Extract RGB values from a AVFrame (FFMPEG) in C++

I am currently trying to read in video frames by using FFMPEG. The format is PIX_FMT_RGB24; For each frame, the RGB values are all combined together in frame->data[0] (Where frame is of the type AVFrame). How do I extract the individual R, G and B values for each frame? This is for processing the video. I would think it would work the same way as extracting the RGB values from a bitmap t

在C ++中从AVFrame(FFMPEG)中提取RGB值

我目前正试图通过使用FFMPEG在视频帧中读取。 格式是PIX_FMT_RGB24; 对于每一帧,RGB值全部在帧 - >数据[0]中组合在一起(其中帧是AVFrame类型的)。 我如何提取每帧的R,G和B值? 这是为了处理视频。 我认为它可以像从位图中提取RGB值一样工作。 谢谢! 我猜: int p=x*3+y*frame->linesize[0]; r=frame->data[0][p]; g=frame->data[0][p+1]; b=frame->data[0][p+2]; 我可能有r,g和b倒退。 而且有

Small, portable web browser library?

I am looking for a small and portable web browser to embed into my 3D engine. Basically, I need something small and fast that can render into a graphical buffer and take my input for links and stuff. It would be great if it could do JS as well. So far I've looked at Gecko and Webkit and Webkit is the winner so far (Gecko is way too huge and messy to even consider). Are there other more


我正在寻找一个小巧便携的网页浏览器来嵌入到我的3D引擎中。 基本上,我需要一些小而快的东西,可以渲染成图形缓冲区,并将我的输入作为链接和内容。 如果它也可以做JS,那将会很棒。 到目前为止,我已经看过Gecko和Webkit,并且Webkit是迄今为止的赢家(Gecko太大而且混乱,甚至不能考虑)。 是否还有其他更隐蔽的引擎我缺少? 是的,HTMLayout。 也许这是一个选项:http://princeofcode.com/awesomium.php 来自网站

Read Unicode files C++

I have a simple question to ask. I have a UTF 16 text file to read wich starts with FFFE. What are the C++ tools to deal with this kind of file? I just want to read it, filter some lines, and display the result. It looks simple, but I just have experience in work with plain ascci files and I'm in the hurry. I'm using VS C++, but I'm not want to work with managed C++. Regards

读取Unicode文件C ++

我有一个简单的问题要问。 我有一个以FFFE开头的UTF 16文本文件。 什么是C ++工具来处理这种文件? 我只想读取它,过滤一些行并显示结果。 它看起来很简单,但我只是在使用简单的ascci文件方面有经验,而且我很着急。 我正在使用VS C ++,但我不想使用托管C ++。 问候 这里举一个非常简单的例子 wifstream file; file.open("C:\appLog.txt", ios::in); wchar_t buffer[2048]; file.seekg(2); file.getline(buffer,

Remove a symbol from shared object

I don't have much control over the build process, but I am getting an undefined reference to symbols error when my next piece of code tries to link with the previously compiled shared library. [Although the said symbols are there in the so] here is a snippet of symbols from the shared library of interest (libmycode.so below complete real name is given), I want to remove last two lines of t


我对构建过程没有太多的控制权,但是当我的下一段代码试图链接到先前编译的共享库时,我得到了对符号错误的未定义引用。 [虽然所说的符号在那里] 这里是共享感兴趣的库(libmycode.so下面给出了完整的真实姓名)的符号片段,我想删除此代码段的最后两行,并测试如果删除这些帮助我的情况。 U _ZN4Foam5token21transferCompoundTokenERKNS_7IstreamE U _ZN4Foam5token8compound10isCompoundERKNS_4wordE U _ZN4Foam5tokenC1ERN

Easy check for unresolved symbols in shared libraries?

I am writing a fairly large C++ shared-object library, and have run into a small issue that makes debugging a pain: If I define a function/method in a header file, and forget to create a stub for it (during development), since I am building as a shared object library rather than an executable, no errors appear at compile-time telling me I have forgotten to implement that function. The only way


我正在编写一个相当大的C ++共享对象库,并且遇到了一个小问题,使得调试变得非常痛苦: 如果我在头文件中定义一个函数/方法,并忘记为它创建一个存根(在开发过程中),由于我正在构建为共享对象库而不是可执行文件,所以在编译时没有错误显示我有忘记执行该功能。 我发现某件事情的唯一方法是错误的,那就是在运行时,最终一个链接到这个库的应用程序会因为'未定义符号'错误而崩溃。 我正在寻找一种简单的方法来

