Bullet vs Newton Game Dynamics vs ODE physics engines

I am trying to pick a physics engine for a simple software application. It would be to simulate a rather small number of objects so performance isn't a huge concern. I am mostly concerned with the accuracy of the motion involved. I would also like the engine to be cross-platform between windows/linux/mac and usable with c++ code. I was looking at Bullet, Newton Game Dynamics, and ODE beca

Bullet vs Newton Game Dynamics与ODE物理引擎

我正在尝试为简单的软件应用程序选择物理引擎。 这将是模拟一个相当小的数量的对象,所以性能不是一个大问题。 我主要关心涉及议案的准确性。 我也希望引擎能够在windows / linux / mac之间跨平台,并且可以在c ++代码中使用。 我在看Bullet,Newton Game Dynamics和ODE,因为它们是开源的。 但是,如果Havok / PhysX更精确,我也会考虑这些。 我似乎发现的所有内容都是关于引擎的意见,是否有任何彻底的选择之间的比较?

(gdb) Exception condition detected on fd 0

I have a very simple C++ program: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int i = 0; cout << "Hello world!" << endl; i++; } When I compile + link with debug using: ---jGRASP exec: C:MinGWbing++.exe -g -o hello-world-debug.exe hello-world-debug.cpp I get a success message and see the hello-world-debug.exe output file. However, when I try to debug it usi

(gdb)在fd 0上检测到异常情况

我有一个非常简单的C ++程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int i = 0; cout << "Hello world!" << endl; i++; } 当我编译+链接与调试使用: ---jGRASP exec: C:MinGWbing++.exe -g -o hello-world-debug.exe hello-world-debug.cpp 我收到一条成功消息,并看到hello-world-debug.exe输出文件。 但是,当我尝试使用以下方式进行调试时: ----jGRASP exec: C:MinGWbi

Dereferncing NULL pointer to member function of class

This question already has an answer here: Calling class method through NULL class pointer [duplicate] 10 answers Dereferencing a null pointer yields Undefined Behaviour. I can guess why this still works for you (but again it's UB!), but if you try to access a member variable in func() I'm pretty sure it will stop working. Dereferencing a NULL pointer means that you have undefined


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 通过NULL类指针调用类方法 解引用空指针会产生未定义的行为。 我可以猜测为什么这仍然适用于你(但它又是UB!),但如果你尝试访问func()的成员变量,我很确定它会停止工作。 解引用NULL指针意味着你有未定义的行为。 然而,在这种情况下,在大多数实施方式中,你将与正确的函数结束this之中NULL ,正常执行主叫非虚拟方法的是设置隐藏参数this为的指针的对象(在这种情况下, NULL )和

Strange crash at runtime

does anyone know, why the following codes is crashing, when it is compiled with g++? #include <iostream> unsigned long getSumDivisors(const unsigned long number) { unsigned long sum = 0; for(unsigned long i = 0; i < number; ++ i) { if(number % i == 0) { sum += i; } } return sum; } int main() { std::cout << getSumDivisors(5); re


有谁知道,为什么下面的代码崩溃,当它用g ++编译? #include <iostream> unsigned long getSumDivisors(const unsigned long number) { unsigned long sum = 0; for(unsigned long i = 0; i < number; ++ i) { if(number % i == 0) { sum += i; } } return sum; } int main() { std::cout << getSumDivisors(5); return 0; } 当我删除sum + = i; 它不

Reverse debugging with gnu gdb on Mac OS X 10.7

I'm very interesting in ability to reverse debugging one immense xcode-based project on MacOS X. The problem is XCode 4.1 has gdb version 6.3.50, while reverse debugging presents starting from 7.0 So I installed gdb 7.3 via macports, but it rejects to recognize the executable at all with the message: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.3 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU G

在Mac OS X 10.7上使用gnu gdb进行反向调试

我非常有兴趣能够在MacOS X上逆向调试一个巨大的基于xcode的项目。问题是XCode 4.1有gdb版本6.3.50,而反向调试从7.0开始 所以我通过macports安装了gdb 7.3,但它拒绝根据消息来识别可执行文件: GNU gdb(GDB)7.3版权所有(C)2011自由软件基金会,许可证GPLv3 +:GNU GPL版本3或更高版本http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 这是免费软件:您可以自由更改和重新分配它。 没有担保,在法律允许的范围内。 有关详细信息,

How to set breakpoints on future shared libraries with a command flag

I'm trying to automate a gdb session using the --command flag. I'm trying to set a breakpoint on a function in a shared library (the Unix equivalent of a DLL) . My cmds.gdb looks like this: set args /home/shlomi/conf/bugs/kde/font-break.txt b IA__FcFontMatch r However, I'm getting the following: shlomi:~/progs/bugs-external/kde/font-breaking$ gdb --command=cmds.gdb... GNU gdb 6.


