I've been hearing the buzz about virtualenv lately, and I'm interested. But all I've heard is a smattering of praise, and don't have a clear understanding of what it is or how to use it. I'm looking for (ideally) a follow-along tutorial that can take me from Windows or Linux with no Python on it, and explain every step of (in no particular order): what I should do to be a
最近我一直听到关于virtualenv的嗡嗡声,而且我很感兴趣。 但我所听到的只是一丝赞美,对于它是什么以及如何使用它没有清晰的认识。 我正在寻找(理想情况下)一个后续的教程,可以让我从Windows或Linux中获得没有Python的内容,并且解释每一步(没有特定的顺序): 我应该怎么做才能开始使用virtualenv 为什么使用virtualenv是一个好主意的具体原因 我可以/不能使用virtualenv 我应该/不应该使用virtualenv 并且(
I'm just learning python and confused when a "def" of a function ends? I see code samples like: def myfunc(a=4,b=6): sum = a + b return sum myfunc() I know it doesn't end because of the return (because I've seen if statements... if FOO than return BAR, else return FOOBAR). How does Python know this isn't a recursive function that calls itself? When the fun
我只是在学习python,并且在函数的“def”结束时感到困惑? 我看到如下代码示例: def myfunc(a=4,b=6): sum = a + b return sum myfunc() 我知道它并没有因为返回而结束(因为我已经看到了如果语句...如果FOO比返回BAR,否则返回FOOBAR)。 Python如何知道这不是一个自我调用的递归函数? 当函数运行时,它会继续执行程序,直到它找到返回值? 那会导致一些有趣的错误。 谢谢 在Python中,空白是很重要的。
While I like to think of myself as a reasonably competent Python coder, one aspect of the language I've never been able to grok is decorators. I know what they are (superficially), I've read tutorials, examples, questions on Stack Overflow, and I understand the syntax, can write my own, occasionally use @classmethod and @staticmethod, but it never occurs to me to use a decorator to solv
虽然我喜欢把自己看作是一个合理的Python编码器,但我从来没有能够理解的语言的一个方面是装饰器。 我知道他们是什么(表面上),我已经阅读了关于Stack Overflow的教程,示例,问题,并且我理解语法,可以编写自己的,偶尔使用@classmethod和@staticmethod,但是我从来没有想过使用装饰者来解决我自己的Python代码中的问题。 我从来没遇到过这样的问题:“呃......这看起来像是一个装饰工的工作!” 所以,我想知道你们是否
Hey guys, I'm having issues calling functions from argpars. This is a simplified version of my script and this works, printing whatever value I give -s or -p import argparse def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Do you wish to scan for live hosts or conduct a port scan?") parser.add_argument("-s", dest='ip3octets', action='store', help='Enter the first three o
嘿家伙,我有问题从argpars调用函数。 这是我的脚本的一个简化版本,它可以工作,打印我给出的任何值-s或-p import argparse def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Do you wish to scan for live hosts or conduct a port scan?") parser.add_argument("-s", dest='ip3octets', action='store', help='Enter the first three octets of the class C network to scan for live hosts') par
hi guys just needing so help with reading .txt into a list I think what I've got so far is r = open('RegsInList.txt','r') rr =(r.readlines()) #print(rr) this works it imports the text file and reads it I need it to read into a list. So I can put it under list obj and then it to split it up listobj = ['AV46 WAD','WD40 ASD','BG65 KYS','WA48 DFT','GH09 DEG'] var1, var2, var3,var4 ,var5 = li
嗨,大家只是需要如此帮助阅读.txt到列表我认为我到目前为止是 r = open('RegsInList.txt','r') rr =(r.readlines()) #print(rr) 这工作它导入文本文件并阅读它我需要它读入一个列表。 所以我可以把它放在列表obj下,然后分解它 listobj = ['AV46 WAD','WD40 ASD','BG65 KYS','WA48 DFT','GH09 DEG'] var1, var2, var3,var4 ,var5 = listobj print(var1) print(var2) print(var3) print(var4) print(var5) 我的.txt看起来
