Ogre3D shows exception when starting program

I'm trying to write game using Ogre engine. I had a lot of problems - GCC didn't compiled program because it didn't found OgreMain_d and OIS_d... I created symbolic links (I'm using Linux) to libOgreMain.so.1.7.2 and libOIS-1.3.0.so and GCC compiled my program, but... the program shows error: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resources.cfg' file not found! in Co


我正在尝试使用Ogre引擎编写游戏。 我遇到了很多问题 - GCC没有编译程序,因为它没有找到OgreMain_d和OIS_d ...我创建了符号链接(我正在使用Linux)libOgreMain.so.1.7.2和libOIS-1.3.0 .so和GCC编译我的程序,但是...程序显示错误: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resources.cfg' file not found! in ConfigFile::load at /home/m4tx/Programs/ogre_src_v1-7-2/OgreMain/src/OgreConfigFile.cpp (line

C++ Agent : Base class undefined error in Game

I have 6 C++ header files. There are a lot of includes so I tried to make it so that I use as little as I can. But I keep getting an error from the very beginning saying that a class "Agent" is undefined. I defined it and included it and can't find the problem here are the 2 header files that are causing the problem: Sinbad.h: #ifndef SINBAD_H #define SINBAD_H #pragma once #i

C ++代理:Game中的基类未定义错误

我有6个C ++头文件。 有很多内容,所以我尽量使它尽可能少地使用。 但是我从一开始就不断收到一个错误,说一个类“Agent”是未定义的。 我定义了它并且包含了它,并且在这里找不到导致问题的2个头文件: Sinbad.h: #ifndef SINBAD_H #define SINBAD_H #pragma once #include "Agent.h" #define NUM_ANIMS 13 // number of animations the character has. Should be made character specific class Agent; class Sinbad

Exception thrown when exiting program (Ogre3d)

I am getting a weird exception when I exit the program. This has started since today morning and I am ready to pull my hair out. As soon as I exit the program, visual studio gives an exception and stops at line 731 in the file crt0dat.c (see attached screenshot) I know this is very little to go on. I have tried several different things: un the program without doing anything, that is, not i


退出程序时出现奇怪的异常。 这是从今天早上开始的,我准备把我的头发拉出来。 一旦我退出程序,visual studio会发出异常并在文件crt0dat.c中的第731行停止(参见附件截图) 我知道这很少继续下去。 我尝试了几件不同的事情: un程序没有做任何事情,也就是说,根本不初始化Ogre Core。 不会导致崩溃 除了创建Ogre根(这与Ogre本身相关,并且与我的代码无关)之外,运行该程序的所有注释都会导致相同的崩溃 运行以下

Apply Torque Impulse in Body's Local Space

I'm currently evaluating the Bullet Physics Library for a 3D space game I'm writing using C++ and Ogre3D. I've gotten Ogre3D and Bullet integrated nicely by deriving from btMotionState and plugging in my SceneNodes, but now I'm having a lot of trouble calculating what values I should pass to btRigidBody::applyCentralImpulse and btRigidBody::applyTorqueImpulse methods in order to


我目前正在评估使用C ++和Ogre3D编写的3D空间游戏的子弹物理库。 我已经通过派生自btMotionState并插入SceneNodes来很好地集成了Ogre3D和Bullet,但是现在我在计算应该传递给btRigidBody :: applyCentralImpulse和btRigidBody :: applyTorqueImpulse方法的值时遇到了很多麻烦,以便实现我正在寻找的结果。 当我按下键盘上的LEFT或RIGHT键时,我希望飞船在本地Z轴上滚动。 当我按UP或DOWN时,我想让它在当地的X轴上投球。 当

Using A Namespace In Place Of A Class

I'm designing an interface to abstract the tasks of managing Direct3D, Direct2D, DXGI, and the associated Win32API calls. Keep everything inside a namespace or refactor to use a class? WindowsApp.h #pragma once #include <Windows.h> namespace WindowsApp { bool Initialize(HINSTANCE instanceHandle); } WindowsApp.cpp #include "WindowsApp.h" namespace WindowsApp { namespace


