Using std::tm as Key in std::map

I'd like to use std::tm () as the key for an std::map-container. But when I try to compile it, I get a lot(10) of errors. For example: 1. error C2784: 'bool std::operator <(const std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> &,const _Elem *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'const std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> &' from 'const tm

在std :: map中使用std :: tm作为键

我想使用std :: tm()作为std :: map-container的关键字。 但是当我尝试编译它时,我会遇到很多(10)错误。 例如: 1。 错误C2784:'bool std :: operator <(const std :: basic_string <_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>&,const _Elem *)':无法推断'const std :: basic_string <_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>的模板参数。 &'from'const tm'c: program files(x86) microsoft visual

tuple in C++0x

Tying to compile the following program with Visual Studio 10, I get lot of compile errors: #include "stdafx.h" #include <tuple> #include <string> #include <map> #include <iostream> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { typedef std::tuple<std::string, std::string> key_t; typedef std::map<key_t, std::string> map_t; map_t the_map; auto k = st

C ++ 0x中的元组

试图用Visual Studio 10编译下面的程序,我得到了很多编译错误: #include "stdafx.h" #include <tuple> #include <string> #include <map> #include <iostream> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { typedef std::tuple<std::string, std::string> key_t; typedef std::map<key_t, std::string> map_t; map_t the_map; auto k = std::make_tuple("one", "two");

map where the key is a custom object?

Using the STL C++ hash_map... class MyKeyObject { std::string str1; std::string str2; bool operator==(...) { this.str1 == that.str1 ... } }; class MyData { std::string data1; int data2; std::string etcetc; }; like this... MyKeyObject a = MyKeyObject(...); MyData b = MyData(...); stdext::hash_map <MyKeyObject, MyData> _myDataHashMap; _myDataHashMap[ a ] = b; I


使用STL C ++ hash_map ... class MyKeyObject { std::string str1; std::string str2; bool operator==(...) { this.str1 == that.str1 ... } }; class MyData { std::string data1; int data2; std::string etcetc; }; 喜欢这个... MyKeyObject a = MyKeyObject(...); MyData b = MyData(...); stdext::hash_map <MyKeyObject, MyData> _myDataHashMap; _myDataHashMap[ a ] = b; 我得到

Is there a good C++ library to read, create and modify BER encoded files?

There are several tools that can automatically generate C++ (or other) code for reading and writing BER encoded files. In my C++ project, I need libraries to read and modify BER encoded files. I can not generate C++ classes based on a given data structure because there is no given data structure. The user should be able to add and delete integers, strings etc. I found an open source project th

是否有一个好的C ++库来读取,创建和修改BER编码文件?

有几种工具可以自动生成用于读写BER编码文件的C ++(或其他)代码。 在我的C ++项目中,我需要库来读取和修改BER编码文件。 我无法根据给定的数据结构生成C ++类,因为没有给定的数据结构。 用户应该能够添加和删除整数,字符串等。我找到了一个具有这种功能的编辑器的开源项目: 但是,这是在C#中.... 请让我知道,如果你知道如何使用我可以用于我的C ++项目的这

character set and its encoding?

Quite a few concepts related to character set are mentioned in the standard: basic source character set, basic execution character set, basic execution wide-character set, execution character set, and execution wide-character set: Basic source character set: 91 graphical characters, plus space character, HT, VT, FF, LF (just borrowing name abbreviations from ASCII). Basic execution (wide-)cha


标准中提到了很多与字符集相关的概念:基本源字符集,基本执行字符集,基本执行宽字符集,执行字符集和执行宽字符集: 基本源字符集:91个图形字符,加上空格字符,HT,VT,FF,LF(仅从ASCII中借用名称缩写)。 基本执行(宽 - )字符集:基本源字符集的所有成员,加上BEL,BS,CR,(宽 - )NUL。 执行字符集和执行宽字符集分别是基本执行字符集和基本执行宽字符集的实现定义的超集。 执行字符集的成员和额外成员集的值