I have successfully installed celery and django celery in my django app. I have followed a number of tutorials in an effort to understand it. Some start the worker with celery like so: python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info others start it with celery d : python manage.py celeryd –-verbosity=2 –loglevel=DEBUG I have 2 questions please: Which one should I be using? The celeryd co
我在我的django应用程序中成功安装了芹菜和django芹菜。 为了理解它,我遵循了一些教程。 有些人用芹菜启动工人,像这样: python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info 其他人用芹菜开始d : python manage.py celeryd –-verbosity=2 –loglevel=DEBUG 我有2个问题请: 我应该使用哪一个? celeryd命令不起作用(请参阅下面的例外情况)。 我该如何解决它? 文件“manage.py”,第10行,在execute_from_command_l
I was trying to install library requirements for the Stanford's online deep learning for NLP class http://cs224d.stanford.edu/assignment1/index.html I tried to install using this command: pip install -r requirements.txt Here's what in the requirements.txt: Jinja2==2.7.3 MarkupSafe==0.23 backports.ssl-match-hostname== certifi==14.05.14 gnureadline==6.3.3 ipython==3.0.0 matplotl
我试图为斯坦福大学的在线深度学习课程安装图书馆要求,其中包括http://cs224d.stanford.edu/assignment1/index.html 我试图用这个命令来安装: pip install -r requirements.txt 以下是requirements.txt中的内容: Jinja2==2.7.3 MarkupSafe==0.23 backports.ssl-match-hostname== certifi==14.05.14 gnureadline==6.3.3 ipython==3.0.0 matplotlib==1.4.3 mock==1.0.1 nose==1.3.4 numpy==1.9.2 pyparsing==2.0.3 p
I need bitarray installed on my Ubuntu machine and the described ways won't work. Maybe someone has an idea what is going wrong. Looks like it's trying to run Python files as C code? sudo pip install bitarray Downloading/unpacking bitarray Downloading bitarray-0.8.1.tar.gz (46kB): 46kB downloaded Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/bitarray/setup.py) egg_info for package bitarr
我需要在我的Ubuntu机器上安装bitarray,并且所描述的方式不起作用。 也许有人有一个想法是什么问题。 看起来它试图以C代码运行Python文件? sudo pip install bitarray 下载/解包bitarray下载bitarray-0.8.1.tar.gz(46kB):46kB已下载Running setup.py(路径:/tmp/pip_build_root/bitarray/setup.py)egg_info for package bitarray安装收集的软件包:bitarray运行安装程序。 py安装为bitarray构建'bitarray._bitarr
I have been having some issues executing a command (launching IPython) over SSH. In troubleshooting it, I've come across something I can't understand. IPython either launches or doesn't dependent on whether I supply the full path or not - what's going wrong here? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/bin/ipython notebook —-profile=server ...gives me the errors below, while: ~/anaconda/bin
我一直在通过SSH执行命令(启动IPython)时遇到了一些问题。 在排除故障时,我遇到了一些我无法理解的东西。 IPython启动或不依赖于我是否提供完整路径 - 这里出了什么问题? /home/ubuntu/anaconda/bin/ipython notebook —-profile=server ...给我下面的错误,而: ~/anaconda/bin/ipython notebook --profile=server ......完美地加载IPython。 值得确认的是,当我通过键入cd进入我的主目录时,确实会得到/ home /
I'm having difficulty installing lxml with easy_install on Ubuntu 11. When I type $ easy_install lxml I get: Searching for lxml Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/lxml/ Reading http://codespeak.net/lxml Best match: lxml 2.3 Downloading http://lxml.de/files/lxml-2.3.tgz Processing lxml-2.3.tgz Running lxml-2.3/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-7UdQOZ/lxml-2.3/egg-dist-tm
我在Ubuntu 11上安装easy_install lxml时遇到困难。 当我输入$ easy_install lxml我得到: Searching for lxml Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/lxml/ Reading http://codespeak.net/lxml Best match: lxml 2.3 Downloading http://lxml.de/files/lxml-2.3.tgz Processing lxml-2.3.tgz Running lxml-2.3/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-7UdQOZ/lxml-2.3/egg-dist-tmp-GacQGy Building lxml versi