Boost serialization of class wrapping a pointer

I have a class Ptr which wraps a pointer. This pointer can handle structures such as Ptr<A> where A can be a complex structure or primitives such as Ptr<double> . I would like to specify the save and load functions of Ptr serilaization to work for both of these cases. Here I try to reproduce a simplified example : struct A { A(int aa) : a(aa) {} int a; template<


我有一个包装指针的类Ptr 。 这个指针可以处理像Ptr<A>这样的结构,其中A可以是一个复杂的结构,或者是像Ptr<double>这样的基元。 我想指定Ptr系列化的save和load功能以适用于这两种情况。 在这里我尝试重现一个简化的例子: struct A { A(int aa) : a(aa) {} int a; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & BOOST_

XML Serialization with C++ Boost: how to refer to the base class?

When XML serializing a class with the Boost libraries, there is a point where we likely need to do it for a derived class. In this case, the manual 1 instructs to include a reference to the base class: BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(my_base_class) However, if this class is inside a namespace, are we supposed to include the name of the class with, OR without the namespace? For example,

用C ++ Boost实现XML序列化:如何引用基类?

当XML使用Boost库序列化一个类时,我们可能需要为派生类做这件事。 在这种情况下,手册1指示包含对基类的引用: BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(my_base_class) 但是,如果此类位于命名空间内,我们是否应该包含该类的名称, 或者没有命名空间? 例如,基类是Awesome :: Foo ,它的派生类是Awesome :: Bar 。 现在的问题是,我们应该使用,在Bar的执行序列化里面,下面哪个语句? BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJE

Class Instantiated from here error c++

I am trying to create a class that will read and parse data from a Serial port, however I keep getting an instantiated error and I don't know why. The class takes in a serial port and its io_service. I am using boost. I am getting a ton of errors, but I think its because its cumulative (I think, I am not sure if that is correct). Here is the first one: In file included from /usr/include

类从这里实例化错误c ++

我试图创建一个类,它将读取和解析来自串口的数据,但是我不断收到一个实例化的错误,我不知道为什么。 这个类需要一个串口和它的io_service。 我正在使用boost。 我遇到了很多错误,但我认为它是因为它的累积性(我认为,我不确定这是否正确)。 这是第一个: 从/usr/include/boost/bind.hpp:22:0包含的文件中,从../Sources/Magnetic Compensator Core.cpp:17: /usr/include/boost/bind/bind.hpp:在'boost :: _

How to serialize OpenCV Mat with boost XML archive

I am trying to serialize an object which has a cv::Mat as a member, I've found this SO page but when I try it I get the following error: usr/include/boost/archive/basic_xml_iarchive.hpp:70:9: error: no matching function for call to 'assertion_failed(mpl_::failed************ boost::serialization::is_wrapper::************) note: template int mpl_::assertion_failed(typename mpl_::assert::t

如何使用boost XML归档序列化OpenCV Mat

我想序列化一个对象,它有一个cv :: Mat作为成员,我发现这个SO页面,但是当我尝试它时,我得到以下错误: usr / include / boost / archive / basic_xml_iarchive.hpp:70:9:错误:没有匹配函数调用'assertion_failed(mpl _ :: failed ************ boost :: serialization :: is_wrapper :: ************)注意:template int mpl _ :: assertion_failed(typename mpl _ :: assert :: type)/usr/include/boost/arch


I am trying to test the following sample code which explains how to serialize a user defined primitive type class in boost,it works fine.But if I switch to polymorphic_archive (testing with polymorphic_text_*) which I will have to use in my project, it fails to compile and I am struggling to fix it(testing in vc++2008). All the code can be found in the below 3 links:

C ++

我想测试下面的示例代码,它解释了如何在boost中序列化一个用户定义的原始类型类,它工作正常。但如果我切换到polymorphic_archive(用polymorphic_text_ *测试),我将不得不在我的项目中使用它,无法编译,我努力修复它(在vc ++ 2008中测试)。 所有的代码可以在以下3个链接中找到: /1_46_1/libs/serializ

C++ Templates: Partial Template Specifications and Friend Classes

is it possible to somehow make a partial template specification a friend class? Ie consider you have the following template class template <class T> class X{ T t; }; Now you have partial specializations, for example, for pointers template <class T> class X<T*>{ T* t; }; What I want to accomplish is that every possible X<T*> is a friend class of X<S> for

