Standard type trait for the value of sizeof(T)

The C++11 standard specifies a type trait std::alignment_of<T> which simply returns the value of alignof(T) . Is there a similar trait for the sizeof operator? Am I just missing it, or was it just missed in the standard, or is there some obscure technical reason why it wasn't specified? Obviously it is trivial to create such a trait, but I can't imagine it wouldn't have bee


C ++ 11标准指定了一个类型trait std::alignment_of<T> ,它只是返回alignof(T)的值。 sizeof运算符有没有类似的特征? 我是否错过了它,还是仅仅是错过了标准,还是有一些模糊的技术原因,为什么它没有被指定? 显然,创建这样的特性是微不足道的,但我无法想象在引入std::alignment_of时不会考虑它。 对于上下文,我有一个自定义类型特征,用于在应用于类型列表时获取单个特征的最大值。 template <template&l

Duplicate code using c++11

I'm currently working on a project and I have the following issue. I have a C++ method that I want to work in two different ways : void MyFunction() { foo(); bar(); foobar(); } void MyFunctionWithABonus() { foo(); bar(); doBonusStuff(); foobar(); } And I would like not to duplicate my code because the actual function is much longer. The issue is I must not under any circum

使用c ++ 11重复代码

我目前正在进行一个项目,我有以下问题。 我有一个C ++方法,我想以两种不同的方式工作: void MyFunction() { foo(); bar(); foobar(); } void MyFunctionWithABonus() { foo(); bar(); doBonusStuff(); foobar(); } 我想不重复我的代码,因为实际功能更长。 问题是我不能在任何情况下在调用MyFunction而不是MyFunctionWithABonus时为程序添加执行时间。 这就是为什么我不能只用一个C ++比较来检查布尔参

Enable method based on boolean template parameter

I want to implement a private function based on a boolean template parameter. Something like that: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <bool is_enabled = true> class Aggregator { public: void fun(int a) { funInternal(a); } private: void funInternal(int a, typename std::enable_if<is_enabled>::type* = 0) { std::cout << "Feature


我想实现一个基于布尔模板参数的私有函数。 类似的东西: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <bool is_enabled = true> class Aggregator { public: void fun(int a) { funInternal(a); } private: void funInternal(int a, typename std::enable_if<is_enabled>::type* = 0) { std::cout << "Feature is enabled!" << std::endl; } v

Opencv setting a color pixel ends up blurring to neighboring pixels

I'm trying to set the pixel value of a CV_8UC3 type image in OpenCV. I know how to do this with a single channel image CV_8UC1 , but when doing the same thing with a three channel image the pixel value ends up blurring to the neighboring pixels even though they were not changed. This is how I do it with a single channel image: Mat tmp(5, 5, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); uchar *tmp_p = tmp.ptr(); t


我试图在OpenCV中设置CV_8UC3类型图像的像素值。 我知道如何用单通道图像CV_8UC1来做到这CV_8UC1 ,但是当对三通道图像做同样的事情时,即使像素值没有改变,像素值也会模糊到相邻像素。 这是我如何使用单个通道图像来完成的: Mat tmp(5, 5, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); uchar *tmp_p = tmp.ptr(); tmp_p[0] = (uchar)255; imwrite("tmp.jpg", tmp); 由此产生的图像就像您期望的那样,只是第一个像素从黑色变为白色,而其他所有

Opencv C++ Error, unable to obtain pixel intensity value for certain pixels

I am making a project to find out the pixel intensity values of 'gridpoints' in an image. 'Gridpoints' are defined as the pixels which are at the vertices of an 9x9 grid of points in an image. The intention of this project is to implement step 2 of the algorithm mentioned in the paper 'An Image signature for any kind of Image' by H.Chi Wong, Marshall Bern, David Goldberg

Opencv C ++错误,无法获取某些像素的像素强度值

我正在制作一个项目来查找图像中“网格点”的像素强度值。 '网格点'被定义为位于图像中9×9点网格顶点的像素。 这个项目的目的是实现H.Chi Wong,Marshall Bern,David Goldberg在论文'An Image signature for any kind image'中提到的算法的步骤2。 这是研究论文的链接:CiteSeerX 我正在使用OpenCV 2.4.11使用Visual Studio 2012和C ++。 我已经阅读了其他帖子(OpenCV Error Assertion在某些Pixal值上失败

