a stack smashing is detected in my main function in a c++ code... here is the body of main: int main() { long int acn; char dot[15]; float open_balance=1; char k; int total_account=0; int c; static int ac=10000; TRANSACTION trn; support sprt; do{ cout<<"n1.New accountn2. Transactionn3. ExitnnEnter choice:"; cin>>k; swi
在c ++代码中我的主函数中检测到堆栈粉碎...这里是main的主体: int main() { long int acn; char dot[15]; float open_balance=1; char k; int total_account=0; int c; static int ac=10000; TRANSACTION trn; support sprt; do{ cout<<"n1.New accountn2. Transactionn3. ExitnnEnter choice:"; cin>>k; switch(k) { case '1':
As per question, I'm running into some memory leaking by getnameinfo. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 (Linux scv 3.2.0-35-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 17:42:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) with gcc version 4.6.3. I'm linking my server executable with g++ and so far valgrind hasn't reported an issue. I've then added a simple call to getnameinfo to print out what are
按照每个问题,我遇到了一些由getnameinfo泄漏的内存。 我正在使用gcc 4.6.3版本的Ubuntu 12.04(Linux scv 3.2.0-35-generic#55 -Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 17:42:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux)。 我使用g ++将我的服务器可执行文件链接到目前为止,valgrind尚未报告问题。 然后,我添加了一个简单的调用getnameinfo来打印出连接客户端的网络名称和端口是什么。 我得到以下内容: ==4425== ==4425== HEA
I could not compile with protobuf on ubuntu. Here is the error: error: #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is ^ build/x86_64/gen/rtbkit/plugins/exchange/realtime-bidding.pb.h:13:2: error: #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update #error incompatible with your Protocol
我无法在Ubuntu上使用protobuf进行编译。 这是错误: 错误:#error这个文件是由更新版本的protoc生成的,它是#error这个文件是由更新版本的protoc生成的,它是^ build / x86_64 / gen / rtbkit / plugins / exchange / realtime-bidding.pb.h :13:2:错误:#error与协议缓冲区标头不兼容。 请更新#error与协议缓冲区标头不兼容。 请更新^ build / x86_64 / gen / rtbkit / plugins / exchange / realtime-bidding.pb.h:1
Greetings all, in my application i use the following code: bool HandleMessages() { MSG msg; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) return FALSE; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return true; } This is the standard code for message handling in windows i thought, but now when i try to run the program, i alwa
问候所有, 在我的应用程序中,我使用下面的代码: bool HandleMessages() { MSG msg; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) return FALSE; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return true; } 这是我认为在windows中处理消息的标准代码,但现在当我尝试运行该程序时,我总是在PeekMessage()调用中获得一个Exception。 异常
I'm writing a multithreaded application in c++, where performance is critical. I need to use a lot of locking while copying small structures between threads, for this I have chosen to use spinlocks. I have done some research and speed testing on this and I found that most implementations are roughly equally fast: Microsofts CRITICAL_SECTION, with SpinCount set to 1000, scores about 140 t
我正在用c ++编写一个多线程应用程序,其中性能至关重要。 我需要在线程之间复制小结构时使用大量锁定,因为我选择使用自旋锁。 我已经做了一些研究和速度测试,我发现大多数实现大致同样快速: 微软的CRITICAL_SECTION,SpinCount设置为1000,分数约为140个时间单位 使用Microsofts InterlockedCompareExchange实现此算法,得分约95个时间单位 我也尝试过使用类似这段代码的__asm {}来使用一些内联汇编,它的分数大约
I am developing time-demanding simulations in C++ targeting Intel x86_64 machines. After researching a little, I found two interesting libraries to enable parallelization: Intel Threading Bulding Blocks Intel Cilk Plus As stated in docs, they both target parallelism on multicore processors but still haven't figured which one is the best. AFAIK Cilkplus simply implements three keywords
我正在开发针对Intel x86_64机器的C ++时间模拟。 经过一番研究,我发现了两个有趣的库来实现并行化: 英特尔线程加固块 英特尔Cilk Plus 正如文档中所述,它们都针对多核处理器的并行性,但还没有计算出哪一个最好。 AFAIK Cilkplus只是简单地实现了三个关键字,以实现更简单的并行性(这导致GCC被重新编译为支持这些关键字); 而TBB只是一个促进更好的平行发展的图书馆。 你会推荐哪一个? 考虑到我在安装CilkPlu
although I have been playing with pthreads, OpenMP, intel TBB, and threading in general for a while I still don't understand what is the main difference between a message passing interface implementation like OpenMP and a classic threading library it's still unclear to me. Assuming that writing all the boilerplate code for a threading pool it's not a problem in my case, and I'm
尽管我一直在玩pthread,OpenMP,intel TBB和线程,但我仍然不明白像OpenMP这样的消息传递接口实现和经典线程库之间的主要区别是什么,但它仍然不清楚。 假设为线程池编写所有样板代码,这对我来说不是问题,我正在使用C ++,这两种技术之间的区别归结为...? 我也对网络上的线程进行操作感兴趣,同时将任务分配给所有连接的机器。 目前我也没有考虑OpenMP / OpenMPI支持的平台数量方面的限制,因为我想了解这两个概念是如
I'm planning to start "playing" with task-based parallelism for a cross-platform project. I wanted to use Intel Threading Building Blocks. I'm starting with Windows and Visual Studio. As I just want to prototype for the moment, I'm thinking about "playing" only on windows, then have enough knowledge to use the library on all compatible platforms. I've lea
我打算开始以任务为基础的“并行”开展跨平台项目。 我想使用英特尔线程构建模块。 我从Windows和Visual Studio开始。 因为我现在只想创建原型,所以我只想在Windows上“玩”,然后有足够的知识在所有兼容的平台上使用该库。 我了解到,自VS2010以来,微软提供了一个类似的库,并行处理库,它具有(几乎)与英特尔TBB相同的接口。 一些消息来源建议,包括TBB的团队博客,他们一起构建它,并且它是同一个图书馆。 然而,它
I am new to this kind of programming and need your point of view. I have to build an application but I can't get it to compute fast enough. I have already tried Intel TBB, and it is easy to use, but I have never used other libraries. In multiprocessor programming, I am reading about OpenMP and Boost for the multithreading, but I don't know their pros and cons. In C++, when is multi
我是这种编程的新手,需要您的观点。 我不得不建立一个应用程序,但我无法让它计算得足够快。 我已经尝试过英特尔TBB,它很容易使用,但我从未使用过其他库。 在多处理器编程中,我正在阅读有关多线程的OpenMP和Boost,但我不知道它们的优缺点。 在C ++中,与多处理器编程相比,何时多线程编程更有优势?反之亦然?哪种方法最适合大量计算或启动许多任务? 当我们构建与他们一起设计的应用程序时,他们有什么优点和缺点
I am building a CD ripper application in C++ and Qt. I would like to parallelize the application such that multiple tracks can be encoded concurrently. Therefore, I have structured the application in such a way that encoding a track is a "Task", and I'm working on a mechanism to run some number of these Tasks concurrently. I could, of course, accomplish this using threads and wri
我正在用C ++和Qt构建一个CD开膛手应用程序。 我想并行化应用程序,以便可以同时编码多个轨道。 因此,我已经以这样的方式构建了应用程序,即编码轨道是一个“任务”,并且我正在研究一种机制来同时运行一些这些任务。 当然,我可以使用线程来完成此任务,并编写自己的任务队列或工作管理器,但我认为英特尔的线程构建模块(TBB)可能是更好的工具。 然而,我有几个问题。 将WAV文件编码为FLAC,Ogg Vorbis或Mp3文件,这些文