I wrote a python script to detect broken images and count them, The problem in my script is it detects all the images and does not detect broken images. How to fix this. I refered : How to check if a file is a valid image file? for my code My code import os from os import listdir from PIL import Image count=0 for filename in os.listdir('/Users/ajinkyabobade/Desktop/2'): if filename.en
我编写了一个python脚本来检测破碎的图像并对它们进行计数,脚本中的问题是它检测到所有图像,并且没有检测到破损的图像。 如何解决这个问题。 我提到: 如何检查文件是否是有效的图像文件? 为我的代码 我的代码 import os from os import listdir from PIL import Image count=0 for filename in os.listdir('/Users/ajinkyabobade/Desktop/2'): if filename.endswith('.JPG'): try: img=Image.open('/U
I am trying to run write a program in Python where it reads paths from a text file and deletes all the files which are listed within it each one. The text files contain the complete path of the files with each file path on new line. ie: /mnt/1/a.jpg /mnt/1/b.jpg Not sure how can I do this. import os for curr_path in open("infile.txt", "r").xreadlines(): os.remove(curr_path.strip()) {Yo
我试图运行在Python中编写一个程序,它从文本文件中读取路径并删除其中列出的所有文件。 文本文件包含新文件的完整路径,每个文件路径位于新行。 即: /mnt/1/a.jpg /mnt/1/b.jpg 不知道我该怎么做。 import os for curr_path in open("infile.txt", "r").xreadlines(): os.remove(curr_path.strip()) {您应该对您不关心的文件进行测试以避免不当操作} 要阅读文本文件,你可以这样做: import os with open('yourfi
There are some files that named like percentxxxx.csv,percentyyyy.csv in the dir.I want to delete the files with the name begins with percent. I find the os.remove function maybe can help me,bu I don't konw how to solve the problem. Are there any other functions can delete files using the syntax percent*.csv ? The following is my method: system_dir=os.getcwd() for fname in os.listdir(sy
在dir中有一些文件名为percentxxxx.csv,percentyyyy.csv。我想删除名称以百分号开头的文件。 我发现os.remove功能可能可以帮助我,但我不知道如何解决问题。 是否有其他函数可以使用语法percent * .csv删除文件? 以下是我的方法: system_dir=os.getcwd() for fname in os.listdir(system_dir): # print(fname) if fname.startswith('report'): os.remove(os.path.join(system_dir, fname)) 我主要想
I have seen some posts to delete all the files (not folders) in a specific folder, but I simply don't understand them. I need to use a UNC path and delete all the files that are older than 7 days. Mypath = \filesdataAPIArchiveFolder Does someone have quick script that they can specifically input the path above into that would delete all files older than 7 days? This code removes files
我看到一些帖子删除特定文件夹中的所有文件(不是文件夹),但我根本不明白它们。 我需要使用UNC路径并删除所有超过7天的文件。 Mypath = \filesdataAPIArchiveFolder 有人有快速脚本,他们可以专门输入上面的路径来删除所有超过7天的文件吗? 此代码删除当前工作目录中创建> = 7天前的文件。 运行风险自负。 import os import time current_time = time.time() for f in os.listdir(): creation_time = os.pat
I am getting an 'access is denied' error when I attempt to delete a folder that is not empty. I used the following command in my attempt: os.remove("/folder_name") . What is the most effective way of removing/deleting a folder/directory that is not empty? import shutil shutil.rmtree('/folder_name') Standard Library Reference: shutil.rmtree. By design, rmtree fails on fol
当我尝试删除非空的文件夹时,出现“访问被拒绝”错误。 我在尝试中使用了以下命令: os.remove("/folder_name") 。 删除/删除非空的文件夹/目录最有效的方法是什么? import shutil shutil.rmtree('/folder_name') 标准库参考:shutil.rmtree。 根据设计, rmtree在包含只读文件的文件夹树上失败。 如果您希望文件夹被删除,而不管它是否包含只读文件,请使用 shutil.rmtree('/folder_name', ignore_errors=Tr
This question already has an answer here: How to delete a file or folder? 9 answers How do I remove/delete a folder that is not empty with Python? 13 answers I'll just note that path = os.path.join(tmpdir) makes path equal to tmpdir . That said, when a directory is not empty, neither os.remove or os.rmdir will work. Those are operating system calls, which don't recurse to files
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何删除文件或文件夹? 9个答案 如何删除/删除Python中不为空的文件夹? 13个答案 我只会注意到path = os.path.join(tmpdir)使path等于tmpdir 。 也就是说,当一个目录不为空时, os.remove或os.rmdir都不会起作用。 这些是操作系统调用,不会递归到目录中包含的文件。 所以就用吧 import shutil shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
This question already has an answer here: How do you append to a file? 8 answers This is too much of code for the File Open and Write, You can just use this following lines to append the text in your file def FileSave(filename,content): with open(filename, "a") as myfile: myfile.write(content) FileSave("test.txt","test1 n") FileSave("test.txt","test2 n") Here, when we using th
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何追加到一个文件? 8个答案 这对于文件打开和写入来说代码太多了,您可以使用以下几行将文本追加到文件中 def FileSave(filename,content): with open(filename, "a") as myfile: myfile.write(content) FileSave("test.txt","test1 n") FileSave("test.txt","test2 n") 在这里,当我们使用这行open(filename, "a") , a表示附加文件,这意味着允许插入额外的
This question already has an answer here: How do you append to a file? 8 answers fo = open('primes.txt', 'w') #tells python to open the file and delete everything in it perhaps you want fo = open('primes.txt', 'a') # tells python to append to the file really you should not be doing this at all you should use with to safely open your file and do it once only outside of the loop with open("
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何追加到一个文件? 8个答案 fo = open('primes.txt', 'w') #tells python to open the file and delete everything in it 也许你想要 fo = open('primes.txt', 'a') # tells python to append to the file 真的,你不应该这样做,你应该用它来安全地打开你的文件,并且只在循环之外进行一次 with open("primes.txt","w") as fo: for n in range (x,y): if all(n%i!=0 for
This question already has an answer here: How do you append to a file? 8 answers Change both of fp = open("C:\Users\anudeepa\Desktop\hostname.csv", 'w') to fp = open("C:\Users\anudeepa\Desktop\hostname.csv", 'a') in order to open the file in append mode. You can also improve your code by using with , so you don't open the file every iteration
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何追加到一个文件? 8个答案 改变两者 fp = open("C:\Users\anudeepa\Desktop\hostname.csv", 'w') 至 fp = open("C:\Users\anudeepa\Desktop\hostname.csv", 'a') 以附加模式打开文件。 您也可以通过提高你的代码with ,所以你不要打开每次迭代的文件: import os with open("C:\Users\anudeepa\Desktop\hostname.csv", 'a') as fp:
This question already has an answer here: How do you append to a file? 8 answers Use f = open('PlotData.txt', 'a') instead of f = open('PlotData.txt', 'w') 'w': Overwrite the existing file 'a': Append to the existing data in the file
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何追加到一个文件? 8个答案 使用f = open('PlotData.txt', 'a')而不是f = open('PlotData.txt', 'w') 'w':覆盖现有的文件 'a':附加到文件中的现有数据