OpenGL PBO for texture upload, can't understand one thing

Okay , I read everything about PBO here : and there , but I still have a question and I don't know if I'll get any benefit out of a PBO in my case : I'm doing video-streaming,currently I have a function copying my data buffers to 3 different textures, and then I'm doing some maths in a fragmen

用于纹理上传的OpenGL PBO,不能理解一件事

好的,我在这里阅读了有关PBO的所有信息:和,但我仍然有一个问题,不知道我是否会从我的案例中获得PBO的任何好处: 我正在做视频流,目前我有一个函数将我的数据缓冲区复制到3种不同的纹理,然后我在片段着色器中做一些数学运算,然后显示纹理。 我认为PBO可以增加CPU - > GPU的上传时间,但是在这里,假设我们从上面的第二个

How to Boost::serialize a hashmap of vectors?

I have a core data structure that I am loading values into: it is a hashmap of vectors. The vectors contain a struct, however. Further, the struct uses a template type. I need to serialize this data structure and save to the disk periodically. Then, later--in a different program--I need to load the serialized data structure. Here is a streamlined version of the structs. I minimally define

如何Boost ::序列化矢量散列表?

我有一个核心数据结构,我正在加载值:它是一个向量的散列表。 然而,矢量包含一个结构。 此外,该结构使用模板类型。 我需要序列化这个数据结构并定期保存到磁盘。 然后,在稍后 - 在不同的程序中 - 我需要加载序列化的数据结构。 这是一个精简版本的结构。 我最低限度地定义它们,但除了这个裸露的骨骼版本之外,还有其他数据项目(成员)。 #include<vector> #include<string> #include<map> #incl

Boost serialization and vector of lots of objects

I am using boost serialization to serialize/deserialize 3d model meshes, like this: struct PackageMesh { std::vector<Vec3> mVertexData; std::vector<Vec3> mNormalData; std::vector<Vec2> mTexCoordsData; std::vector<uint32_t> mIndiceData; uint16_t mMaterialIndex; bool mHasMaterial; PackageMesh(); }; Now each vector can contain several thousand


我使用boost序列化来序列化/反序列化3D模型网格,如下所示: struct PackageMesh { std::vector<Vec3> mVertexData; std::vector<Vec3> mNormalData; std::vector<Vec2> mTexCoordsData; std::vector<uint32_t> mIndiceData; uint16_t mMaterialIndex; bool mHasMaterial; PackageMesh(); }; 现在每个矢量可以包含数千个Vec3,并且可以有大量的分组来分解。 我担心,

how to determine value of cxxflags in bjam? Or append to it?

I need to add to compiler flags using bjam. So either I need a way to append to the existing flags -- like CXXFLAGS+=whatever using gmake -- or I need to know the currently-used value of cxxflags so I can replace it with my additions. As usual, the documentation leaves me astonished at the complexity of bjam but no closer to being able to do anything useful with it. If you are only looking t

如何确定bjam中cxxflags的值? 或追加到它?

我需要使用bjam添加到编译器标志。 因此,无论我需要一种方法来追加到现有的标志 - 如CXXFLAGS + =使用gmake的任何方式 - 或者我需要知道cxxflags的当前使用值,以便我可以用我的添加项替换它。 像往常一样,这些文档让我惊讶于bjam的复杂性,但没有更接近于能够对它做任何有用的事情。 如果您只想在命令行上执行此操作,则可以通过指定“feature = value”参数来添加标志。 在制作CXXFLAGS的情况下,相应的将是“cxxflags =

ins for true 'smart tabs'?

