C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection

I successfully implemented the OpenCV square-detection example in my test application, but now need to filter the output, because it's quiet messy - or is my code wrong? I'm interested in the four corner points of the paper for skew reduction (like that) and further processing … Input & Output: Original image: click Code: double angle( cv::Point pt1, cv::Point pt2, cv::Poin


我在测试应用程序中成功实现了OpenCV方形检测示例,但现在需要过滤输出,因为它很安静 - 或者是我的代码错误? 我对这篇论文的四个角点感兴趣,以减少偏斜(如那样)并进一步处理...... 输入输出: 原始图像: 点击 码: double angle( cv::Point pt1, cv::Point pt2, cv::Point pt0 ) { double dx1 = pt1.x - pt0.x; double dy1 = pt1.y - pt0.y; double dx2 = pt2.x - pt0.x; double dy2 = pt2.y -

What is the Complexity of Find() Function

This question already has an answer here: Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it? 22 answers To begin with, the first version does in the worst case n iterations, and, in each iteration, does a constant number of operations. The second version does in the worst case n / 2 iterations, and, in each iteration, also does a constant number of operations, but a larger constant. Thus, there i


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 大O,你如何计算/估计它? 22个答案 首先,第一个版本在最坏的情况下进行n次迭代,并且在每次迭代中进行恒定数量的操作。 第二个版本在最坏的情况下进行n / 2次迭代,并且在每次迭代中,也会进行常量的操作,但是会有更大的常量。 因此,没有理由认为第一个是O(n),第二个是O(n / 2)。 无论如何,O(n)= O(n / 2)。 通过O的定义,O(n)意味着存在一个常数c1,使得对于每个n>

Compute the complexity of the following Algorithm?

This question already has an answer here: Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it? 22 answers i = 1; while(i < n + 1){ j = 1; While(j < n + 1){ j = j * 2: } i = i + 1; } outer loop takes O(n) since it increments by constant. i = 1; while(i < n + 1){ i = i + 1; } inner loop : j = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...., 2^k j = 2^k (k >= 0) when will j stops ?


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 大O,你如何计算/估计它? 22个答案 i = 1; while(i < n + 1){ j = 1; While(j < n + 1){ j = j * 2: } i = i + 1; } 外循环需要O(n),因为它按常量递增。 i = 1; while(i < n + 1){ i = i + 1; } 内循环:j = 1,2,4,8,16,...,2 ^ k j = 2 ^ k(k> = 0)何时j将停止? 当j == n时, log(2 ^ k)= log(n) => k * lg(2)= lg

QWebView plain text document style

In my app I have several places that use a QWebView and load the content from the server. In addition the app allows the user to select a default or a dark theme. When the content-type of the document to display is text/plain and the application theme is set to dark, the text is displayed as black text on a black background. I can only see the text if I highlight it. text/html documents work


在我的应用程序中,有几个地方使用QWebView并从服务器加载内容。 此外,该应用程序允许用户选择默认或黑暗的主题。 当要显示的文档的内容类型是文本/纯文本并且应用程序主题设置为黑色时,文本在黑色背景上显示为黑色文本。 如果我突出显示,我只能看到文字。 text / html文件适用于任何主题。 理想情况下,当选择黑暗主题时,我想在黑色(或深灰色)背景上显示白色文字。 我一直无法想出如何做到这一点。 以下是我目前

How to get the Value from a input field in QWebView

在Qt中,我在屏幕上有一个QWebView在Web视图中的站点有一个输入字段,我想从输入字段获取value属性并将其存储在QString基本上我问的是如何存储值QString中的输入字段 From your QWebView get the QWebFrame (eg ui->webView()->page()->currentFrame()->toHtml(); ) and then used QwebFrame::findAllElements or QWebFrame::findFirstElement. This will give you a QWebElement and you can use the attribute meth


在Qt中,我在屏幕上有一个QWebView在Web视图中的站点有一个输入字段,我想从输入字段获取value属性并将其存储在QString基本上我问的是如何存储值QString中的输入字段 从QWebView获取QWebFrame(例如ui->webView()->page()->currentFrame()->toHtml(); ),然后使用QwebFrame :: findAllElements或QWebFrame :: findFirstElement。 这会给你一个QWebElement,你可以使用attribute方法来获取value属性。 您应该使用eva

