I have two integer values a and b , but I need their ratio in floating point. I know that a<b and I want to calculate a/b , so if I use integer division I'll always get 0 with a remainder of a . How can I force c to be a floating point number in Python in the following? c = a / b >>> from __future__ import division >>> a = 4 >>> b = 6 >>> c = a / b &
我有两个整数值a和b ,但我需要它们的浮点比例。 我知道a<b和我想计算a/b ,所以如果我使用整数除法,我总是会得到0,余数为a 。 我如何强制c在Python中成为浮点数字? c = a / b >>> from __future__ import division >>> a = 4 >>> b = 6 >>> c = a / b >>> c 0.66666666666666663 您可以通过执行c = a / float(b) 。 如果分子或分母是一个浮点数,那么结果也是。 需
I was just re-reading What's New In Python 3.0 and it states: The round() function rounding strategy and return type have changed. Exact halfway cases are now rounded to the nearest even result instead of away from zero. (For example, round(2.5) now returns 2 rather than 3.) and the documentation for round: For the built-in types supporting round(), values are rounded to the closest m
我刚刚重新阅读了Python 3.0中的新功能,并指出: round()函数舍入策略和返回类型已更改。 准确的中途情况现在被舍入到最接近的偶数结果,而不是从零开始。 (例如,round(2.5)现在返回2而不是3) 和一轮文件: 对于支持round()的内置类型,将值四舍五入为功率减n的10的最接近倍数; 如果两个倍数同样接近,则对偶数选择进行四舍五入 因此,在v2.7.3下: In [85]: round(2.5) Out[85]: 3.0 In [86]: round(3.5)
I have a 3D array that represents density values over cartesian space. To get a 2D image I just sum over one of the axes using sum(array,2) and then use the matplotlib function imshow(array2D) to obtain the 2D image. What I want to do is use imshow() to display only one slice of the 3D array at a time so that I can 'page' through the 3D array to see different points of the image. The
我有一个3D数组,代表笛卡尔空间的密度值。 要获得2D图像,我只需使用sum(array,2)求和其中的一个轴,然后使用matplotlib函数imshow(array2D)来获得2D图像。 我想要做的就是使用imshow()来一次只显示3D数组的一个切片,这样我就可以通过3D数组“页面”查看图像的不同点。 slice命令很简单: array[:,:,x]但是我看不出每次至少要显示一个slice。 除了每次手动更改程序文件外,有没有人有建议? 这可以通过交互方式完成吗?
I want to find collocation in huge text using yarowsky's algorithm. I have read about this algorithm in these links: wikipedia and Yarowsky google book and yarowsky I wanted to know if there is an implementation of the yarowsky's algorithm`? please help me find some code for this algorithm. thanks It appears a Master's student named Max Whitney has code which implements an up
我想用yarowsky的算法在巨大的文本中找到搭配。 我已经在这些链接中了解了这个算法: 维基百科和Yarowsky Google书和yarowsky我想知道是否有yarowsky算法的实现? 请帮我看看这个算法的一些代码。 谢谢 看起来,名为Max Whitney的硕士学生的代码实现了Yarowsky算法的更新版本: 从一小组种子规则中引导分类器可被看作是通过它们之间共享的特征在示例之间传播标签。 本文介绍了一种基于这种观点的Yarowsky算法的新颖
I'm writing python program that needs to process a lot of small but complex protobuf-encoded messages. I tried to use the Python implementation of protocol buffers, which is written in pure python, but its performance is really terrible. So I'm looking into a solution that apparently some folks got to work - use protoc to generate C++ files, then use swig to wrap them with python. The
我正在编写需要处理大量小而复杂的protobuf编码消息的python程序。 我试图使用协议缓冲区的Python实现,它是用纯Python编写的,但其性能非常糟糕。 所以我正在寻找一种解决方案,显然有些人开始工作 - 使用protoc生成C ++文件,然后使用swig将它们用python包装起来。 问题是我无法到达一个可用的Python模块。 当使用-includeall运行swig时,为了确保生成的消息类使用的所有Google基类/实用程序类也被包装 - swig失败,抱
