How can I make a string output a list? (Probably very simple, I know) I have looked through all of google, and NONE of the solutions worked. My code: (it's a bit paraphrased) import Pmw from tkinter import * root = Tk() console = Pmw.ScrolledText(...some arguments...) console.pack(...some arguments...) console.settext(os.listdir(".")) root.mainloop() Outputs: file1.txt file2.txt fi
我怎样才能让一个字符串输出一个列表? (可能很简单,我知道) 我浏览了所有的谷歌,并没有解决方案的工作。 我的代码:(这有点意译) import Pmw from tkinter import * root = Tk() console = Pmw.ScrolledText(...some arguments...) console.pack(...some arguments...) console.settext(os.listdir(".")) root.mainloop() 输出:在Pmw.ScrolledText框中输出 file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt 。 我需要做什么才
I was playing around a bit with the new type hinting / typing module with python3.5 trying to find a way to confirm if the hinted type is equal to the actual type of the variable and came across something that rather surprised me. >>> from typing import List >>> someList = [1, 2, 3] >>> isinstance(someList, List[str]) True Continuing my search for finding a way to com
我使用python3.5的新类型提示/打字模块试图找到一种方法来确认提示类型是否等于变量的实际类型,并且遇到了令我感到吃惊的事情。 >>> from typing import List >>> someList = [1, 2, 3] >>> isinstance(someList, List[str]) True 继续我的搜索找到一种方法来比较一个变量,它是暗示类型我也试过这个: >>> anotherList = ["foo", "bar"] >>> type(anotherList) is List[str] F
As a follow up of this question here (thanks MSeifert for your help) I came up with the problem that I have to mask a numpy array new_values with an index array new_vals_idx before passing the masked array to update val_dict . To the proposed solutions in answer of MSeifert in the old post I tried to apply the array masking, but the performance is not satisfying. The arrays and dicts I used f
作为此问题的后续处理(感谢MSeifert的帮助),我想出了一个问题,即在传递被屏蔽的数组以更新val_dict之前,必须使用索引数组new_vals_idx来掩盖numpy数组new_values 。 对于MSeifert在旧帖子中提出的解决方案,我试图应用阵列掩码,但性能并不令人满意。 我用于下列示例的数组和字符串是: import numpy as np val_dict = {'a': 5.0, 'b': 18.8, 'c': -55/2} for i in range(200): val_dict[str(i)] = i val_dict[
I'm trying to write the python code that calls the following cython function test1 like this: def test1( np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] ndk, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] nkw, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] phi): for _ in xrange(int(1e5)): test2(ndk, nkw, phi) cdef int test2(np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] ndk, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, nd
我试图编写如下所示的调用以下cython函数test1的python代码: def test1( np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] ndk, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] nkw, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] phi): for _ in xrange(int(1e5)): test2(ndk, nkw, phi) cdef int test2(np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] ndk, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=2] nkw, np.ndarray[np.
I'm trying to wrap two C++ classes: Cluster and ClusterTree. ClusterTree has a method get_current_cluster() that instantiates a Cluster object, and returns a reference to it. ClusterTree owns the Cluster object, and manages its creation and deletion in C++. I've wrapped Cluster with cython, resulting in PyCluster. PyCluster should have two ways of creation: 1) By passing in two ar
我试图包装两个C ++类:Cluster和ClusterTree。 ClusterTree有一个方法get_current_cluster(),用于实例化一个Cluster对象,并返回对其的引用。 ClusterTree拥有Cluster对象,并在C ++中管理其创建和删除。 我用cython包装了Cluster,导致了PyCluster。 PyCluster应该有两种创建方式: 1)通过传入两个数组,这意味着Python应该自动处理删除(通过__dealloc__) 2)直接传入一个原始C ++指针(由ClusterTree的get_cu
In my code I usally use numpy arrays to interface between methods and classes. Optimizing the core parts of my program I use cython with c pointers of those numpy arrays. Unforunately, the way I'm currently declaring the arrays is quite long. For example, let's say I have a method which should return a numpy array someArrayNumpy, but inside the function pointers *someArrayPointers sho
在我的代码中,我通常使用numpy数组来连接方法和类。 优化我的程序的核心部分我使用cython与这些numpy数组的c指针。 不幸的是,我目前声明数组的方式非常长。 例如,假设我有一个应该返回一个numpy数组someArrayNumpy的方法,但是在函数指针中* someArrayPointers应该用于提高速度。 这是我通常如何声明的: cdef: numpy.ndarray someArrayNumpy = numpy.zeros(someArraySize) numpy.ndarray[numpy.double_t, ndim=
I have a program that is written in C++ and can be extended with extensions that are written in python using python's C api, basically there is python interpreter in the program which can load python modules that contains some hooks to various events. I can pass simple data types from C to python, such as string or integer. I can do the same the other way, I can call internal C++ api's
我有一个用C ++编写的程序,可以使用python的C api编写的扩展扩展,基本上在程序中有一个python解释器,它可以加载包含一些钩子到各种事件的python模块。 我可以将简单的数据类型从C传递给Python,比如字符串或整数。 我可以用另一种方法做同样的事情,我可以调用从Python模块创建的内部C ++ api。 然而,我不能做的是编组更复杂的数据类型,比如类。 例如,我有这样的事情: class X { int a; int b; }; 我可以
I'm getting back from a library what looks to be an incorrect unicode string: >>> title u'Sopetxc3xb3n' Now, those two hex escapes there are the UTF-8 encoding for U+00F3 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE. So far as I understand, a unicode string in Python should have the actual character, not the the UTF-8 encoding for the character, so I think this is incorrect and presumably a bu
我从库中回来看起来是一个不正确的unicode字符串: >>> title u'Sopetxc3xb3n' 现在,那两个十六进制转义符是U + 00F3 LATIN带有ACUTE的小字母O的UTF-8编码。 据我了解,Python中的unicode字符串应该具有实际字符,而不是字符的UTF-8编码,所以我认为这是不正确的,并且可能是库中或我的输入中的错误,对吧? 问题是,我如何(a)认识到我的unicode字符串中有UTF-8编码的文本,并且(b)将其转换为适当的unicode字
I have a lot of questions about RGBA and ARGB color models. What is the difference between RGBA and ARGB color space. Is it all about the arrangement of Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Channels? In my case, I want to read an image with jpg extension. Can I extract alpha channel from the image? Using an image with jpg extension. How will I convert the image into RGBA color space in python? Be
我有很多关于RGBA和ARGB颜色模型的问题。 RGBA和ARGB色彩空间有什么区别? 这是关于阿尔法,红色,绿色和蓝色通道的安排吗? 在我的情况下,我想阅读带有jpg扩展名的图像。 我可以从图像中提取Alpha通道吗? 使用带有jpg扩展名的图像。 我将如何将图像转换为python中的RGBA颜色空间? 以下是我的初始代码: frame = cv2.imread("image.jpg", -1) print( frame[0,0]) 上面的打印语句只显示RGB值。 我将如何包含Alpha
How does one change the font size for all elements (ticks, labels, title) on a matplotlib plot? I know how to change the tick label sizes, this is done with: import matplotlib matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) But how does one change the rest? From the matplotlib documentation, font = {'family' : 'normal', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size'
如何更改matplotlib图上所有元素的字体大小(刻度,标签,标题)? 我知道如何更改刻度标签大小,这是通过以下方式完成的: import matplotlib matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) 但是如何改变其余的呢? 从matplotlib文档中, font = {'family' : 'normal', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size' : 22} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) 这将所有项目的字体设置为