),我需要产生36,742 * 36,741 * 0.5 = 1,349,974,563的距离。 我想保持彼此距离在50公里以内的配对组合。 我目前的设置如下 shops= [[id,lat,lon]...] def lower_triangle_mat(points): for i in range(len(shops)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(shops)): yield [shops[i],shops[j]] def return_stores_cutoff(points,

Simple inheritance issue with Django templates

just getting started in Django, and I have some problems with the inheritances. It just seems that the loop for doesn't work when inheriting other template. Here's my code in base.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="es"> <head> <title>{% block title %}Titulo del proyecto web{% endblock %}</title> </head> <body> <div id="header">


刚刚在Django开始,并且我有一些继承问题。 看起来循环for继承其他模板时不起作用。 这是我在base.html中的代码: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="es"> <head> <title>{% block title %}Titulo del proyecto web{% endblock %}</title> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <h1>Título del proyecto web</h1> </div> <div id="cont

Pygtk color for drag

I'm trying to change the highlight color for a gtk.EventBox . It has a certain background color, and I want to draw a line around it with its complementary color. I have found drag_highlight , which draws a line around the widget, but I have not figured out how to change the color: it's always black. Any ideas? To make the line around the EventBox , it is possible to put it into the


我正在尝试更改gtk.EventBox的高亮颜色。 它有一定的背景色,我想用它的补色来画一条线。 我发现drag_highlight ,它围绕小部件绘制一条线,但我还没有弄清楚如何改变颜色:它总是黑色的。 有任何想法吗? 为了制作EventBox周围的行,可以将它放到Frame或其他EventBox (在这种情况下,可以设置“border”的宽度),以下是它的外观: 这里是代码(它是一个修改的EventBox示例): #!/usr/bin/env python # example eventbo

Image Pixel Intensity and Measure of Colourfulness in Python

I want to measure the average pixel intensity and measure of colourfulness of a image. For this i'm following this approach (kindly let me know if there's any alternative approach for the same): a) Calculate Average Pixel Intensity: im ='images-16.jpeg') stat = ImageStat.Stat(im) r,g,b = stat.mean mean = sqrt(0.241* (r ** 2) + 0.691* (g ** 2) + 0.068* (b ** 2)) print(mean)


我想测量图像的平均像素强度和色彩的度量。 为此,我遵循这种方法(请让我知道是否有任何替代方法相同): a)计算平均像素密度: im ='images-16.jpeg') stat = ImageStat.Stat(im) r,g,b = stat.mean mean = sqrt(0.241* (r ** 2) + 0.691* (g ** 2) + 0.068* (b ** 2)) print(mean) b)测量色度: 将色彩空间划分为64个立方块,每个维度有四个相同的分区 w,h=im.size bw,bh = 8, 8 #block size img =

Access pixel values within a contour boundary using OpenCV in Python

I'm using OpenCV 3.0.0 on Python 2.7.9. I'm trying to track an object in a video with a still background, and estimate some of its properties. Since there can be multiple moving objects in an image, I want to be able to differentiate between them and track them individually throughout the remaining frames of the video. One way I thought I could do that was by converting the image to b


我在Python 2.7.9上使用OpenCV 3.0.0。 我试图跟踪具有静止背景的视频中的对象,并估计它的一些属性。 由于图像中可以有多个移动对象,因此我希望能够区分它们并在视频的其余帧中分别跟踪它们。 我认为我可以做到这一点的一种方式是将图像转换为二进制,获得斑点的轮廓(在这种情况下为跟踪对象)并获取对象边界的坐标。 然后,我可以转到灰度图像中的这些边界坐标,获取由该边界包围的像素强度,并在其他帧中跟踪此颜色梯

OpenCv code throws segmentation error(core dumped) Ubuntu 14.04

I'm beginner learning opencv from the official documentation import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): ret, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('frame',gray) if cv2.waitKey(1) &

OpenCv代码抛出分割错误(核心转储)Ubuntu 14.04

我是初学者从官方文档学习opencv import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): ret, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('frame',gray) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break

How to get pixel coordinates from Feature Matching in OpenCV Python

I need to get the list of the x and y coordinates of the pixels that the feature matcher selects in the code provided. I'm using Python and OpenCV. Can anyone help me? img1=cv2.imread('DSC_0216.jpg',0) img2=cv2.imread('DSC_0217.jpg',0) orb=cv2.ORB(nfeatures=100000) kp1,des1=orb.detectAndCompute(img1,None) kp2,des2=orb.detectAndCompute(img2,None) img1kp=cv2.drawKeypoints(img1,kp1,color=(0

如何从OpenCV Python中的特征匹配中获取像素坐标

我需要获取特征匹配器在提供的代码中选择的像素的x和y坐标列表。 我正在使用Python和OpenCV。 谁能帮我? img1=cv2.imread('DSC_0216.jpg',0) img2=cv2.imread('DSC_0217.jpg',0) orb=cv2.ORB(nfeatures=100000) kp1,des1=orb.detectAndCompute(img1,None) kp2,des2=orb.detectAndCompute(img2,None) img1kp=cv2.drawKeypoints(img1,kp1,color=(0,255,0),flags=0) img2kp=cv2.drawKeypoints(img2,kp2,color=(0,255,0),flags=