C standard : Character set and string encoding specification

I found the C standard (C99 and C11) vague with respect to character/string code positions and encoding rules: Firstly the standard defines the source character set and the execution character set . Essentially it provides a set of glyphs, but does not associate any numerical values with them - So what is the default character set? I'm not asking about encoding here but just the glyph/re


我发现C标准(C99和C11)在字符/字符串代码位置和编码规则方面是模糊的: 首先,标准定义the source character set和the execution character set 。 本质上它提供了一组字形,但不会将任何数值与它们相关联 - 那么默认字符集是什么? 我不是在询问编码,而是字形/曲目到数字/代码点映射。 它确实将universal character names定义为ISO / IEC 10646,但它是否说这是默认的字符集? 作为对上述内容的扩展 - 我无法找到任

Is it possible to know when is constexpr really a constexpr?

Since the extended versions of constexpr (I think from C++14) you can declare constexpr functions that could be used as "real" constexpr, that is, the code executed at compile time or can behave as inline functions. So when can have this program: #include <iostream> constexpr int foo(const int s) { return s + 4; } int main() { std::cout << foo(3) << std::endl


由于constexpr的扩展版本(我认为是C ++ 14),你可以声明constexpr函数,它可以用作“真正的”constexpr,也就是说,代码可以在编译时执行,或者可以表现为内联函数。 所以什么时候可以有这个程序: #include <iostream> constexpr int foo(const int s) { return s + 4; } int main() { std::cout << foo(3) << std::endl; const int bar = 3; std::cout << foo(bar) << std::en

Switch in constexpr function

Found the following statement in Wiki: C++11 introduced the concept of a constexpr-declared function; a function which could be executed at compile time. Their return values could be consumed by operations that require constant expressions, such as an integer template argument. However, C++11 constexpr functions could only contain a single expression that is returned (as well as static_asser


在Wiki中发现以下声明: C ++ 11引入了constexpr声明函数的概念; 一个可以在编译时执行的函数。 它们的返回值可以被需要常量表达式的操作使用,例如整型模板参数。 但是,C ++ 11 constexpr函数只能包含返回的单个表达式(以及static_asserts和少量其他声明)。 C ++ 14放宽了这些限制。 Constexpr声明的函数现在可能包含以下内容:有条件的 ... 分支语句if和switch 那么,实际上是否可以在c ++ 14 / c ++ 17的con

time or runtime detection within a constexpr function

I was excited when constexpr was introduced in C++11, but I unfortunately made optimistic assumptions about its usefulness. I assumed that we could use constexpr anywhere to catch literal compile-time constants or any constexpr result of a literal compile-time constant, including something like this: constexpr float MyMin(constexpr float a, constexpr float b) { return a<b?a:b; } Because qua


当constexpr在C ++ 11中引入时,我很兴奋,但不幸的是,我对它的有用性做出了乐观的假设。 我认为我们可以在任何地方使用constexpr来捕获文字编译时常量或文字编译时常量的任何constexpr结果,包括如下所示: constexpr float MyMin(constexpr float a, constexpr float b) { return a<b?a:b; } 因为仅将函数的返回类型限定为constexpr并不会将其用法限制为编译时间,并且还必须在运行时可调用,所以我认为这将确保MyMin只

Runtime function branching on compile

Consider a compile-time function of the form: template <unsigned int Value> constexpr unsigned int function() { // Just for the example, but it could be very complicated here return Value*Value; } How to write the runtime equivalent that will call the right compile-time version using template metaprogramming, knowing that the value will always be in the [From, To[ interval: temp


考虑表单的编译时函数: template <unsigned int Value> constexpr unsigned int function() { // Just for the example, but it could be very complicated here return Value*Value; } 如何编写将使用模板元编程调用正确的编译时版本的运行时等效value ,知道该value始终位于[From, To[ interval: template <unsigned int From, unsigned int To, /* Something here */> constexpr unsigned int funct