I have a question about debugging a running C++ program in Linux. If a programming is already running and can't be interrupted, how to do that. I can find three ways, but I don't know too much about details, I am grateful if any one can elaborate it deeper. 1) we can use GDB by specifying the process ID gdb -p PID In this case, what's the difference between this and attach PID
我有一个关于在Linux中调试正在运行的C ++程序的问题。 如果编程已经运行并且不能被中断,那该怎么做。 我可以找到三种方法,但我对细节不太了解,如果有人能够更深入地阐述它,我很感激。 1)我们可以通过指定进程ID来使用GDB gdb -p PID 在这种情况下,这个和attach PID什么区别? 2)我们可以使用pstat,但是,我使用Ubuntu,没有pstat,但只有mpstat 似乎mpstat没有提供太多的信息,也没有太多的选项。 3)检查
I am trying to track down a very odd crash. What is so odd about it is a workaround that someone discovered and which I cannot explain. The workaround is this small program which I'll refer to as 'runner': #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { fprint
我试图追查一次非常奇怪的事故。 奇怪的是有人发现了一个解决方法,我无法解释。 解决方法是这个小程序,我将其称为'跑步者': #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s prog [args ...]n", argv[0]); return 1; } execvp(argv[
What we need in our firm is a sort of release management tool for Linux/C++. Our products consist of multiple libraries and config files. Here I will list the basic features we want such system to have: Ability to track dependencies, easily increase major versions of libraries whose dependencies got their major version increased. It should build some sort of dependency graph internally so it
我们公司需要的是一种用于Linux / C ++的版本管理工具。 我们的产品由多个库和配置文件组成。 在这里我将列出我们希望这个系统具有的基本特征: 跟踪依赖关系的能力,可以轻松增加其主版本增加的主要版本的库。 它应该在内部构建某种依赖关系图,以便知道哪些人受到更新的影响。 知道如何建立它处理的产品。 无论是特定的构建文件还是更好的 - 读取和理解makefile的能力。 与SVN一起工作,以便它可以从那里检查新版本
is it possibile do this kind of cast in C++? I need to declare my attribute in this way. Class A { public: void update() { ++i_; } private: int i_; } Class B{ public: void foo() { a_->update(); /* Error */ } private: const A* const a_; } Error is: passing 'const A' as 'this' argument of 'void A::update()' discards qualifiers [-fpermissive] I
用C ++进行这种投射是否可行? 我需要以这种方式宣布我的属性。 Class A { public: void update() { ++i_; } private: int i_; } Class B{ public: void foo() { a_->update(); /* Error */ } private: const A* const a_; } 错误是: 作为'void A :: update()'的'this'参数传递'const A'会丢弃限定符[-fpermissive] 我尝试与static_cast ,但是不够..不工作..任何想
I've configured CEDET for emacs following Alex article (great!!). Now, the questions: I've generated GTAGS with Gnu Global in my /usr/include , how can i check if semantic is using GTAGS? Can I keep my GTAGS in another directory and instruct semantic to use that dir? In C/C++ sources, completion on include statement (from system headers) doesn't list all available headers. Ok,
我已经为Alex的文章配置了CEDET for emacs(很棒!)。 现在,问题是: 我在我的/usr/include生成了带有Gnu Global的GTAGS,如何检查语义是否使用GTAGS? 我可以将我的GTAGS保存在另一个目录中,并指示语义使用该目录吗? 在C / C ++源代码中,include语句(来自系统头文件)的完成不会列出所有可用的头文件。 好吧,这是一个愚蠢的问题..但让我觉得有些东西不能正常工作 你可以使用这个命令: M-x semantic-c-describ
Collection CollectionFactory::createFromMap(const std::string& name, const DataMap& dm) const { if (!Collection::isNameValid(name)) { const std::string error = "invalid collection name"; throw std::invalid_argument(error); } Collection c(name, dm); dm.initDataCollection(&c, true); return c; } Whenever the throw statement is executed, I
Collection CollectionFactory::createFromMap(const std::string& name, const DataMap& dm) const { if (!Collection::isNameValid(name)) { const std::string error = "invalid collection name"; throw std::invalid_argument(error); } Collection c(name, dm); dm.initDataCollection(&c, true); return c; } 每当throw语句执行时,我都会遇到分段错误。
is there a way to use the a.vim plugin to switch between .h, .cxx and .txx files? Alternatively, can you provide another solution? The idea is to automagically switch from .h -> .txx -> .cxx at the press of a key. A Big Thanks to both of you! Look for the lines in a.vim that contain AddAlternateExtensionMapping . The first argument is the extension of the current file, the second is
有没有办法使用a.vim插件在.h,.cxx和.txx文件之间切换? 或者,你能否提供另一种解决方案? 这个想法是在按下一个按键时从.h -> .txx -> .cxx自动切换。 非常感谢你们两位! 在a.vim中查找包含AddAlternateExtensionMapping 。 第一个参数是当前文件的扩展名,第二个参数是要切换到的文件的扩展名列表:A 。 它们按优先顺序排列 。 在你的情况下,你必须设置它,以便它在一个循环中。 call <SID>AddAlterna
Years ago I believed that C was absolutely pure compared to C++ because the compiler couldn't generate any code that you couldn't predict. I now believe counter examples include the volatile keyword and memory barriers (in multiprocessor programming or device drivers for memory-mapped hardware devices, where plain assembly language would be even more pure than the optimizations of a C co
几年前,我相信C相对于C ++来说绝对是纯粹的,因为编译器无法生成任何您无法预测的代码。 我现在认为,计数器例子包括volatile关键字和内存障碍(在多处理器编程或内存映射硬件设备的设备驱动程序中,普通汇编语言将比C编译器的优化更纯)。 目前我正试图枚举C ++编译器可以做的不可预测的事情。 关于C ++的主要抱怨是,编译器会隐式地实例化临时对象,但我相信这些情况都是可以预料的。 我正在考虑的情况是: 当一个类为
I am writing a DLL to plug into another (3rd party) application. The DLL will need to depend on another set of DLLs (for license reasons I cannot link statically). I would like my DLL to be "xcopy-deployable" to any directory. I would also like not to require adding this directory to the path. If I just build the DLL the usual way, Windows will refuse to load the DLL, since it can
我正在编写一个DLL来插入另一个(第三方)应用程序。 该DLL需要依赖另一组DLL(由于许可原因,我无法静态链接)。 我希望我的DLL能够“xcopy-deployable”到任何目录。 我也不想要求将这个目录添加到路径中。 如果我只是以通常的方式构建DLL,则Windows将拒绝加载DLL,因为它无法在当前进程旁边找到DLL。 有没有什么好的选择来帮助Windows找到DLL? 回答一些问题: 该DLL是用C ++编写的。 额外的DLL是QT-dll。 我
I am importing an C++ DLL in an innosetup install script. The DLL code is as follows: void __stdcall SetFbParam(char *dbFileName,char *dbTableName,char *dbParamName,char *dbParamValue){ //of no use here and doesn't change anything} In the Innosetup, I import it using procedure FBset(dbFileName,dbTableName,dbParamName,dbParamValue: String;); external 'SetFbParam@files:MyDll.dll stdcall se
我正在使用innosetup安装脚本导入C ++ DLL。 该DLL代码如下所示: void __stdcall SetFbParam(char *dbFileName,char *dbTableName,char *dbParamName,char *dbParamValue){ //of no use here and doesn't change anything} 在Innosetup中,我使用它导入它 procedure FBset(dbFileName,dbTableName,dbParamName,dbParamValue: String;); external 'SetFbParam@files:MyDll.dll stdcall setuponly'; 但是,在启动