I am new to CUDA and going through the CUDA toolkit documentation. There I found a example where matrix multiplication is using shared memory. Here when copying the Matrix structure from host memory to device memory only the data elements are copied. What I can't understand is how other variables are copied to device memory. Matrix structure is as follows typedef struct { int width;
我是CUDA的新手,并阅读CUDA工具包文档。 在那里我发现了一个矩阵乘法使用共享内存的例子。 这里,当从主机存储器复制矩阵结构到设备存储器时,只有数据元素被复制。 我不明白的是其他变量如何复制到设备内存。 矩阵结构如下 typedef struct { int width; int height; int stride; float* elements; } Matrix; 那么这里是数据传输发生的代码示例 void MatMul(const Matrix A, const Matrix B, Matrix C)
I have a memory array allocated in CUDA using standard CUDA malloc and it is passed to a function as follows: void MyClass::run(uchar4 * input_data) I also have a class member which is a thrust device_ptr declared as: thrust::device_ptr<uchar4> data = thrust::device_malloc<uchar4(num_pts); Here num_pts is the number of values in the array and the input_data pointer is guaranteed to b
我有一个使用标准CUDA malloc在CUDA中分配的内存数组,它被传递给一个函数,如下所示: void MyClass::run(uchar4 * input_data) 我也有一个类成员,这是一个推力device_ptr声明为: thrust::device_ptr<uchar4> data = thrust::device_malloc<uchar4(num_pts); 这里num_pts是数组中值的个数,input_data指针保证为num_pts长。 现在,我想将输入数组复制到thrust_device_ptr中。 我看过推力文档,其中有很多是关
Suppose a struct X with some primitives and an array of Y structs: typedef struct { int a; Y** y; } X; An instance X1 of X is initialized at the host, and then copied to an instance X2 of X, on the device memory, through cudaMemcpy. This works fine for all the primitives in X (such as int a), but cudaMemcpy seems to flatten any double pointer into a single pointer, thus causing ou
假设一个带有一些原语和一个Y结构数组的结构X: typedef struct { int a; Y** y; } X; X的实例X1在主机上初始化,然后通过cudaMemcpy复制到设备内存中X的实例X2。 这对X中的所有原语(例如int a)都适用,但cudaMemcpy似乎将任何双指针变为单个指针,从而在X中存在访问结构数组(如y)的情况下导致出现异常限制, 。 在这种情况下,我应该使用另一个memcpy函数,如cudaMemcpy2D或cudaMemcpyArrayToArray?
I would like to offer to users of a class the possibility to iterate over a member container, but with a transform applied to the elements. Boost adaptors seem to be a good fit for transforming a container, but I do not know how could I possibly apply it to my use case. The function returns an IterPair template wrapping the begin and end iterators and it works without the transform. However,
我想向类的用户提供遍历成员容器的可能性,但是会对元素应用一个变换。 Boost适配器似乎非常适合于转换容器,但我不知道如何将它应用于我的用例。 该函数返回一个包装开始和结束迭代器的IterPair模板,它在没有变换的情况下工作。 但是,通过转换,我返回一对局部变量的迭代器。 使转换后的容器成为不可能的,因为它没有默认的构造函数。 class A { public: IterPair get_elems() { auto tr_vect = vect
I'm currently learning new features in C++11 and boost, such as lambda and boost::function. I'm trying to use boost.lambda in std::for_each, with the iterated type being boost::function. The code looks like this: void task1(int a) { std::cout << "task1: " << a << std::endl; } void task2(const std::string& str) { std::cout << "task2: " << str <
我目前正在学习C ++ 11和boost中的新功能,例如lambda和boost :: function。 我试图在std :: for_each中使用boost.lambda,迭代类型是boost :: function。 代码如下所示: void task1(int a) { std::cout << "task1: " << a << std::endl; } void task2(const std::string& str) { std::cout << "task2: " << str << std::endl; } int main() { std::list<boost::functi