I am implementing a Google Data Source using their Python Library. I would like the response from the library to be able to be imported in another Python script using the simplejson library. However, even their example doesn't validate in JSONLint: {cols: [{id:'name',label:'Name',type:'string'}, {id:'salary',label:'Salary',type:'number'}, {id:'full_time',label:'Full Time Em
我正在使用他们的Python库实现Google数据源。 我希望库中的响应能够使用simplejson库在另一个Python脚本中导入。 但是,即使他们的示例没有在JSONLint中验证: {cols: [{id:'name',label:'Name',type:'string'}, {id:'salary',label:'Salary',type:'number'}, {id:'full_time',label:'Full Time Employee',type:'boolean'}], rows: [{c:[{v:'Jim'},{v:800,f:'$800'},{v:false}]}, {c:[{v:'Bob'},{v:
I was looking for a quick way to autoformat/pretty-print JSON in Vim the other day and found this great little command on Stack Overflow: :%!python -m json.tool That sent me on a search for a list of other Python tools to pretty-print common web files, but I couldn't find much. Is there a good resource/list of Python tools that they find particularly useful for cleaning up poorly formatted
我正在寻找一种快速的方法来在Vim中自动生成/漂亮地打印JSON,并在Stack Overflow上找到了这个很棒的小命令:%!python -m json.tool 这让我搜索了其他Python工具列表来漂亮地打印常见的Web文件,但我找不到太多。 有没有一个很好的资源/ Python工具列表,他们发现它们对于清理Vim内部格式不正确的Web资源(例如HTML,XML,JavaScript等)特别有用? 蟒蛇 你只是在寻找Python单线程的资源吗? 您可以浏览Python标准库文档
I have a JSON file that is a mess that I want to prettyprint-- what's the easiest way to do this in python? I know PrettyPrint takes an "object", which I think can be a file, but I don't know how to pass a file in-- just using the filename doesn't work. The json module already implements some basic pretty printing with the indent parameter: >>> import json >&
我有一个JSON文件,这是一个混乱,我想prettyprint - 什么是在Python中做到这一点最简单的方法? 我知道PrettyPrint需要一个“对象”,我认为它可以是一个文件,但我不知道如何传递文件 - 只是使用文件名不起作用。 json模块已经使用indent参数实现了一些基本的漂亮打印: >>> import json >>> >>> your_json = '["foo", {"bar":["baz", null, 1.0, 2]}]' >>> parsed = json.loads(your_j
有没有从文件名中提取扩展名的函数? Yes. Use os.path.splitext : >>> import os >>> filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext('/path/to/somefile.ext') >>> filename '/path/to/somefile' >>> file_extension '.ext' import os.path extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] New in version 3.4. import pathlib print(pathlib.Path('yourPathGoesHere').suffix) I'm s
有没有从文件名中提取扩展名的函数? 是。 使用os.path.splitext : >>> import os >>> filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext('/path/to/somefile.ext') >>> filename '/path/to/somefile' >>> file_extension '.ext' import os.path extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] 3.4版新增功能 import pathlib print(pathlib.Path('yourPathGoesHere').suffix) 我很惊讶没有
I am trying to post a file into EchoSign APIs and it works everywhere for me except for python-requests. I have here the CURL command that works perfectly curl -H "Access-Token: API_KEY" -F File=@/home/user/Desktop/test123.pdf https://secure.echosign.com/api/rest/v2/transientDocuments and this is my requests function. It will upload the PDF file but with garbage whereas CURL works perfec
我正在尝试将文件发布到EchoSign API中,除了python-requests之外,它对我来说无处不在。 我在这里完美的CURL命令 curl -H "Access-Token: API_KEY" -F File=@/home/user/Desktop/test123.pdf https://secure.echosign.com/api/rest/v2/transientDocuments 这是我的请求功能。 它将上传PDF文件,但带有垃圾,而CURL完美工作。 api_url = 'https://secure.echosign.com/api/rest/v2' def send_document(file_path, acce