我试图使用--command标志自动化gdb会话。 我试图在一个共享库的函数中设置一个断点(一个DLL的Unix等价物)。 我的cmds.gdb如下所示: set args /home/shlomi/conf/bugs/kde/font-break.txt b IA__FcFontMatch r 但是,我收到以下内容: shlomi:~/progs/bugs-external/kde/font-breaking$ gdb --command=cmds.gdb... GNU gdb 6.8-2mdv2009.0 (Mandriva Linux release 2009.0) Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation,

How to change the position of QTextEdit

I have a QTextEdit object that I use to display text, line by line, for OSD purposes. I would like to be able to change the position of this text box around the window without using a mouse. The issue is that when I "move" the QTextEdit text box, all of the previous text boxs continue to exist alongside the new one. I have been using setGeometry(x,y,w,h) to configure the position a


为了OSD目的,我使用了一个QTextEdit对象来逐行显示文本。 我希望能够在不使用鼠标的情况下在窗口周围更改此文本框的位置。 问题是,当我“移动”QTextEdit文本框时,以前的所有文本框都会与新文本框一起继续存在。 我一直在使用setGeometry(x,y,w,h)来配置文本框创建时的位置和大小。 我还尝试了调整大小(w,h)和移动(x,y),这似乎与setGeometry()类似。 如果我只想显示一些文本,QTextEdit是否合适,还是有更

QT painting rich text on QGraphicsScene

I am writing very simple vector tool for graphics. I have rich text edited in QTextEditor. I also have class extending QGraphicsScene where all my drawings are. I want to somehow paint text from QTextEditor on this scene? What are my options? Best Regards! You can use QPainter::drawtext() method. basically you get a painter of the area you want to draw in and then use this method to draw


我正在为图形编写非常简单的矢量工具。 我在QTextEditor中编辑了丰富的文本。 我也有班级延伸QGraphicsScene所有我的图纸。 我想以某种方式在这个场景上从QTextEditor中绘制文本? 我有什么选择? 最好的祝福! 你可以使用QPainter::drawtext()方法。 基本上你会得到一个你想画的区域的画家,然后用这个方法画出你的文字。 QPainter p(this); p.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, "Hello World!");

What's the best way to trim std::string?

I'm currently using the following code to right-trim all the std::strings in my programs: std::string s; s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" nrt")+1); It works fine, but I wonder if there are some end-cases where it might fail? Of course, answers with elegant alternatives and also left-trim solution are welcome. EDIT Since c++17, some parts of the standard library were removed. Fortunately, s

修剪std :: string的最佳方法是什么?

我目前使用下面的代码来修剪我的程序中的所有std::strings : std::string s; s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" nrt")+1); 它工作正常,但我想知道是否有一些可能会失败的最终情况? 当然,欢迎使用优雅的替代方案和左修剪解决方案。 编辑自c ++ 17以来,标准库的某些部分被删除。 幸运的是,从c ++ 11开始,我们有lambda,这是一个优秀的解决方案。 #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <loca

Most useful (productive) shortcuts in Qt Creator

What is the your most useful and productive keyboard shortcut in Qt Creator? Following the trend of great questions asked about Eclipse CDT, vim, Intellij IDEA. Comment/uncomment lines (select text and press). With this shortcut you can simply comment very large piece of code and uncomment it in future: Ctrl + / Autocomplete: Ctrl + Space History of clipboard. You get popup menu wit

Qt Creator中最有用的(生产性)快捷方式

Qt Creator中你最有用和最有效的键盘快捷键是什么? 遵循关于Eclipse CDT,vim,Intellij IDEA的大问题的趋势。 评论/取消注释行(选择文本和按)。 有了这个快捷方式,您可以简单地评论一大段代码,并在将来取消注释: Ctrl + / 自动完成: Ctrl +空格 剪贴板的历史。 你会弹出一个包含你在Qt Creator中粘贴的所有文本的弹出式菜单,如果你选择了一些东西,然后按Enter键,你就可以将这个格式化的文本粘贴到你的