We have a django app and I need to add some functionality with NodeJS. I've been following this example: http://www.maxburstein.com/blog/realtime-django-using-nodejs-and-socketio/ using socket.io and it works perfect on localhost. Now, the problem comes when moving the application to apache server. I need to send a POST request to django and all I get is a timeout response. Our django ap
我们有一个django应用程序,我需要为NodeJS添加一些功能。 我一直在关注这个例子:http://www.maxburstein.com/blog/realtime-django-using-nodejs-and-socketio/使用socket.io它在本地主机上工作得很好。 现在,将应用程序移动到apache服务器时出现问题。 我需要发送POST请求到Django,我得到的只是一个超时响应。 我们在apache上的django应用程序正在侦听端口80,并且节点正在侦听端口4000. http请求的配置如下所示: var
I've trying to get a loop in python to run as fast as possible. So I've dived into NumPy and Cython. Here's the original Python code: def calculate_bsf_u_loop(uvel,dy,dz): """ Calculate barotropic stream function from zonal velocity uvel (t,z,y,x) dy (y,x) dz (t,z,y,x) bsf (t,y,x) """ nt = uvel.shape[0] nz = uvel.shape[1] ny = uvel.shape[2]
我试图让python中的循环尽可能快地运行。 所以我已经潜入NumPy和Cython。 这是原始的Python代码: def calculate_bsf_u_loop(uvel,dy,dz): """ Calculate barotropic stream function from zonal velocity uvel (t,z,y,x) dy (y,x) dz (t,z,y,x) bsf (t,y,x) """ nt = uvel.shape[0] nz = uvel.shape[1] ny = uvel.shape[2] nx = uvel.shape[3] bsf = np.zeros((nt,ny,nx))
I want to get the total number of records in an aggregate cursor in pymongo version 3.0+. Is there any way to get total count without iterating over the cursor? cursor = db.collection.aggregate([{"$match": options},{"$group": {"_id": groupby,"count": {"$sum":1}}} ]) cursorlist = [c for c in cursor] print len(cursorlist) Is there any way to skip the above iteration? 您可以添加另一个组管道,您
我想在pymongo版本3.0+中获取聚合游标中的记录总数。 有什么办法可以在没有迭代游标的情况下获得总数? cursor = db.collection.aggregate([{"$match": options},{"$group": {"_id": groupby,"count": {"$sum":1}}} ]) cursorlist = [c for c in cursor] print len(cursorlist) 有没有办法跳过上面的迭代? 您可以添加另一个组管道,您可以在其中指定_id值None来计算所有输入文档的累计值,这是您可以从中获取总计数以及原始
I am trying to write python script to find out if a disk device exists in /dev, but it always yield False. Any other way to do this? I tried >>> import os.path >>> os.path.isfile("/dev/bsd0") False >>> os.path.exists("/dev/bsd0") False $ ll /dev ... brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252, 0 Nov 12 21:28 bsd0 ... This was not rigorously tested, but seems to work: impor
我正在尝试编写python脚本以查明/ dev中是否存在磁盘设备,但它总是会产生False。 任何其他方式来做到这一点? 我试过了 >>> import os.path >>> os.path.isfile("/dev/bsd0") False >>> os.path.exists("/dev/bsd0") False $ ll /dev ... brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252, 0 Nov 12 21:28 bsd0 ... 这没有经过严格的测试,但似乎工作: import stat import os.stat def disk_exists(path)
I am looking to scrape data from this site's mma data and parsing a few highcharts tables. I am clicking a link with selenium and then switching to the chart. I go to this site and click on +420 in the Artem Lobov row for the Pinnacle column. This creates a pop out chart. Then I switch to the active element. I would like to capture the graph drawn by highcharts in response to the click.
我正在寻找从本网站的mma数据中提取数据并解析一些highcharts表格。 我点击了一个有硒的链接,然后切换到图表。 我去了这个网站,点击Artem Lobov排中的+420获得Pinnacle专栏。 这会创建一个弹出式图表。 然后我切换到活动元素。 我想要捕获高点图绘制的图表以响应点击。 我以如下方式使用硒: actions = ActionChains(driver) actions.move_to_element(driver.find_element_by_id(pin_id)) actions.click() actions.perf
I'm trying to write an Exporter class so I can extract my local development datastore to a CSV file. I'm using OS X 10.8.5 and GAE SDK 1.8.8. And we use Django 1.2 as provided by GAE. My code is: import sys import os import datetime from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.tools import bulkloader module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('./data/models.py')) sys
我正在尝试编写一个Exporter类,以便将我的本地开发数据存储区提取为CSV文件。 我使用OS X 10.8.5和GAE SDK 1.8.8。 我们使用GAE提供的Django 1.2。 我的代码是: import sys import os import datetime from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.tools import bulkloader module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('./data/models.py')) sys.path.insert(0, module_dir) import models class Som
After upgrading my app engine dev environment to 1.7.6, an app cannot start. When running locally, I get the following error, which is not inside the project code. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/_python_runtime.py", line 194, in _run_file( file , g
将我的应用程序引擎开发环境升级到1.7.6后,应用程序无法启动。 在本地运行时,出现以下错误,该错误不在项目代码中。 Traceback(最近调用最后一次):_run_file( file ,globals())中的文件“/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/_python_runtime.py”,行194文件“/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Re
I get a problem in a form handler in app engine (Python). Basically when I post the form to the handler I get the following traceback: INFO 2011-02-07 14:06:59,364 dev_appserver.py:3317] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 - Traceback (most recent call last): File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/wsgiref/handlers.py", line 92, in run sel
我在应用程序引擎(Python)中的表单处理程序中遇到问题。 基本上,当我发布表单到处理程序时,我得到以下回溯: INFO 2011-02-07 14:06:59,364 dev_appserver.py:3317]“GET /favicon.ico HTTP / 1.1”404 - Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次): 文件“/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/wsgiref/handlers.py”,第92行,在运行self.result =应用程序(self.environ,self.start_r
I'm having a weird error with some Google App Engine code I'm writing. My program contains some code like this: import datetime ... class Action(db.Model): visibleDate = db.DateTimeProperty() ... getActionQuery = Action.gql("WHERE user = :user AND __key__ = :key", user = user, key = self.request.get("key")) theAction = getActionQuery.get() .... theAction.visibleDate = datetim
我在写一些Google App Engine代码时出现了一个奇怪的错误。 我的程序包含这样的一些代码: import datetime ... class Action(db.Model): visibleDate = db.DateTimeProperty() ... getActionQuery = Action.gql("WHERE user = :user AND __key__ = :key", user = user, key = self.request.get("key")) theAction = getActionQuery.get() .... theAction.visibleDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.request.ge
I am trying to decouple my frontend and my backend in my project. My frontend is made up of reactjs and routing will be done with react-router , My backend if made form Django and I plan to use the front end to make API (ajax) calls to Django. Right now I'm not sure how to get these two ends to talk to each other correctly. Here is the link to my project Here is my project structure:
我试图在我的项目中解耦我的前端和后端。 我的前端由reactjs ,路由将使用react-router ,我的后端(如果是从Django ,我打算使用前端对Django进行API(ajax)调用。 现在,我不确定如何让这两端正确对话。 这是我的项目的链接 这是我的项目结构: /cherngloong /app (frontend) /cherngloong /templates index.jtml urls.py settings.py ... /contact urls.py views.py 我用webpa