Assume I have a pile of rectangles, some of which intersect, some isolate. E. g. +--------------- + +-------- + | | | | | | | | | A | | C | | +---------------- + | | | | | |
假设我有一堆长方形,其中一些相交,一些孤立。 例如, +--------------- + +-------- + | | | | | | | | | A | | C | | +---------------- + | | | | | | +---------+-------- +
I have hit a brick wall and I wonder if someone here can help. My program opens an OpenGL surface for very minor rendering needs. It seems on the MacbookPro this causes the graphics card driver to switch the hybrid card from low performance intel graphics to high performance AMD ATI graphics. This causes me problems as there seems to be an issue with the AMD driver and putting the Mac to slee
我碰到了一堵砖墙,我想知道这里有人能帮忙。 我的程序为非常小的渲染需求打开一个OpenGL表面。 看起来在MacbookPro上,这会导致显卡驱动程序将混合显卡从低性能英特尔图形切换到高性能AMD ATI图形。 这会导致我出现问题,因为AMD驱动程序似乎存在问题并让Mac进入睡眠状态,但也会使电池不必要地耗尽电量。 我只需要OpenGL创建一个静态3D图像,我不需要一个快速的帧速率! 在Cocoa应用程序中有没有办法阻止OpenGL将混合显
I have downloaded Eclipse for c++ developers (with CDT). I also installed freeglut3 and glew libraries via terminal. I added -lglut -lGLEW and -lGL to linker. The problem is, that while in IDE, some methods are marked red as if not found. Pressing build, compiles code, but when I run it, black screen is showed, but nothing is rendered, as if methods that should be imported by GLEW do not exis
我已经为c ++开发人员下载Eclipse(使用CDT)。 我还通过终端安装了freeglut3和glew库。 我在链接器中添加了-lglut -lGLEW和-lGL。 问题是,在IDE中,有些方法被标记为红色,好像找不到。 按生成,编译代码,但是当我运行它时,显示黑屏,但没有任何呈现,就像应该由GLEW导入的方法不存在一样。 如果我转到标题,它会打开包含所有方法声明的有效glew.h文件。 这在使用Ubuntu的VMWare虚拟机和专用的Linux Mint上网本中都发
I am developing an OpenG L application and need to use the glew library. I am using Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express . I compiled a program using gl.h, glu.h, and glut.h just fine and it does what it's supposed to do. But after including glew.h it still compiles just fine, but when I try: glewInit(); if (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0")) printf("Ready for OpenGL 2.0n"); else { pri
我正在开发OpenG L应用程序,需要使用glew库。 我正在使用Visual Studio C ++ 2008 Express 。 我使用gl.h,glu.h和glut.h编译了一个程序,很好,它完成了它应该做的事情。 但是在包含glew.h之后,它仍然编译得很好,但是当我尝试时: glewInit(); if (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0")) printf("Ready for OpenGL 2.0n"); else { printf("OpenGL 2.0 not supportedn"); } 它不断打印: “不支持OpenGL 2.0”。
I have an assignment which I'm finding very difficult. Any help would be appreciated. Build the hierarchy by creating the Shape classes Circle, Square, and Triangle. For these derived classes, create default constructors and constructors whose arguments can initialize the shapes appropriately using the correct number of Point objects (ie, Circle requires a Point center and a radius; Squar
我有一项任务,我觉得很困难。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 通过创建Shape类Circle,Square和Triangle来构建层次结构。 对于这些派生类,创建默认构造函数和构造函数,其参数可以使用正确数量的Point对象适当地初始化形状(即Circle需要一个点中心和一个半径; Square需要四个点顶点,而三角形需要三个点顶点)。 在main()中,创建以下每个实例:一个半径为23的圆,一个包含边25的方形和一个包含边10,20,30的三角形。定义所有
On Linux, I have some C++ programs built with my own makefiles, and I'm looking for some GUI debuggers to debug them at source level. Previously I use KDbg(2.5.2) on openSUSE(12.3). It works but with some very annoying limitation, eg, I cannot set a breakpoint when the debugged program is not trapped by Kdbg -- I mean, in order to set a new breakpoint, I have to set it before the program i
在Linux上,我有一些使用自己的makefile编译的C ++程序,我正在寻找一些GUI调试器来在源代码级调试它们。 以前我在openSUSE(12.3)上使用KDbg(2.5.2)。 它可以工作,但有一些非常烦人的限制,例如,当调试程序没有被Kdbg困住时,我不能设置断点 - 我的意思是,为了设置新的断点,我必须在程序启动之前设置断点或程序暂停以达到已设置的断点。 现在我尝试使用Eclipse CDT。 我得到了eclipse-cpp-juno-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.
Now I am using eclipse CDT for my C/C++ Application, but there is problem when I link my external library, it could not be loaded properly at run time, even through I put the library file near the source file, I gave the library path, and it's name correctly. project directory: include(.h files) source(.cpp. files..) lib(libbozorth3.a,LSFMatcher.a) I want link that static libraries
现在我正在使用eclipse CDT作为我的C / C ++应用程序,但是当我连接外部库时出现问题,即使通过将库文件放在源文件附近,也无法在运行时正确加载它,我给库路径,它的名字是正确的。 项目目录: 包括(.h文件) 源(.cpp。文件..) LIB(libbozorth3.a,LSFMatcher.a) 我想要链接静态库与我的应用程序我按照下面的步骤: project-> properties-> general-> path和symbols-> include目录路径,和库(boz
I have Eclipse CDT C++ application project that uses shared library. This library is compiled with debug info and its source is available at the right path. Now I try to debug my application with Eclipse and GDB. If I put breakpoints in my application source code, everything is fine. Then I open a source file of the included shared lib and put the breakpoint there. When launching the debug
我有使用共享库的Eclipse CDT C ++应用程序项目。 该库使用调试信息进行编译,其源代码位于正确的路径中。 现在我尝试用Eclipse和GDB调试我的应用程序。 如果我在应用程序源代码中添加断点,一切都很好。 然后我打开包含的共享库的源文件并将断点放在那里。 当启动调试会话时,我会收到警告: “在加载的符号中没有名为xxx.cpp的源文件”,并且执行不会在此时停止 。 如果我在调试会话已经运行时将相同的断点放在同一个文件
Consider the following class, just as a simple example: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class point { public: int _x{ 0 }; int _y{ 0 }; point() {} point(int x, int y) : _x{ x }, _y{ y } {} operator string() const { return '[' + to_string(_x) + ',' + to_string(_y) + ']'; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o
考虑下面的类,就像一个简单的例子: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class point { public: int _x{ 0 }; int _y{ 0 }; point() {} point(int x, int y) : _x{ x }, _y{ y } {} operator string() const { return '[' + to_string(_x) + ',' + to_string(_y) + ']'; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const point& p
Consider the following short C++ program: #include <iostream> class B { public: operator bool() const { return false; } }; class B2 : public B { public: operator int() { return 5; } }; int main() { B2 b; std::cout << std::boolalpha << (bool)b << std::endl; } If I compile it on different compilers, I get various results. With Cl
考虑以下简短的C ++程序: #include <iostream> class B { public: operator bool() const { return false; } }; class B2 : public B { public: operator int() { return 5; } }; int main() { B2 b; std::cout << std::boolalpha << (bool)b << std::endl; } 如果我在不同的编译器上编译它,我会得到各种结果。 使用Clang 3.4和GCC 4.4.7它打印true ,