I am writing a Python script in Windows. I want to do something based on the file size. For example, if the size is greater than 0, I will send an email to somebody, otherwise continue to other things. How do I check the file size? Use os.stat , and use the st_size member of the resulting object: >>> import os >>> statinfo = os.stat('somefile.txt') >>> statinfo (
我正在Windows中编写一个Python脚本。 我想根据文件大小做一些事情。 例如,如果大小大于0,我会发送电子邮件给某人,否则继续其他事情。 如何检查文件大小? 使用os.stat ,并使用生成对象的st_size成员: >>> import os >>> statinfo = os.stat('somefile.txt') >>> statinfo (33188, 422511L, 769L, 1, 1032, 100, 926L, 1105022698,1105022732, 1105022732) >>> statinfo.st_size
I'm doing a Python script where I need to spawn several ssh-copy-id processes, and they need for me to type in a password, so i'm using PExpect. I have basically this: child = pexpect.spawn('command') child.expect('password:') child.sendline('the password') and then I want to spawn another process, I don't care about this one anymore, whether it ended or not. child = pexpect.spaw
我正在做一个Python脚本,我需要产生几个ssh-copy-id进程,他们需要我输入密码,所以我使用PExpect。 我基本上有这样的: child = pexpect.spawn('command') child.expect('password:') child.sendline('the password') 然后我想产生另一个过程,我不再关心这个过程,不管它是否结束。 child = pexpect.spawn('command2') child.expect('password:') child.sendline('the password') 代码挂在第二个“产卵” 但是,如果我
I have a bunch of C files that are generated by a collection of python programs that have a number of shared python modules and I need to account for this in my make system. It is easy enough to enumerate which python program need to be run to generate each C file. What I can't find a good solution for is determining which other python files those programs depend on. I need this so make w
我有一堆C语言文件,这些文件是由一些Python程序集合生成的,这些程序有许多共享的Python模块,我需要在我的make系统中对此进行说明。 枚举需要运行哪个python程序来生成每个C文件是很容易的。 我找不到一个好的解决方案是确定这些程序依赖于哪些其他python文件。 我需要这个,所以如果一个共享的python文件改变,make会知道需要重新生成什么。 有没有一个好的系统来从一个Python源代码集合中产生make样式依赖规则? 模块
I have a medium sized application that runs as a .net web-service which I do not control, and I want to create a loose pythonic API above it to enable easy scripting. I wanted to know what is the best/most practical solution for using web-services in python. Edit: I need to consume a complex soap WS and I have no control over it. Jython and IronPython give access to great Java & .NET SO
我有一个中等大小的应用程序,它运行的是我不控制的.net Web服务,我想在它上面创建一个松散的Pythonic API,以实现简单的脚本。 我想知道什么是在python中使用web服务的最佳/最实用的解决方案。 编辑:我需要消耗一个复杂的肥皂WS,我无法控制它。 Jython和IronPython可以访问优秀的Java和.NET SOAP库。 如果你需要CPython,ZSI对我来说一直很片面,但是可以使用像Robin这样的工具来包装一个好的C ++ SOAP库,比如gSOAP
I've had to do some introspection in python and it wasn't pretty: name = sys._getframe(1).f_code name = "%s:%d %s()" %(os.path.split(name.co_filename)[1],name.co_firstlineno,name.co_name) To get something like foo.py:22 bar() blah blah In our debugging output. I'd ideally like to prepend anything to stderr with this sort of information -- Is it possible to change the behaviour o
我不得不在python中进行一些反省,但它并不漂亮: name = sys._getframe(1).f_code name = "%s:%d %s()" %(os.path.split(name.co_filename)[1],name.co_firstlineno,name.co_name) 得到类似的东西 foo.py:22 bar() blah blah 在我们的调试输出中。 我最好喜欢用这类信息预先给stderr一些东西 - 是否有可能在python中全局更改打印行为? 打印语句通过“sys.stdout.write”执行其IO,因此如果要操作打印流,则可以覆盖sys.std
I'm trying to use Python with ReportLab 2.2 to create a PDF report. According to the user guide, Special TableStyle Indeces [sic] In any style command the first row index may be set to one of the special strings 'splitlast' or 'splitfirst' to indicate that the style should be used only for the last row of a split table, or the first row of a continuation. This allows sp
我试图用ReportLab 2.2来创建PDF报告。 根据用户指南, 特殊表格样式[原文] 在任何样式命令中,第一行索引可以被设置为特殊字符串'splitlast'或'splitfirst'中的一个,以指示该样式应该仅用于分割表的最后一行或者延续的第一行。 这允许在拆分周围使用更好的效果分割表格。 我尝试过使用几种样式元素,包括: ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 'splitfirst'), (1, 'splitfirst'), colors.black) ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, '
First of all I tried to replicate your issue and when I updated pip to 10.0.1 using python -m pip install --upgrade pip , the command pip --version seems to work for me. I suppose it was a bug on version 10.0.0. Now coming to the issue that multiple pip versions are showing up in conda list of base, the <pip> one is the incorrect one and must be removed. You can uninstall one of the pip
首先,我试图复制你的问题,当我使用python -m pip install --upgrade pip更新pip到10.0.1时,命令pip --version似乎适用于我。 我想这是10.0.0版本的一个bug。 现在要解决的问题是,在基地的conda list中出现多个点子版本, <pip>一个是不正确的,必须删除。 您可以卸载其中一个点子版本 pip uninstall pip 现在终于跑了 conda install pip -f 和小提琴! 一切都恢复正常。 下次,您可以使用更新点子 conda upd
I've learned about Python multiprocess's Pipes/Queues/Shared ctypes Objects/Managers, and I want to compare them with Linux's anonymous pipes, named pipes, shared memory, socket, and so on. I now have the following questions The pipes and queue modules of Python's multiprocessing are based on anonymous pipes. Does it provide named pipes? Does Python multiprocessing.sharedcty
我已经了解了Python多进程的管道/队列/共享ctypes对象/管理器,我想将它们与Linux的匿名管道,命名管道,共享内存,套接字等进行比较。 我现在有以下问题 Python多处理的管道和队列模块基于匿名管道。 它提供命名管道吗? Python multiprocessing.sharedctypes是否支持独立的进程通信? 我认为它只支持父子进程或兄弟进程通信。 他们中的哪些仅用于亲子关系或兄弟关系的过程中,可以在独立进程或不同主机之间进行通信?
I'm making and investigation for a seminar in retrieval information. I have a json file with a list of articles and i need to index them and after use a percolator with highlighting. The list of steps for do this in terminal is this: 1. Create a map with percolating. curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/my-index?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "mappings": { "_doc": {
我正在制作和调查检索信息的研讨会。 我有一个包含文章列表的json文件,我需要将它们编入索引并在使用过滤器后突出显示。 在终端执行此操作的步骤列表如下: 1.创建一个渗透地图。 curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/my-index?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "mappings": { "_doc": { "properties": { "title": { "type": "text"
I have a df (sample is pasted here at the end). I am looking to find which tradePrice had the most tradeVolume per last 10 min, or any other rolling period. This is the pivot table done in xls which is based on the sample data attached. minute tradePrice Data 0 1 10 Total Result 12548 Sum - tradeVolume
我有一个df(样本粘贴在这里结束)。 我期待找到哪个tradePrice每10分钟tradeVolume量最多,或任何其他滚动周期。 这是基于附加示例数据的xls中完成的数据透视表。 minute tradePrice Data 0 1 10 Total Result 12548 Sum - tradeVolume 3 3 Count - tradePrice 2 2 12548.5