I am writing python tests with unittest and running the tests from the command line with nosetests --with-coverage -x When I include numpy in one of my tests it tries to test the numpy packages as well. Example output: ... Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------------- CLOCK 39 33
我正在用unittest编写python测试,并使用命令行运行测试 nosetests --with-coverage -x 当我在我的一个测试中包含numpy时,它也会尝试测试numpy包。 示例输出: ... Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------------- CLOCK 39 33 15% 3, 7-13, 17, 20-25, 28-47 LFU 4
I have already found few questions at SO but i am unable to solve this problem using the answers there. I am new to python. I am having python in Ubuntu 12.04. In my /usr/local/lib , there are two python folders python 2.7 and python 3.2 . python 2.7 contains dist-packages and site-packages while python 3.2 contains only dist-packages. I am trying to run a very simple opencv example with t
我已经在SO上发现了几个问题,但我无法使用那里的答案来解决这个问题。 我是python的新手。 我在Ubuntu 12.04中使用python。 在我的/usr/local/lib ,有两个python文件夹python 2.7和python 3.2 。 python 2.7包含dist-packages和site-packages,而python 3.2只包含dist-packages。 我想用下面的代码运行一个非常简单的opencv示例: import cv2 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv2.imre
I have built an application with python. How can I detect minimum version of Python that my application needs? Like Django , in that website it tells you the minimum version of python that it required (example: 2.6.6 and later). It means I wanna tell to user what minimum version of python he should install on his system There isn't really an automated way to check what features your co
我用python构建了一个应用程序。 我如何检测我的应用程序需要的最低版本的Python? 和Django一样,在那个网站上它会告诉你它需要的最低版本的python(例如:2.6.6和更高版本)。 这意味着我想告诉用户他应该在他的系统上安装哪些最低版本的python 没有真正的自动化方法来检查您的代码正在使用哪些功能,并将其与特定的Python版本相关联。 如果您的代码依赖于已修复的bug或其他关键字,则版本检测将更加困难。 一般来说
This question already has an answer here: How to pass a default argument value of an instance member to a method? 3 answers 尝试这个class TrabGraph: def circle(self): print (self.radius) def __init__(self,radius): self.radius = radius TrabGraph(2).circle()
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何将实例成员的默认参数值传递给方法? 3个答案 尝试这个class TrabGraph: def circle(self): print (self.radius) def __init__(self,radius): self.radius = radius TrabGraph(2).circle()
When trying to access __variables from a class, the parser assumes the 2 underscores are private relative to the current class. Notice how an unrelated function gets a "private" variable. Is this a bug? >>> def f(): pass ... >>> class A: ... def g(self): ... f.__x = 1 ... def h(): ... pass ... h.__y = 2 ... ret
当试图从类中访问__variables ,解析器假定2个下划线相对于当前类是私有的。 注意一个不相关的函数如何得到一个“私有”变量。 这是一个错误? >>> def f(): pass ... >>> class A: ... def g(self): ... f.__x = 1 ... def h(): ... pass ... h.__y = 2 ... return h ... >>> z = A().g() >>> dir(z) ['_A__y', '__call__', '__class__', '__delatt
Here is a sample program where I use multiprocessing. The calculations are done with multiprocessing.Process and the results are collected using multiprocessing.Queue . #THIS PROGRAM RUNS WITH ~40Gb RAM. (you can reduce a,b,c for less RAM #but then it works for smaller values) #PROBLEM OCCURS ONLY FOR HUGE DATA. from numpy import * import multiprocessing as mp a = arange(0, 3500, 5) b = ar
这里是我使用多处理的示例程序。 计算是通过multiprocessing.Process完成的。 multiprocessing.Process和结果是使用multiprocessing.Queue收集的。 #THIS PROGRAM RUNS WITH ~40Gb RAM. (you can reduce a,b,c for less RAM #but then it works for smaller values) #PROBLEM OCCURS ONLY FOR HUGE DATA. from numpy import * import multiprocessing as mp a = arange(0, 3500, 5) b = arange(0, 3500, 5) c = arange(0
I know that by using -P switch or @parallel tag I can run task in parallel on multiple hosts. I'm trying to execute multiple long running tasks in parallel on the same host: @task def task1(): # long running op @task def task2(): #long running op @task def task3(): #long running op @task def backup_all(): execute(task1) execute(task2) execute(task3) How can I start task1, t
我知道通过使用-P开关或@parallel标签,我可以在多台主机上并行运行任务。 我试图在同一主机上并行执行多个长时间运行的任务: @task def task1(): # long running op @task def task2(): #long running op @task def task3(): #long running op @task def backup_all(): execute(task1) execute(task2) execute(task3) 如何通过使用fabric在同一主机上并行启动task1,task2和task3。 我知道我可以用不同的
I have create a local python installation in ~/localpython/python276 After create a virtualenv as py276, I linked the idle to ~/localpython/python276 /bin/idle . I also activated the py276. $ which python /home/xxx/virtualenvs/py276/bin/python $ python Python 2.7.6 [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. $ bin/idle Python 2.7.6 [GCC 4.6.3
我在〜/ localpython / python276中创建了一个本地python安装在创建一个virtualenv作为py276后,我将空闲链接到了~/localpython/python276 /bin/idle 。 我也激活了py276。 $ which python /home/xxx/virtualenvs/py276/bin/python $ python Python 2.7.6 [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. $ bin/idle Python 2.7.6 [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "copyright",
I installed django framework and going through the documentation I was instructed to run the django-admin.py but threw an error: Command not found I was Instructed in the documentation to try symlinking to django-admin.py from some place on my path such as /usr/local/bin which has left me totally confused because I'm kind of new to linux A symlink is a symbolic link . What you're
我安装了django框架,并通过指导我运行django-admin.py的文档,但抛出了一个错误: Command not found 我被指示在文档中尝试从我的路径上的某个地方对django-admin.py进行符号链接,例如 /usr/local/bin 这让我完全感到困惑,因为我对linux很陌生 符号链接是一个符号链接 。 你正在做的是告诉操作系统,当请求进入路径x时,将其视为路径y。 因此,如果django需要'/ expected / path / to / file'中的文件,但
I have been trying to get SCons working now for quite a time, but didn't succeed yet. Before everything else: I'm running Windows 7 x64. I have firstly installed Python 2.7.11 in C:SoftwarePython27 and added both that directory as C:SoftwarePythonScripts to the system path (for all users, that is). Then I installed SCons in C:SoftwarePython27Libsite-packagesscons-2.4.1 , and the scrip
我一直试图让SCons工作一段时间,但还没有成功。 在开始之前:我正在运行Windows 7 x64。 我首先在C:SoftwarePython27安装了Python 2.7.11,并将该目录作为C:SoftwarePythonScripts到系统路径(即所有用户)。 然后,我在C:SoftwarePython27Libsite-packagesscons-2.4.1安装了SCons,并在前面提到的脚本目录(SCons安装msi默认的目录)中安装了脚本。 现在,当我尝试运行SCons时,出现以下错误消息: 导入失败。 无法在