I'm quite new to boost::threads, I read the documentation and but i'm having some trouble applying it in practice, perhaps you can help? First of all, I have taken the time to write a self contained code listing that demonstrates 2 types of behavior that I cannot yet understand... The program allows the user to issue 3 different commands, task [name] info quit The purpose is th
我很兴奋boost :: threads,我阅读了文档,但在实践中遇到了一些麻烦,也许你可以帮忙? 首先,我花时间编写了一个自包含的代码清单,演示了我还不能理解的两种行为类型...... 该程序允许用户发出3个不同的命令, 任务名称] 信息 放弃 目的是任务将在新线程上启动一些工作,但在工作执行时返回命令提示符。 用户可以通过info命令找出哪些任务已完成,哪些尚未完成。 我使用双核Win7机器和Visual Studio 2008 Expre
I want to read the input of (up to 4) keyboards attached the a computer in my own application. My situation For a small event I'd like to attach three USB barcode scanners to a laptop (having a keyboard) By default, a barcode scanner simply work like a keyboard. If it scans a barcode it just enters the number and presses the "return" key. That's great and works out of th
我想在自己的应用程序中读取连接到计算机的(最多4个)键盘的输入。 我的情况 对于一个小型活动,我想将三个USB条形码扫描器连接到笔记本电脑(有键盘) 默认情况下,条形码扫描器就像键盘一样工作。 如果它扫描条形码,只需输入数字并按下“返回”键。 这很棒,可以直接使用。 对于我的应用程序,三个条形码扫描仪将同时工作,并可能与默认应用程序发生冲突。 此外,应该有意见在笔记本电脑键盘上手动输入条形码。
Assume I have an interface class I{ public: virtual void f(int id)=0; virtual void g(int id, float x)=0; } I need a proxy class, to do some sort of id to pointer mapping class Proxy : I { I * i[5]; public: void f(int id) { i[id]->f(id); } void g(int id, float x) { i[id]->g(id, x); } } So when i write Proxy *p; p->f(1); f is call
假设我有一个接口 class I{ public: virtual void f(int id)=0; virtual void g(int id, float x)=0; } 我需要一个代理类来做一些id到指针的映射 class Proxy : I { I * i[5]; public: void f(int id) { i[id]->f(id); } void g(int id, float x) { i[id]->g(id, x); } } 所以当我写 Proxy *p; p->f(1); 在id = 1的对象上调用f 有几种这样的情况和接口
If you write an app that is: Single threaded Has no cycles in call graph Doesn't use alloca or VLAs Can modern whole program optimizing compilers optimize away all stack allocation (eg GCC, MSVC, ICC)? It seems like in those circumstances it should be able to allocate all possible stack space statically. By 'whole program' I mean the compiler has access to /all/ source code
如果您编写的应用程序是: 单线程 在调用图中没有周期 不使用alloca或VLA 现代整个程序优化编译器可以优化所有堆栈分配(例如GCC,MSVC,ICC)吗? 看起来在这些情况下,它应该能够静态分配所有可能的堆栈空间。 “整个程序”是指编译器可以访问/所有/源代码(在运行时没有可能发生的事情,等等)。 如果你能保证你陈述的条件,那么是的:这将有可能有效地让堆栈完全静态分配。 每个函数都有一个堆栈内存块。 但是
I'm trying to detect a plastic object on video stream using OpenCV 2.4.9 on C++. The object has six angles and its contour looks like : . For each frame I'm doing some kind of segmentation and edges detection. After these operations i got some binary image containing corrupted contours of the object and some noise from background. For example: or I need somehow to detect my ob
我试图在C ++上使用OpenCV 2.4.9来检测视频流上的塑料物体。 该物体有六个角度,其轮廓如下所示: 。 对于每帧我正在做一些分割和边缘检测。 在这些操作之后,我得到了一些二值图像,其中包含对象的轮廓损坏和背景噪音。 例如: 要么 我需要以某种方式在这里检测我的对象并恢复轮廓。 你能建议一些方法吗? 我需要一个快速的方法,因为我想在android手机上运行这个程序。 我知道我的对象的比例。 相机总是大致
class A { int a; }; template<typename, typename = void> class test {}; template<typename T> class test<T,decltype(T::a)> {}; int main() { test<A> a; } The code above compiles without error on clang version 3.8.0-2ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_380/final) , but fails to compile on g++-5 (Ubuntu 5.4.1-2ubuntu1~16.04) 5.4.1 20160904 and g++-6 (Ubuntu 6.2.0-3ubuntu11~16.04) 6.2.0 20
class A { int a; }; template<typename, typename = void> class test {}; template<typename T> class test<T,decltype(T::a)> {}; int main() { test<A> a; } 上面的代码在编译clang version 3.8.0-2ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_380/final)编译没有错误,但是无法在g++-5 (Ubuntu 5.4.1-2ubuntu1~16.04) 5.4.1 20160904上编译g++-5 (Ubuntu 5.4.1-2ubuntu1~16.04) 5.4.1 20160904和g++-6 (Ubuntu 6.2.0
For example, the following code piece compiles with gcc-4.9 and clang-602 class Base { public: static void foo() {}
例如,下面的代码片段用gcc-4.9和clang-602编译 class Base { public: static void foo() {} void badfoo(int i) {}
Minimal program: #include <stdio.h> #include <type_traits> template<typename S, typename T> int foo(typename T::type s) { return 1; } template<typename S, typename T> int foo(S s) { return 2; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int x = 3; printf("%dn", foo<int, std::enable_if<true, int>>(x)); return 0; } output: 1 Why doesn
最小程序: #include <stdio.h> #include <type_traits> template<typename S, typename T> int foo(typename T::type s) { return 1; } template<typename S, typename T> int foo(S s) { return 2; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int x = 3; printf("%dn", foo<int, std::enable_if<true, int>>(x)); return 0; } 输出: 1 为什么这不会产生编
I was quite surprised when I saw the following code compile without errors or warnings in g++-4.2: typedef enum test { one }; My assumption was that if you used the typedef keyword it would require an extra identifier as in: typedef enum test { one } test; As already mentioned, g++-4.2 accepts it without even a warning. Clang++ 3.0 warns "warning: typedef requires a name", similarl
当我看到下面的代码在g ++ - 4.2中编译没有错误或警告时,我感到非常惊讶: typedef enum test { one }; 我的假设是,如果您使用typedef关键字,则需要额外的标识符,如下所示: typedef enum test { one } test; 如前所述,g ++ - 4.2甚至没有警告就接受它。 Clang ++ 3.0警告“警告:typedef需要一个名字”,类似于Comeau警告“警告:声明需要一个typedef名字”,并且g ++ - 4.6通知:“warning:'typedef'在这
The following code doesn't compile for obvious reasons, namely that Foo is trying to access a private member of Bar. However if you uncomment/comment the lines marked, making Foo a template, it does compile and outputs 42. What am I missing here? Why does this work? Seems to me it shouldn't. Thanks for your help. #include <iostream> class Bar { private: static const i
下面的代码由于显而易见的原因不能编译,即Foo试图访问Bar的私有成员。 但是,如果您取消注释/注释标记的行,将Foo作为模板,它会编译并输出42.我在这里错过了什么? 为什么这个工作? 在我看来,它不应该。 谢谢你的帮助。 #include <iostream> class Bar { private: static const int x = 42; }; //template <int> // uncomment me struct Foo { static const int i = Bar::x; }; int main(