QLineEdit: Set cursor location to beginning on focus

I have a QLineEdit with an input mask, so that some kind of code can easily be entered (or pasted). Since you can place the cursor anywhere in the QLineEdit even if there is no text (because there is a placeholder from the input mask): If people are careless and unattentive enough this leads to them typing in the middle of the text box whereas they should start typing at the beginning. I trie


我有一个带有输入掩码的QLineEdit ,因此可以轻松地输入(或粘贴)某种代码。 由于您可以将光标放在QLineEdit任何位置,即使没有文本(因为输入掩码中有一个占位符): 如果人们粗心大意并且注意力不够,这会导致他们在文本框中间键入内容,而他们应该从头开始键入内容。 我尝试了通过安装一个事件过滤器确保光标处于焦点位置的简单方法: bool MyWindowPrivate::eventFilter(QObject * object, QEvent * event) { if (o

QWebView set border visible

I want to make QWebView widget have borders in my layout and UI when running, similar to QTableView . Now it looks borderless and hidden. Is it even possible? It's not possible to set border to QWebView. Instead you can place your QWebView inside another QWidget and set it's border. See example below (QtDesigner): Widgets hierarchy: Look inside QtDesigner: StyleSheet for QFra


我想让QWebView小部件在运行时在我的布局和用户界面中具有边框,类似于QTableView 。 现在它看起来无边界和隐藏。 它甚至有可能吗? 无法将边框设置为QWebView。 相反,您可以将您的QWebView放置在另一个QWidget中并将其设置为边框。 看下面的例子(QtDesigner): 小部件层次结构: 看看QtDesigner: 用于QFrame的StyleSheet: QFrame { border: 1px solid black; background: white; }

QOpenGLWidget is not updated in QMainWindow

I have loaded a QOpenGLWidget promoted into my Window class with QtDesigner, inside a QMainWindow. The widget display is fine, I can see the obj model in my mainwindow. My update() function from Window is called (I know from qDebug()). However my OpenGLWidget can't seem to be repainted inside the mainwindow unless I interact with the mainwindow (for instance, resize it, or move it on my


我在QMainWindow中使用QtDesigner加载了一个QOpenGLWidget,并将其提升到我的Window类中。 小部件显示效果很好,我可以在主窗口中看到obj模型。 我从Window调用update()函数(我从qDebug()知道)。 然而,我的OpenGLWidget似乎无法在主窗口内重新绘制,除非我与主窗口交互(例如,调整它的大小或将其移动到我的屏幕上)。 我想这些交互意味着重新整个主窗口。 每次OpenGL窗口更新时,我都试图强制重新绘制整个主窗口

why cant I draw points on the Qt Widget at the first time I click the button

I wanna draw some points on the Widget, so I promote the Widget to class. And the points' informations(eg,position, color, quantity) need to be acquired from outside the class, so I set a slots to receive the informations. Before acquiring the quantity, I set it to zero. Here is the class' cpp file, #include "glwidget.h" GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget *parent) : QGLWidget(parent) {

为什么我不能在第一次点击按钮时在Qt Widget上绘制点

我想在Widget上画点点,所以我把Widget推广到课堂上。 点的信息(如位置,颜色,数量)需要从课外获得,所以我设置了一个插槽来接收信息。 在获取数量之前,我将其设置为零。 这里是类'cpp文件, #include "glwidget.h" GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget *parent) : QGLWidget(parent) { pointClouds = NULL; //[x y z] imageRGB = NULL; //[R G B] oldx = -1, oldy = -1; c = (float)(CV_PI / 180);

Cannot setup Inherited class's method as slot for click signal

So basically I inherited from QPushButton and I want to handle the signal right inside the class. I also promoted the button I want to this new class. So I did: QObject::connect(ui->pickWatermarkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),ui->pickWatermarkButton, SLOT(handleButton())); The handleButton exists and is declared as a public slot. However, when I click the button, nothing happens. I chang


所以基本上我从QPushButton继承,我想在课堂上处理信号。 我还推广了我想要这个新课程的按钮。 所以我做了: QObject::connect(ui->pickWatermarkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),ui->pickWatermarkButton, SLOT(handleButton())); handleButton存在并被声明为公共槽。 但是,当我点击按钮时,什么也没有发生。 我将插槽更改为位于mainWindow内的位置函数,并且令人惊讶,它起作用! 显然它只在我尝试在继承类中用作插