I'm getting a compile time error with the following code. The error pops up on the use of BOOST_FOREACH on line 23: 17 class MyVec: protected std::vector<int> 18 { 19 public: 20 void add(int i) { this->push_back(i); } 21 void print() 22 { 23 BOOST_FOREACH(int i, *this) 24 std::cout << i; 25 std::cout <&l
下面的代码会导致编译时错误。 在第23行使用BOOST_FOREACH时弹出错误消息: 17 class MyVec: protected std::vector<int> 18 { 19 public: 20 void add(int i) { this->push_back(i); } 21 void print() 22 { 23 BOOST_FOREACH(int i, *this) 24 std::cout << i; 25 std::cout << std::endl; 26 } 27 }; 但是,如果我改
When creating a custom container class that plays by the usual rules (ie works with STL algorithms, works with well-behaved generic code, etc.), in C++03 it was sufficient to implement iterator support and member begin/end functions. C++11 introduces two new concepts - range-based for loop and std::begin/end. Range-based for loop understands member begin/end functions, so any C++03 containers
当创建一个自定义的容器类时,它遵循通常的规则(即与STL算法一起工作,使用行为良好的通用代码等),在C ++ 03中,实现迭代器支持和成员开始/结束函数就足够了。 C ++ 11引入了两个新概念 - 基于范围的循环和std :: begin / end。 基于范围的for循环理解成员开始/结束函数,所以任何C ++ 03容器都支持基于范围的开箱即用。 对于算法,推荐的方式(根据Herb Sutter编写的“现代C ++代码”)是使用std :: begin代替成员函数。
Is there, within the standard library or Boost, some kind of utility base class for populating a custom STL-compatible Sequence with the required typedefs (size_type, value_type, etc...). I'm thinking of something like boost::iterator_facade, but for containers. I was going to roll-up my own, but wanted to make sure such a thing didn't already exist. UPDATE: This is the utility bas
在标准库或Boost中,是否有某种实用程序基类用于填充具有所需typedef(size_type,value_type等)的自定义STL兼容序列。 我正在考虑类似boost :: iterator_facade的东西,但是对于容器。 我要卷起我自己的,但要确保这样的事情不存在。 更新: 这是我提出的实用程序基类,以防有人发现它有用: template <class C> class ContainerAdapter { public: typedef C::value_type value_type; typedef C::referen
I'm currently having fun trying to learn some of the Boost libary. I'm currently doing what I guess will be a future homework project (semester hasn't started yet). However, this question is not about the homework problem, but about Boost. Code: /* AuctionApplication.h */ class AuctionApplication : boost::noncopyable { private: boost::ptr_vector<Auction> auctions_;
我目前正在尝试学习一些Boost库。 我目前正在做我认为将来的家庭作业项目(学期还没有开始)。 然而,这个问题不是关于作业问题,而是关于Boost。 码: /* AuctionApplication.h */ class AuctionApplication : boost::noncopyable { private: boost::ptr_vector<Auction> auctions_; boost::ptr_vector<Bidder> bidders_; boost::ptr_vector<Bid> bids_; /* AuctionApplication.cpp *
To allow a small C++ application to update itself at clients connected over the internet, I am in need of a mechanism that validates the download based on a public key. Algorithms such as DSA or RSA seem to be able to do this nicely. However, looking at well-known available libraries for this (Crypto++, LibTomCrypt) they all end up making my binary > 500k larger, while it seems to me such l
为了让一个小型的C ++应用程序能够通过互联网连接的客户端进行更新,我需要一种基于公钥验证下载的机制。 像DSA或RSA这样的算法似乎可以很好地完成这项工作。 然而,查看着名的可用库(Crypto ++,LibTomCrypt),它们最终都会使我的二进制大于500k,而在我看来,这样的逻辑可以在几kk内实现。 是否有任何库在实现RSA / DSA哈希验证的情况下,比如<20k的脚印? 由于我没有找到适合自己特定需求的库,所以我为此自行创建