C++ shared library shows internal symbols

I have built a shared library (.dll, .so) with VC++2008 and GCC. The problem is that inside both libs it shows the names of private symbols (classes, functions) and they weren't exported. I don't want my app to display the name of classes/functions that weren't exported. Is any way i can do that? In GCC i did: Compiled with -fvisibility=hidden and then made public with attribute

C ++共享库显示内部符号

我用VC ++ 2008和GCC构建了一个共享库(.dll,.so)。 问题是在这两个库中它显示私有符号(类,函数)的名称,并且它们未被导出。 我不希望我的应用程序显示未导出的类/函数的名称。 有什么办法可以做到吗? 在GCC中,我做了:用-fvisibility = hidden编译,然后通过属性 ((visibility(“default”))公开) 在VC ++中:__declspec(dllexport) 谢谢! 对于GNU工具链,您可以使用th strip命令从对象文件中删除符

Can multiple versions of a same (Boost) DLL co

My (C++, cross-platform) app is heavily using Boost libraries (say version 1.x ), and I want to also link against a 3rd-party (vendor)'s SDK (no source), itself using Boost (but version 1.y ). So, we both link dynamically against our own version of Boost DLLs, CRT being identical. Consequently, at run-time my app would have to load both DLL of Boost 1.x & 1.y . What are the potential


我的(C ++,跨平台)应用程序大量使用Boost库(比如版本1.x ),并且我还想使用Boost (但版本)链接到第三方(供应商)的SDK(无源代码) 1.y )。 所以,我们都与我们自己的Boost DLL版本动态链接,CRT是相同的。 因此,在运行时我的应用程序将不得不加载Boost 1.x & 1.y DLL。 什么是潜在的问题和陷阱相关联? 我无法更改供应商的SDK,但我可以更改我的应用程序。 也许我应该尝试静态链接到我的Boost 1.x ? P

HOT(Heap On Top) Queues

任何人都可以给我一个HOT Queue的示例实现,或者给出一些关于如何实现它的指针? Here is a page I found that provides at least a clue toward what data structures you might use to implement this. Scroll down to the section called "Making A* Scalable." It's unfortunate that the academic papers on the subject mention having written C++ code but don't provide any. Here is the link to


任何人都可以给我一个HOT Queue的示例实现,或者给出一些关于如何实现它的指针? 这里是我发现的一个页面,它提供了你可能用来实现这个的数据结构的线索。 向下滚动到“制作A *可扩展”部分。 不幸的是,关于这个主题的学术论文提到了编写C ++代码,但没有提供任何。 这里是描述HOT队列的文章的链接。 这是非常抽象的,这就是为什么我想看到一个编码的例子(我仍然试图绕过它)。 http://www.star-lab.com/goldberg/pub/neci

How to get serial number from hard disks?

使用Win32 API获取PC中所有硬盘的序列号有没有简单的方法? GetVolumeInformation是你的朋友。 GetVolumeInformation will give you information only about the partition or volume , not about whole HDD. You should use DeviceIoControl function to get information. Here possible code: #include <atlstr.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <winioctl.h> BOOL getSerial(CString diskSerial) {


使用Win32 API获取PC中所有硬盘的序列号有没有简单的方法? GetVolumeInformation是你的朋友。 GetVolumeInformation将仅为您提供有关分区或卷的信息 ,而不是整个HDD。 您应该使用DeviceIoControl函数获取信息。 这里可能的代码: #include <atlstr.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <winioctl.h> BOOL getSerial(CString diskSerial) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY stor

OpenMPI: All nodes run as node 0

I have a c++ program that is using the openMPI library to pass messages between different processors. It is a parallel program that uses a genetic algorithm to get a good solution for the traveling salesperson problem. I am trying to set up the MPI environment on my two dual processor computers at my house so that I can run it. When I first created this program a year ago, I was able to run it


我有一个c ++程序,它使用openMPI库在不同处理器之间传递消息。 这是一个并行程序,它使用遗传算法为旅行销售人员问题获得一个很好的解决方案。 我正试图在我的两台双处理器计算机上设置MPI环境,以便我可以运行它。 一年前我第一次创建这个程序时,我能够在没有设置好的群集上运行它。 我现在遇到的问题是,每当我运行它时,所有进程都说它们的排名为0.如果我有3个节点,而不是节点1,2和3,它们都是节点0。如果有人知道发生