connect success after close

Single-threaded application. It happens not every time, only after 1.5 hours of high load. tcp::socket::async_connect tcp::socket::close (by deadline_timer) async_connect_handler gives success error_code (one of a million times), but socket is closed by(2). 99.999% of time it gives errno=125 (ECANCELED). Is it possible that socket implementation or boost asio somehow do this: async_c


单线程应用程序。 它不会每次都发生,只有1.5小时的高负荷。 TCP ::插座:: async_connect tcp :: socket :: close(by deadline_timer) async_connect_handler提供了成功的error_code(百万次之一),但socket由(2)关闭。 99.999%的时间使得errno = 125(ECANCELED)。 有没有可能是套接字实现或boost asio以某种方式执行此操作: async_connect 异步成功发布到io_service 靠计时器关闭 异步成功由我处理

boost::asio socket sharing across threads in the HTTP Server 3 example

I refer to the code in the Connection class of the boost::asio HTTP Server 3 example It can be seen that each of the async operations are invoked on a boost::asio::io_service::strand. This ensures that the completion handlers will not be invoked concurrently. However, the example server can be run wit

在HTTP Server 3示例中跨线程的boost :: asio套接字共享

我指的是boost :: asio HTTP Server 3的Connection类中的代码 可以看出,每个异步操作都是在boost :: asio :: io_service :: strand上调用的。 这确保了完成处理程序不会被同时调用。 但是,示例服务器可以使用多个调用io_service :: run的线程运行,这意味着可以使用这些线程中的任何一个来调用处理程序。 本例中的所有处理


I'm using boost::asio to do some very basic UDP packet collection. The io_service object is instantiated in a worker thread, and is called from inside that thread. My problem is getting to return when I am done collecting packets. I'm not clear on what methods of io_service can be called from other threads when it comes time to stop my worker thread.

C ++

我使用boost :: asio来做一些非常基本的UDP数据包收集。 io_service对象在工作线程中实例化,并且从该线程内调用。 我的问题是当我完成数据包收集时,返回。 我不清楚在停止我的工作线程时,可以从其他线程调用io_service的哪些方法。 我有一个对io_service对象的引用,并从另一个线程中进行此调用: ios.dispatch( boost::bind( &udp_server::handle_kill, this ) ); 在我的udp

C++ HTTP over SOCKS5 (TOR) 400 Bad Request

I have working C++ code getting the HTML source of a specific website. One function creates the HTTP Request and other functions send it. But when I try to access the website the same way, except with TOR (SOCKS5), I'm getting HTTP 400 Bad Request response . The request is identical both times, and I can see it is correct via Wiresahrk/debugging. It seems like TOR may be messing somethi

C ++ HTTP over SOCKS5(TOR)400错误请求

我有工作C ++代码获取特定网站的HTML源代码。 一个函数创建HTTP请求和其他函数发送它。 但是当我尝试以同样的方式访问网站时,除了使用TOR(SOCKS5),我得到了HTTP 400 Bad Request response 。 请求两次都是一样的,我可以通过Wiresahrk / debugging看到它是正确的。 似乎TOR可能会搞砸某些东西,但其他需要通过TOR发送HTTP / HTTPS请求的工具似乎能够正常工作。 以下是我的代码的一些片段: 主要 int main(int argc

Selenium Tests in an Embedded QT Browser

I have a GWT application that is embedded inside a C++ Desktop application. I need to launch Selenium tests from the same browser that is embedded inside the application. The browser I am using is IE (or) QT Browser. Any thoughts on how it can be done? Appreciate your help in advance. Thanks You can as long as you are able to do a Dom manipulation of the GWT Application from selenium. Q


我有一个嵌入在C ++ Desktop应用程序中的GWT应用程序。 我需要从应用程序中嵌入的相同浏览器启动Selenium测试。 我使用的浏览器是IE(或)QT浏览器。 有关如何完成的任何想法? 提前感谢您的帮助。 谢谢 只要您能够从硒处理GWT应用程序的Dom操作。 问题是你打算如何将硒添加到在C ++应用程序中运行的浏览器。 运行在c ++应用程序内部的浏览器是否有自己的进程空间。 如果你可以尝试使用驱动程序会话来插入硒。 但

WaitForSingleObject and max. waiting threads

I just noticed the following phrase in one the Intel's articles: One disadvantage of WaitForSingleObject is that it will always obtain a kernel lock, so it enters privileged mode (ring 0) whether the lock is achieved or not. This API also enters the Windows kernel even if a 0 timeout is specified. Another disadvantage of this method of locking is that it can only handle 64 threads attempt

