Linux API to list running processes?

I need a C/C++ API that allows me to list the running processes on a Linux system, and list the files each process has open. I do not want to end up reading the /proc/ file system directly. Can anyone think of a way to do this? Is the source of ps and other process tools. T

Linux API列出正在运行的进程?

我需要一个C / C ++ API,它允许我列出Linux系统上正在运行的进程,并列出每个进程已打开的文件。 我不想直接读取/ proc / file系统。 任何人都可以想办法做到这一点? 是ps和其他过程工具的来源。 他们确实使用proc(表明它可能是传统和最好的方式)。 他们的来源非常可读。 文件 /procps-3.

C++ large array of vectors

I'm having some troubles with a large array of vectors in C++. Basicaly I wan't an array of 2 millions elements, and each elements is a vector<int> (It's for building an adjacency list). So when I do vector<int> myList[10] it works great, but when i do vector<int> myList[2000000] it does not work and I don't know why. I tried to do unsigned long int var = 20

C ++大量向量

我在使用C ++的大量向量时遇到了一些麻烦。 Basicaly我想要一个200万个元素的数组,每个元素都是一个vector<int> (它用于构建一个邻接列表)。 所以,当我做vector<int> myList[10]它很好,但是当我做vector<int> myList[2000000]它不起作用,我不知道为什么。 我试图做unsigned long int var = 2000000; vector<int> myList[var]; unsigned long int var = 2000000; vector<int> myList[va

Objects on a stack vs Objects on a heap in C++

This question already has an answer here: What and where are the stack and heap? 25 answers Objects on the stack have the really neat property that the memory that backs them is automatically freed at the end of that stack frame (eg when the function returns.) C++ extends this concept by also calling destructors for all stack objects whenever they fall out of scope (ie they're still free

堆栈中的对象与C ++中的堆中的对象

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么和堆栈和堆在哪里? 25个答案 堆栈中的对象具有非常整洁的属性,支持它们的内存在堆栈框架结束时自动释放(例如,当函数返回时).C ++通过在所有堆栈对象脱落时 也调用析构函数来扩展此概念(即在函数返回之前抛出异常的情况下,它们仍然被释放)。由于这使内存管理变得非常简单,并且内存管理错误具有易于制作和难以检测的令人沮丧的组合,堆栈分配只要可行,应该是首选。 堆栈分配对

How to properly deallocate variables in deconstructor

Let's suppose I've to create a class with this structure class A { int a; B* b; } I read that it's a good thing deallocate the variable used in the deconstructor. ~A { delete b; } but how I have to do for a variable of type int, double, primitive type in general? What's the best way or a good programming rule? You don't need to delete basic types. But


假设我要创建一个具有这种结构的类 class A { int a; B* b; } 我读过解析器中使用的变量是一件好事。 ~A { delete b; } 但一般来说,我需要做一个类型为int,double,primitive类型的变量吗? 什么是最好的方式或一个好的编程规则? 您不需要删除基本类型。 但不仅限于基本类型。 对于你没有用new分配的任何东西,你不必调用delete 。 即使是指针。 在每一个new c++应该有一个delete 。 当new被

Run time error on large array sizes in C/C++

This question already has an answer here: Segmentation fault on large array sizes 5 answers In C++, when you're doing this: unsigned long long a[100000]; It allocates the memory from the stack. Stack memory is limited so you can't do too big allocations. When you do this: unsigned long long* a = new unsigned long long[1000000]; It allocates the memory from the heap. Heap alloc

在C / C ++中对大数组大小运行时错误

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 大数组大小的分段错误5个答案 在C ++中,当你这样做时: unsigned long long a[100000]; 它从堆栈分配内存。 堆栈内存有限,所以你不能做太大的分配。 当你这样做时: unsigned long long* a = new unsigned long long[1000000]; 它从堆中分配内存。 堆分配可能很大。 有关堆栈和堆内存的更多信息,请参阅此堆栈溢出文章。

Windows heap manager and heap segments

I found the following sentence in a book : Whenever the heap manager runs out of committed space in the heap segment, it explicitly commits more memory and divides the newly committed space into blocks as more and more allocations are requested Does this mean when a block is allocated in the segment the virtual memory used by the user and the metadata isn't considered committed anymore ?


我在书中发现了以下句子: 每当堆管理器用完堆段中的已提交空间时,它会显式提交更多内存,并将新提交的空间划分为块,因为会请求越来越多的分配 这是否意味着在段中分配了用户使用的虚拟内存块,并且元数据不再被视为已提交? 这是我从高级的Windows调试手册中得到的,不确定你的意思,因为你在最后得到了一些模糊的内容,但是它的基本含义如下: 当你分配堆空间时,堆的内容不一定是预先确定的,所以你可以使用你认为

C++ Pointer node

When I write my code in this way about the next one, it will return strange error. struct Student{ int val; Student* next; Student(int a){ val = a; next = NULL; } }; int main(){ Student begin(0); Student *head = &begin; Student *pointer = head; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ pointer->val = i; Student next(0); pointer->next = &next; pointer

C ++指针节点

当我以这种方式写下我的代码时,它会返回奇怪的错误。 struct Student{ int val; Student* next; Student(int a){ val = a; next = NULL; } }; int main(){ Student begin(0); Student *head = &begin; Student *pointer = head; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ pointer->val = i; Student next(0); pointer->next = &next; pointer = pointer->next; } while(hea

Why explicit initialization list is more likely to failure?

In the book "Inside the C++ object model", the author says that: There are three drawbacks of an explicit initialization list: It can be used only if all the class members are public. It can specify only constant expressions (those able to be evaluated at compile time). 3. Because it is not applied automatically by the compiler, the likelihood of failure to initialize an object


在“C ++对象模型内部”一书中,作者说: 显式初始化列表有三个缺点: 只有所有班级成员都是公开的,才能使用它。 它只能指定常量表达式(可在编译时进行评估的表达式)。 3.由于它不是由编译器自动应用的,因此初始化对象失败的可能性显着增加。 我不知道为什么显式初始化列表更可能失败。 “由编译器自动应用”的含义是什么? 有没有一些例子来证明这一观点。 感谢您的回答。 下面是Lipmann书中一个明确的初始化

How to define an exported symbol's address

Let's say I'm writing a C++ library which must export a variable, a data structure, called, for example, ExpData . So, programs linked against my libray can access this variable (there is a public header defining it as extern void *ExpData[] ). However, this data structure is internally the vtable of a C++ class. The class' name is, for example, InternalType . So, after looking a


比方说,我正在编写一个C ++库,它必须导出一个变量,一个称为ExpData的数据结构。 所以,与我的libray链接的程序可以访问这个变量(有一个公共头文件将其定义为extern void *ExpData[] )。 但是,这个数据结构在内部是一个C ++类的vtable。 例如,类的名称是InternalType 。 因此,在查看生成的汇编代码后,我发现InternalType的vtable被导出为_ZTV12InternalType 。 然后,我需要一种方法使我的库导出变量ExpData解析

Why negative image is used in preprocessing?

I've observed that for many preprocessing operations (I mean mainly preprocessing for OCR) usually negative image is used? For example: I've found it also when objects are found using kNN algorithm. Why inverted images are used? Is that only to show it is just pr


我观察到,对于许多预处理操作(我的意思是主要用于OCR的预处理)通常使用否定图像? 例如: 当使用kNN算法找到对象时,我也发现它。 为什么使用倒像? 这只是为了表明这只是预处理步骤? 在使用倒像时有没有优势? 答案或多或少取决于您链接的第二个示例: 在图像处理中,物体是白色的