我正在设计一个接口来抽象管理Direct3D,Direct2D,DXGI和相关Win32API调用的任务。 将所有内容放在命名空间或重构中以使用类? WindowsApp.h #pragma once #include <Windows.h> namespace WindowsApp { bool Initialize(HINSTANCE instanceHandle); } WindowsApp.cpp #include "WindowsApp.h" namespace WindowsApp { namespace { HWND ghMainWnd = 0; } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc

cv::imshow sometimes is very slow

I've got a problem with cv::imshow . It normally consumes about 1-2 ms processing time for my image size but at some point in my processing-pipeline it uses 4-8 ms for the same kind of images. I have a method void Tool::displayImage() { startTimeMeasure(); cv::imshow("output",image); evaluateTimeMeasure(); } image is a member variable and the highgui window is created somewhere

cv :: imshow有时非常慢

我有一个cv::imshow的问题。 对于我的图像大小,它通常会消耗大约1-2毫秒的处理时间,但在我的处理管道中的某个点上,它会使用4-8毫秒来处理相同类型的图像。 我有一个方法 void Tool::displayImage() { startTimeMeasure(); cv::imshow("output",image); evaluateTimeMeasure(); } image是一个成员变量,highgui窗口是在其他地方创建的。 时间测量适用于boost::posix_time ptime和time_duration 。 cvStartWindo

Inspecting generalized attributes with libclang

I would like to parse generalized attributes of class member functions in the following example: class Foo { public: void foo [[interesting]] (); void bar (); }; Using the libclang C API, I would like to distinguish between foo and bar (and know that foo has the interesting attribute) in the source. Is this possible? I have a hard time finding examples or documentation that explains t


我想在下面的例子中解析类成员函数的泛化属性: class Foo { public: void foo [[interesting]] (); void bar (); }; 使用libclang C API,我想在源代码中区分foo和bar (并且知道foo具有interesting属性)。 这可能吗? 我很难找到解释在API中使用的概念的示例或文档(我找到了一个参考,但是当这些概念没有解释时,这很难使用)。 类似下面的first_attr函数将获取传递的游标的第一个属性的游标(如果它存在),

Visual Studio 2012 Performance Analysis failing to load symbol file

I have used the Visual Studio 2012 Performance Analysis to profile my C++ code for a long time, but recently when I try to use it seems to be failing to load the symbols as I get this error when I try to view the details Matching symbols could not be found. Choose the 'Symbol Settings..' link to add the symbol file location and then reload the report. I have visited Options -> Deb

Visual Studio 2012性能分析未能加载符号文件

我已经使用Visual Studio 2012性能分析很长一段时间来剖析我的C ++代码,但是最近当我尝试使用它时似乎无法加载符号,因为我在尝试查看细节时遇到此错误 无法找到符合的符号。 选择'符号设置..'链接添加符号文件位置,然后重新加载报告。 我访问过Options -> Debugging -> Symbols但我不知道我需要添加哪些符号才能正确加载。 目前在该菜单中的Symbol file (.pdf) locations:有一个选项可用,它称为Microso

Using std:vector as low level buffer

The usage here is the same as Using read() directly into a C++ std:vector, but with an acount of reallocation. The size of input file is unknown, thus the buffer is reallocated by doubling size when file size exceeds buffer size. Here's my code: #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> int main() { const size_t initSize = 1; std::vector<char&g


这里的用法与将read()直接用于C ++ std:vector中相同,但是具有重新分配的作用。 输入文件的大小是未知的,因此当文件大小超过缓冲区大小时,通过加倍缓冲区来重新分配缓冲区。 这是我的代码: #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> int main() { const size_t initSize = 1; std::vector<char> buf(initSize); // sizes buf to initSize, so &buf[0] below is

RAII and exception in constructor

Imagine that I have a job to do, which can be done in three different ways: a slow and painful, but failsafe way; the way with moderate suffering, given you have Resource1 ; and a quick and easy way, which requires both Resource1 and Resource2 . Now, those resources are precious so I wrap them up into RAII-implementing ResNHolder s and write something like this: void DoTheJob(Logger& log/


想象一下,我有一份工作要做,可以通过三种不同的方式完成:一种缓慢而痛苦的方式,但是失败的方式; 考虑到你有Resource1 ; 和一个快速简单的方法,这需要Resource1和Resource2 。 现在,这些资源是非常宝贵的,所以我把它们包装到RAII中,实现ResNHolder并写下如下内容: void DoTheJob(Logger& log/*, some other params */) { try { Res1Holder r1(/* arguments for creating resource #1 */); tr