I have two big text Files each having more than 10 Million lines. How can i compare the files and get different lines in the files using C++. I have tried loading one file into memory and sorted the memory and used the binary tree logic to compare the files. It compared and gave me the result in 20 Sec. But it's consuming more memory. (The text file is around 500 MB). I want to compar
我有两个大文本文件,每个文件都有超过10百万行。 我如何比较这些文件并在使用C ++的文件中获得不同的行。 我曾尝试将一个文件加载到内存中,并对内存进行排序,并使用二叉树逻辑来比较文件。 它在20秒比较并给了我结果。 但它消耗更多的内存。 (文本文件大约500 MB)。 我想比较两个文件,而不消耗更多的内存,良好的性能以及对硬盘的影响最小。 你可以使用两遍方法。 第一遍,您只读取文件,但只存储散列值和行
I have been trying to set up an EDE project for C++ (emacs24 + builtin CEDET) and I'm starting to get desperate because I can't seem to find the way I want the makefiles to be generated. I'm relatively new to Emacs. I'll try to describe what I'm doing: I have a toy project set like so: main.cpp other/ Utils.cpp Utils.h CGrabBuffer.cpp CGrabBuffer.h main.cpp incl
我一直在尝试为C ++(emacs24 +内置CEDET)建立一个EDE项目,我开始变得绝望,因为我似乎无法找到想要生成makefile的方式。 我对Emacs来说比较新。 我会尽力描述我在做什么: 我有一个玩具项目如下设置: main.cpp other/ Utils.cpp Utils.h CGrabBuffer.cpp CGrabBuffer.h main.cpp在“other /”目录中包含两个.h。 这些是我通过这个简单的目录设置来设置EDE项目的步骤: 在emacs中打开main.cpp并执行Mx ede-ne
I am attempting to program a string concatenation function which utilizes my 3D library's string conversion functions, implemented with a variadic template. The library's conversion function behaves unusually if a string (either const char[] literal or std::string) is passed to it. as it does not actually possess functions for those types, so I want to specialize the template to pull t
我试图编程一个字符串连接函数,它利用我的3D库的字符串转换函数,用可变参数模板实现。 如果将一个字符串(const char [] literal或std :: string)传递给它,那么该库的转换函数表现异常。 因为它实际上并不具备这些类型的功能,所以我想专门化模板来将它们拉出,而不是通过转换器运行它们。 即使转换器处理它们,优化也是一个很好的理由。 template<typename T> inline String c(T a) { return Ogre::StringCon
I need to know how many items in parameter pack of a variadic templete. my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <int... Entries> struct StaticArray { int size = sizeof... (Entries);// line A //int array[size] = {Entries...};// line B }; int main() { StaticArray<1,2,3,4> sa; cout << sa.size << endl; return 0; } I got comp
我需要知道可变参数包的参数包中有多少项。 我的代码: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <int... Entries> struct StaticArray { int size = sizeof... (Entries);// line A //int array[size] = {Entries...};// line B }; int main() { StaticArray<1,2,3,4> sa; cout << sa.size << endl; return 0; } A行出现编译错误 如果改变这一行 stati
variadic template is introduced in c++11. And I found the printf function can be replaced using it. However, cout is used in the implementation. I am wondering if it is possible to use something else to achieve type safe but not sacrifice too much performance. void safe_printf(const char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '%') { if (*(s + 1) == '%') { ++s;
variadic模板是在c ++ 11中引入的。 我发现printf函数可以用它来替换。 但是,在实现中使用cout。 我想知道是否可以使用别的方法来实现类型安全,但不会牺牲太多的性能。 void safe_printf(const char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '%') { if (*(s + 1) == '%') { ++s; } else { throw "invalid format string: missing arguments";
I am trying to create a base class that is a wrapper around std::array that overloads a bunch of common arithmetic operators. The end result will be sort of like std::valarray, but with static size. I'm doing this because I am creating a whole host of child classes for my library that end up replicating this functionality. For example, I need to create a MyPixel class and a MyPoint class,
我正在尝试创建一个基类,它是std :: array的一个包装,它重载了一些常见的算术运算符。 最终结果将有点像std :: valarray,但具有静态大小。 我这样做是因为我为我的库创建了大量的子类,最终复制了此功能。 例如,我需要创建一个MyPixel类和一个MyPoint类,这两个类本质上只是静态大小的数组,我可以在其上执行算术运算。 我的解决方案是创建一个可以派生MyPoint和MyPixel的StaticValArray基类。 但是,要禁止用户将MyPo
I need to make a simple bandpass audio filter. Now I've used this simple C++ class: http://www.cardinalpeak.com/blog/ac-class-to-implement-low-pass-high-pass-and-band-pass-filters It works well and cut off the desired bands. But when I try to change upper or lower limit with small steps, on some values of limit I hear the wrong result - attenuated or shifted in frequency (not correspondin
我需要制作一个简单的带通音频滤镜。 现在我已经使用了这个简单的C ++类:http://www.cardinalpeak.com/blog/ac-class-to-implement-low-pass-high-pass-and-band-pass-filters 它运作良好,并切断所需的乐队。 但是,当我尝试用小步骤改变上限或下限时,在某些极限值上,我会听到错误的结果 - 衰减或频移(不对应于电流极限)声音。 用于计算脉冲响应的函数: void Filter::designBPF() { int n; float mm;
I'm trying to create a unix domain socket server and client on Android in C++, using UDP. I need the client to send one message ("hi") to the server and from there on the server needs to send data to the client. I have successfully created the sockets on both sides, and I am able to receive a short message on the server from the client. However recvfrom(..) on the server does not
我试图在C ++上使用UDP在Android上创建一个unix域套接字服务器和客户端。 我需要客户端向服务器发送一条消息(“hi”),然后服务器上需要向客户端发送数据。 我已经成功创建了双方的套接字,并且能够从客户端接收服务器上的短消息。 但是,服务器上的recvfrom(..)不会填充struct sockaddr * src_addr和socklen_t * addrlen参数。 然后使用这些src_addr和addrlen的后续sendto消息显然失败(sendto返回-1)。 以下是服务器
I am trying to write in Linnux a client in C++ using boost::asio data from a socket. The server is built in Java. The issue I have now is that I cannot read correctly some piece of information from the socket. If the client is done in JAVA everything is ok. In details the big error I have are in receiving the unsigned long and the int in the structure below. I am expectng a value for anInte
我正尝试在Linnux中使用来自套接字的boost::asio数据在C ++中编写客户端。 该服务器是用Java构建的。 我现在的问题是我无法正确地从套接字读取一些信息。 如果客户端是用JAVA完成的,一切都可以。 详细来说,我在接收unsigned long和int结构时unsigned long了很大的错误。 我expectng一个值anInteger应0x00000005所以5,但是从插座读给我0x03000 (?!?!)。 它定义了一个不同的数字,并且基于十六进制打印,我有更少
Is there a programmatic way to detect whether or not you are on a big-endian or little-endian architecture? I need to be able to write code that will execute on an Intel or PPC system and use exactly the same code (ie no conditional compilation). I don't like the method based on type punning - it will often be warned against by compiler. That's exactly what unions are for ! int is_bi
是否有程序化的方法来检测你是否在大端或小端架构? 我需要能够编写将在Intel或PPC系统上执行的代码,并使用完全相同的代码(即无条件编译)。 我不喜欢基于类型双击的方法 - 它通常会被编译器警告。 这正是工会的目的! int is_big_endian(void) { union { uint32_t i; char c[4]; } bint = {0x01020304}; return bint.c[0] == 1; } 这个原则与其他人提出的类型案例相同,但这更清晰 - 根