WaitForSingleObject和max。 等待线程

我只在英特尔的一篇文章中注意到以下短语: WaitForSingleObject的一个缺点是它总是会获得一个内核锁,因此它是否进入特权模式(环0)。 即使指定了0超时,该API也会进入Windows内核。 这种锁定方法的另一个缺点是,它只能处理64个线程,试图一次锁定一个对象 如果我正确地理解了它,这个代码就有一个UB: #include <Windows.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #def

can we call WaitForSingleObject multiple times from single thread for Mutex

We have wrapper of mutex object.Constructor of this wrapper creates a mutex . Also it has Enter and Leave functions which basically calls WaitForSingleObject and ReleaseMutex . Now program thread is executing multiple funcions like void A() { mutexObj->Enter(); B(); mutexObj->Leave(); } void B() { mutexObj->Enter(); C(); mutexObj->Leave(); } I am seeing thread being


我们有互斥对象的封装。这个封装器的构造器创建一个互斥锁。 它也有Enter和Leave函数,它们基本上调用了WaitForSingleObject和ReleaseMutex。 现在程序线程正在执行多个函数 void A() { mutexObj->Enter(); B(); mutexObj->Leave(); } void B() { mutexObj->Enter(); C(); mutexObj->Leave(); } 我看到B()函数停止线程。 我读过的有关互斥体的内容是,我们可以从同一个线程多次调用WaitforSing

How soon will Windows OS be able to wake from a wake timer?

I'm writing a program using C++ and Win APIs. I employed SetSuspendState() API to send the system into a sleep mode (with a possibility to wake on a wake timer, 'DisableWakeEvent' set to FALSE.) I then use CreateWaitableTimer and SetWaitableTimer API to set the actual timer. The issue is that sometimes the system does not wake up if I set the wake timer too soon after the system ent


我正在编写一个使用C ++和Win API的程序。 我使用SetSuspendState()API将系统发送到睡眠模式(可以唤醒唤醒计时器'DisableWakeEvent'设置为FALSE。)然后使用CreateWaitableTimer和SetWaitableTimer API设置实际计时器。 问题在于,如果在系统进入睡眠模式后过早设置唤醒计时器,系统有时不会唤醒。 所以我很好奇,自从系统进入睡眠模式之前,是否有一段时间必须通过,然后才能以编程方式唤醒定时器? 马上。

WaitForSingleObject times out too fast

I have this piece of code in a secondary thread: DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(myhandle,10000); if(result == WAIT_OBJECT_0){ AfxMessageBox(_T(...)); } else if(result == WAIT_TIMEOUT){ AfxMessageBox(_T("Timeout")); } Sometimes, not always, the timeout will get called almost as soon as the WaitForSingleObject is called (not even 1s delay). Am I doing something wrong ? Any sugges


我在辅助线程中有这段代码: DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(myhandle,10000); if(result == WAIT_OBJECT_0){ AfxMessageBox(_T(...)); } else if(result == WAIT_TIMEOUT){ AfxMessageBox(_T("Timeout")); } 有时并不总是,只要WaitForSingleObject被调用(甚至不是1秒延迟),超时就会被调用。 难道我做错了什么 ? 任何建议更稳定的替代品? 编辑: myhandle是在类构造函数内创建的,如下所示: myha

WaitForSingleObject and while loops in C/++

Here is the snippet: prog1: HANDLE hM; hM = CreateMutexA(NULL,TRUE, "abc"); // I have to use TRUE otherwise WaitForSingleObject fails.. by design it wants to take ownership and w//o TRUE there is no owner anyway right? <<-- **check this please if its true** ... prog2: HANDLE hM; hM = OpenMutexA(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,NULL, "abc"); while(WaitForSingleObject(hM,INFINITE)) { // do smthing Release

WaitForSingleObject和while循环在C / ++中

这里是代码片段:prog1: HANDLE hM; hM = CreateMutexA(NULL,TRUE, "abc"); // I have to use TRUE otherwise WaitForSingleObject fails.. by design it wants to take ownership and w//o TRUE there is no owner anyway right? <<-- **check this please if its true** ... PROG2: HANDLE hM; hM = OpenMutexA(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,NULL, "abc"); while(WaitForSingleObject(hM,INFINITE)) { // do smthing ReleaseMut