C ++模板:部分模板规范和朋友类

是否有可能以某种方式使部分模板规范成为朋友类? 即认为你有以下模板类 template <class T> class X{ T t; }; 现在你有部分专业化,例如,针对指针 template <class T> class X<T*>{ T* t; }; 我想完成的是每个可能的X<T*>都是X<S>的朋友类,适用于任何S 即X<A*> <A *>应该是X<B>的朋友。 当然,我想到了X中通常的模板朋友声明: template <class T> cl


I am looking for some way to cross-check the compatability of two differing libraries, which should share the same base symbols. So, I have libCommon, libA and libB and my application. libB uses symbols from libCommon as does libA. I compile both into my application, and then find that the application seems to crash on the libA/libCommon and libB/libCommon boundaries. From this, I assume th

C ++

我正在寻找一些方法来交叉检查两个不同库的兼容性,这两个库应该共享相同的基本符号。 所以,我有libCommon,libA和libB以及​​我的应用程序。 libB使用来自libCommon的符号,就像libA一样。 我将它们编译到我的应用程序中,然后发现应用程序似乎在libA / libCommon和libB / libCommon边界上崩溃。 从这里,我假设在构建libA或libB时,不小心产生了libCommon的不同ABI(也许一个编译时使用-DEXTRA_STRUCT_STUFF或不同的gcc

How to implement optional delayed processing

I'm using GCC 4.4.7 (does not have all the C++ 11 stuff yet) and Boost 1.55 on Centos 6.2. This is NOT a homework or class assignment. A third party library calls back into my application. This function is invoked on a single thread and my job is to process the message and return as fast as possible void mycallback(Message& m) { /// process m here and return quickly doProcess


我正在使用GCC 4.4.7(尚未拥有所有C ++ 11的东西)和CentOS 6.2上的Boost 1.55。 这不是一项家庭作业或班级作业。 第三方库会回调到我的应用程序中。 该函数在单个线程上调用,我的工作是处理消息并尽可能快地返回 void mycallback(Message& m) { /// process m here and return quickly doProcessing(m); } 现在我们需要根据消息中的属性来延迟处理某些消息。 我们仍然需要尽快将控制权交还第三方图书馆,

Shared library SIGSEGV on dlopen / static init when calling @plt function

My app dlopens a library with static initialization code. All other libraries do the same and are loaded fine before, but this one dies, when calling a function from another library. This is something like: 0x12311 <-- bad address _static_initialization_0 <-- function call .... dlopen Now, the function call in the disassembly looks like call _Z6MyFuncRA37_Kc@plt However this call ends

调用@plt函数时,在dlopen / static init上共享库SIGSEGV

我的应用程序使用静态初始化代码构建了一个库。 所有其他库都是这样做的,并且之前加载得很好,但是当从另一个库调用函数时,它会死亡。 这是这样的: 0x12311 <-- bad address _static_initialization_0 <-- function call .... dlopen 现在,反汇编中的函数调用看起来像 call _Z6MyFuncRA37_Kc@plt 然而,这个呼叫结束了呼叫无效地址0x12311,即PLT条目得到错误的地址。 问题很可能是所讨论的库是第三方库,即使

C++ Why does this specific situation cause a symbol linking error?

I'm working on an application where there's a 'core' and multiple plugins. I'm using Qt on Linux, and I use Qt's plugin loader system. Plugins are created as shared object files (*.so) and loaded dynamically. If I link to a library with a plugin, and that library links to additional libraries, I often get an 'undefined symbol' error from the application. To get

C ++为什么这种特定情况会导致符号链接错误?

我正在研究一个有'核心'和多个插件的应用程序。 我在Linux上使用Qt,并使用Qt的插件加载器系统。 插件被创建为共享对象文件(* .so)并动态加载。 如果我使用插件链接到库,并且该库链接到其他库,我经常会从应用程序中收到“未定义符号”错误。 为了解决它,我需要将插件链接到其他库以及... 插件链接到LibA LibA链接LibB,LibC LibA被编译为静态。 当我尝试加载插件时,会收到未定义的符号错误,如下所示: u