'Smart Tabs' concept allows to automatically insert tab character for block indentation and space characters for in-block formatting. It's described here. Unfortunately, Visual Studio's 'smart tabs' option in text editor settings just indents text on enter press. Same name, completely different and near useless thing :). So, maybe someone knows of a visual studio addin


'智能标签'概念允许自动插入块缩进的制表符和空格字符以进行块内格式化。 这里描述了它。 不幸的是,Visual Studio的文本编辑器设置中的“智能标签”选项只是在输入时缩进文本。 同名,完全不同和近乎无用的东西:)。 所以,也许有人知道一个视觉工作室插件可以改变'tab'键的工作方式,所以它会根据上述规则插入制表符和空格字符? 任何提示都是值得欢迎的。 更新:我需要它的C ++。 根据评论,ReSharper可

Warning: cast increases required alignment

I'm recently working on this platform for which a legacy codebase issues a large number of "cast increases required alignment to N" warnings, where N is the size of the target of the cast. struct Message { int32_t id; int32_t type; int8_t data[16]; }; int32_t GetMessageInt(const Message& m) { return *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&data[0]); } Hopefully it&


我最近在这个平台上工作,其中一个遗留的代码库发布了大量的“强制增加对齐到N”的警告,其中N是演员目标的大小。 struct Message { int32_t id; int32_t type; int8_t data[16]; }; int32_t GetMessageInt(const Message& m) { return *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&data[0]); } 希望这是显而易见的是一个“真实”的实施将是一个有点复杂,但基本的一点是,我有数据从什么地方来的,我知道,它的排列

How do I use boost options

I want to have two options for the program to work on, the start address and end address so that the program options are as follows: --start_address 0xc0000000 --end_address 0xffffffff Is it possible for options_description to take such hex input? Do I have to consider the input as string and convert them to hex values. I have this at the moment: po::options_description desc("Allowed optio


我想要有两个选项供程序使用,起始地址和结束地址,以便程序选项如下: --start_address 0xc0000000 --end_address 0xffffffff options_description有可能采用这种十六进制输入吗? 我是否必须将输入视为字符串并将它们转换为十六进制值。 我现在有这个: po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "display this help message") ("path,p", po::value<std::string&

64bit exceptions in WndProc silently fail

The following code will give a hard fail when run under Windows 7 32bit: void CTestView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { *(int*)0 = 0; // Crash CTestDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; // TODO: add draw code for native data here } However, if I try this on Windows 7 64bit, I just get this in the output window: First-chance exception at 0x1392


在Windows 7 32位下运行时,以下代码会导致严重失败: void CTestView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { *(int*)0 = 0; // Crash CTestDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; // TODO: add draw code for native data here } 但是,如果我在Windows 7 64bit上试用这个,我只是在输出窗口中得到它: Test.exe中0x13929384的第一次机会异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突写入位置

C++0x atomic implementation in c++98 question about

I have written the followin atomic template with a view to mimicing the atomic operations which will be available in the upcoming c++0x standard. However, I am not sure that the __sync_synchronize() call I have around the returning of the underlying value are necessary. From my understanding, __sync_synchronize() is a full memory barrier and I'm not sure I need such a costly call when ret

在C ++ 98中有关C ++ 0x原子实现的问题

我已经编写了以下原子模板,以模仿将在即将到来的c ++ 0x标准中提供的原子操作。 但是,我不确定_sync_synchronize()调用是否需要返回基础值。 从我的理解,__sync_synchronize()是一个完整的内存屏障,我不确定在返回对象值时我需要这么昂贵的调用。 我很确定它会在价值的设置周围需要,但我也可以在程序集中实现。 __asm__ __volatile__ ( "rep;nop": : :"memory" ); 有谁知道,我肯定需要同步()返回的对象。

Unable to capture standard output of process using Boost.Process

Currently am using Boost.Process from the Boost sandbox, and am having issues getting it to capture my standard output properly; wondering if someone can give me a second pair of eyeballs into what I might be doing wrong. I'm trying to take thumbnails out of RAW camera images using DCRAW (latest version), and capture them for conversion to QT QImage's. The process launch function: n


目前我正在使用Boost沙箱中的Boost.Process,并且遇到问题以正确捕获我的标准输出; 想知道是否有人可以给我第二双眼球成为我可能做错的事。 我试图使用DCRAW(最新版本)从RAW相机图像中缩略图,并捕获它们以转换为QT QImage。 流程启动功能: namespace bf = ::boost::filesystem; namespace bp = ::boost::process; QImage DCRawInterface::convertRawImage(string path) { // commandline: dcraw -e -c <srcfi