Flask handling a PDF as its own page

For my personal website, I want to have a separate page just for my résumé, which is a PDF. I've tried multiple ways, but I can't figure out how to get flask to handle a PDF. Thanks. Let me know if I need to better explain what I am trying to do. A note for anyone that came to this question because they're trying to serve PDF files from a database with Flask. Embedding a PDF wh


对于我的个人网站,我想为我的简历(PDF格式)设置一个单独的页面。 我尝试了多种方法,但我无法弄清楚如何让烧瓶处理PDF。 谢谢。 如果我需要更好地解释我正在尝试做什么,请告诉我。 对于这个问题的任何人来说,因为他们试图用Flask从数据库提供PDF文件。 将文件存储在数据库中时嵌入PDF并不像在静态文件夹中那样简单。 您必须使用make_response函数并为其提供合适的标题,以便浏览器知道如何处理二进制PDF数据,而不

Numpy array access optimization

So, I have a large numpy array (over 10 million elements or even more) Then I have a loop, which accesses the large array. In each iteration, the loop goes through a list of neighbouring indexes, retrieving values from the numpy array. Currently, I take a slice of the large array, and then retrieve values. For example: the loop needs to access [1000, 1000], [1001, 1000], [1002,999] it will t


所以,我有一个庞大的numpy数组(超过1000万个元素甚至更多)然后我有一个循环,它访问大型数组。 在每次迭代中,循环遍历相邻索引列表,从numpy数组中检索值。 目前,我对大数组进行分片,然后检索值。 例如:循环需要访问[1000, 1000], [1001, 1000], [1002,999]它将采用array[1000:1003, 999 : 1001] [1000, 1000], [1001, 1000], [1002,999] array[1000:1003, 999 : 1001]的切片,然后访问元素。 这是降低循环的性能

What's the scope of a variable initialized in an if statement?

I'm new to Python, so this is probably a simple scoping question. The following code in a Python file (module) is confusing me slightly: if __name__ == '__main__': x = 1 print x In other languages I've worked in, this code would throw an exception, as the x variable is local to the if statement and should not exist outside of it. But this code executes, and prints 1. Can anyone e


我是Python新手,所以这可能是一个简单的范围问题。 Python文件(模块)中的以下代码让我感到困惑: if __name__ == '__main__': x = 1 print x 在我工作过的其他语言中,这段代码会抛出一个异常,因为x变量对if语句是本地的,并且不应该存在于它之外。 但是这段代码执行并打印出1.任何人都可以解释这种行为吗? 是否所有变量都在全局模块中创建/可用于整个模块? Python变量的作用域被分配给最内层的函数,类或模块

Break indentation for nested loop

This question already has an answer here: How to break out of multiple loops in Python? 30 answers 考虑将代码放入一个函数中,并使用return语句打破所有循环。 def func(): im1 = Image.open("C:\Users\Poos\Desktop\G\green_pixel.bmp") A = list(im1.getdata()) x = 0 y = 0 im2 = ImageGrab.grab() B = list(im2.getdata()) for x in range(0,1024, 50): for y in range(0,


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何摆脱Python中的多个循环? 30个答案 考虑将代码放入一个函数中,并使用return语句打破所有循环。 def func(): im1 = Image.open("C:\Users\Poos\Desktop\G\green_pixel.bmp") A = list(im1.getdata()) x = 0 y = 0 im2 = ImageGrab.grab() B = list(im2.getdata()) for x in range(0,1024, 50): for y in range(0,600, 20): if(B != A):

How to break out of multiple loops in Python?