OpenCV: Normalizing pixel values of an image

I am trying to normalize the pixel values of an image to have a mean value of 0.0 and a norm of 1.0 to give the image a consistent intensity. There is one OpenCV function, ie cvNormalize(src,dst,0,1,cv_MINMAX) , but can this function be used for my purpose? Any help is appreciated. Thank you. No, the documentation for normalize says : When normType=NORM_MINMAX (for dense arrays only), the


我试图将图像的像素值归一化为具有0.0的平均值和1.0的范数,以使图像具有一致的强度。 有一个OpenCV函数,即cvNormalize(src,dst,0,1,cv_MINMAX) ,但是这个函数可以用于我的目的吗? 任何帮助表示赞赏。 谢谢。 不, normalize文档说 : 当normType=NORM_MINMAX (仅适用于密集数组)时,函数normalize缩放并移位输入数组元素,以便: 等式

Getting Pixel Coordinates from Feature Matching

Can anyone help me? I want to get the x and y coordinates of the best pixels the feature matcher selects in the code provided, using c++ with opencv. Been looking around, but can't get anything to work. Any help is greatly appreciated! The DMatch class gives you th


谁能帮我? 我想获得特征匹配器在提供的代码中选择的最佳像素的x和y坐标,使用c ++和opencv。 一直环顾四周,但无法获得任何工作。 任何帮助是极大的赞赏! DMatch类为您提供两个匹配关键点(列车和查询)之间的距离。 所以,检测到的最好的配对应该有最小的距离。 本教程抓住所有小于2

Dealing with pixels in contours (OpenCV)?

I have retrieved a contour from an image and want to specifically work on the pixels in the contour. I need to find the sum (not area) of the pixel values in the contour. OpenCV only supports rectangle shaped ROI, so I have no idea how to do this. cvSum also only accepts complete images and doesn't have a mask option, so I am a bit lost on how to proceed. Does anyone have any suggestions


我从图像中检索了一个轮廓,并且想专门处理轮廓中的像素。 我需要找到轮廓中像素值的总和(不是区域)。 OpenCV只支持矩形形状的ROI,所以我不知道该怎么做。 cvSum也只接受完整的图像,并没有掩码选项,所以我在如何进行时有点遗憾。 有没有人有任何建议如何找到特定轮廓中的像素值的总和? 首先获取所有轮廓。 使用此信息创建二进制图像,其中白色部分是轮廓的轮廓和区域。 对两幅图像执行AND操作。 结果将是黑色背景

Is it recommended to explicitly make overriding functions virtual?

In times before C++11 when a virtual function was overriden in a derived class, it was recommended to add the virtual keyword also to the derived class function to make the intention clear. Nowadays such a function is marked "override" which kind of includes the notion that there must be a virtual base function. Therefore I am now preferring to omit the virtual: class Derived: publi


在C ++ 11之前,在派生类中重写虚拟函数之前,建议将virtual关键字也添加到派生类函数中,以使意图清晰。 现在这样的功能被标记为“覆盖”,其中包括必须有虚拟基本功能的概念。 因此,我现在宁愿忽略虚拟: class Derived: public Base { public: void Overriden() override; // Instead of: virtual void Overriden() override; }; 但是,这会导致MSVC 2012中出现智能感知错误:“覆盖”修饰符需要虚拟函数声明并带有明确

Fi C++

I searched everywhere... I did! I just couldn't find any example on how to connect to a Wi-Fi on C++. I found and tried the examples of WlanGetAvailableNetworkList() and WlanQueryInterface() on MSDN. I also found an example of what I'm searching for on C#. Could any one tell me one for C++ ? Edit: I know nothing about the internet part of C++ (servers, Wifi APIs even not much of Wi

Fi C ++

我到处搜索......我做到了! 我找不到任何关于如何连接到C ++上的Wi-Fi的例子。 我在MSDN上找到并尝试了WlanGetAvailableNetworkList()和WlanQueryInterface()的示例。 我还发现了一个我在C#上搜索的例子。 任何人都可以告诉我一个用于C ++的吗? 编辑:我对C ++(服务器,Wifi API,甚至不是很多Win32 API)的Internet部分一无所知,只是语言的核心,我只想做一个简单的程序,找到一个打开的连接并自动连接到它并如