Given the following code (that doesn't work): while True: #snip: print out current state while True: ok = get_input("Is this ok? (y/n)") if ok == "y" or ok == "Y": break 2 #this doesn't work :( if ok == "n" or ok == "N": break #do more processing with menus and stuff Is there a way to make this work? Or do I have do one check to break out of the input lo


鉴于以下代码(不起作用): while True: #snip: print out current state while True: ok = get_input("Is this ok? (y/n)") if ok == "y" or ok == "Y": break 2 #this doesn't work :( if ok == "n" or ok == "N": break #do more processing with menus and stuff 有没有办法做到这一点? 或者我有做一个检查来突破输入循环,然后另一个更有限的检查外部循环,以便在用户满意的情况

Python Click: custom error message

I use the excellent Python Click library for handling command line options in my tool. Here's a simplified version of my code (full script here): @click.command( context_settings = dict( help_option_names = ['-h', '--help'] ) ) @click.argument('analysis_dir', type = click.Path(exists=True), nargs = -1, required = True,


我使用优秀的Python Click库来处理我的工具中的命令行选项。 这是我的代码的简化版本(完整脚本在这里): @click.command( context_settings = dict( help_option_names = ['-h', '--help'] ) ) @click.argument('analysis_dir', type = click.Path(exists=True), nargs = -1, required = True, metavar = "<analysis directory>" ) def myto

masking a series with a boolean array

This has given me a lot of trouble, and I am perplexed by the incompatibility of numpy arrays with pandas series. When I create a boolean array using a series, for instance x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) y = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) delta = np.percentile(x, 50) deltamask = x- y > delta delta mask creates a boolean pandas series. However, if you do x[deltamask] y[deltamask] You find th


这给了我很多麻烦,而且我对numpy数组与熊猫系列的不兼容性感到困惑。 例如,当我使用一系列创建一个布尔数组 x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) y = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) delta = np.percentile(x, 50) deltamask = x- y > delta delta掩码创建一个布尔熊猫系列。 但是,如果你这样做 x[deltamask] y[deltamask] 你发现数组完全忽略了掩码。 没有错误发生,但最终会得到两个不同长度的对象。 这意味着像一个操

How can I get correct shipping cost and tax on a list of amazon items?

I am looking for a method of correctly getting info (especially shipping and tax) given an input of an amazon wishlist (test case: http://amzn.com/w/2EHKBBH44AWPL) Ideally, I'd like to get the exact tax/shipping charges that would be seen in the checkout screen Info needed: Item(s) Name ASIN Price Tax Shipping cost Is item fulfilled by Amazon (T/F)? City/State of shipping


我正在寻找一种正确获取信息的方法(特别是运输和税务)给出了一个亚马逊wishlist的输入(测试案例:http://amzn.com/w/2EHKBBH44AWPL) 理想情况下,我希望获得在结帐屏幕上可以看到的确切税费/运费 需要的信息: 项目(S) 名称 ASIN 价钱 税 运输费 项目是否满足亚马逊(T / F)? 希望列表的城市/运输状态地址将被发送到。 当前方法: 解析ASIN /名称/价格/送货地址的心愿单 用户Amazon Affiliate

Description data using Bloomberg API?

I had a look at Asynchronous data through Bloomberg's new data API (COM v3) with Python? before posting which has some pretty awesome info, but what I need is a way to create a CUSIP-Description table in a database using the Bloomberg API (to save $$$ by avoiding a CUSIP subscription) Does anyone know how to populate a table with CUSIP and description using the Bloomberg API?


我通过使用Python的彭博新数据API(COM v3)了解了异步数据? 发布前有一些非常棒的信息,但我需要的是一种使用Bloomberg API在数据库中创建CUSIP-Description表的方法(通过避免CUSIP订阅来节省$$$) 有谁知道如何使用Bloomberg API填充CUSIP和描述表?

Why doesn't QtConsole echo next()?

I found this question about iterator behavior in Python: Python list iterator behavior and next(iterator) When I typed in the code: a = iter(list(range(10))) for i in a: print a next(a) into the jupyter-qtconsole it returned: 0 2 4 6 8 exactly as Martijn Pieters said it should when the interpreter doesn't echo the call to next(a) . However, when I ran the same the code again


我发现这个关于Python中迭代器行为的问题: Python列表迭代器行为和next(迭代器) 当我输入代码时: a = iter(list(range(10))) for i in a: print a next(a) 进入它返回的jupyter-qtconsole : 0 2 4 6 8 就像Martijn Pieters所说的那样,当解释者没有回应next(a)的呼叫时。 但是,当我在Bash解释器和IDLE中再次运行相同的代码时,打印的代码为: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 到控制台。 我跑了代码: import p