Visual Studio 2010 conio.h

I'm trying to build a first simple program in Visual Studio 2010 in C++: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } But it doesn't work as written (I don't see any output when I run it). The only way I can make it work is by adding #include <conio.h> and getch() . Why doesn't the program w

Visual Studio 2010 conio.h

我试图在C ++中用Visual Studio 2010构建第一个简单的程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } 但它不能像书面形式工作(我在运行时没有看到任何输出)。 我可以使它工作的唯一方法是通过添加#include <conio.h>和getch() 。 为什么程序在使用Visual Studio 2010进行编译时没有这两行代码就无法工作,何时使用其他编

operator>> works in Visual C++ 2010 but not G++ on Linux

I have the following problem: I have code that works fine with visual c++ 2010, but when I compile it on Linux, it get compiled, but something there doesn't work: this is my Vector input operator>> : istream& operator>>(istream& in,Vector& x) { char a; in.sync(); a=in.get(); //gets the '[' for(int i=0;i<x._n;i++) { in>>x._vector[i]; if

运算符>>在Visual C ++ 2010中工作,但在Linux上不是G ++

我有以下问题: 我的代码在visual c ++ 2010下可以正常工作,但是当我在Linux上编译它时,它会被编译,但是那里不起作用: 这是我的Vector输入operator>> : istream& operator>>(istream& in,Vector& x) { char a; in.sync(); a=in.get(); //gets the '[' for(int i=0;i<x._n;i++) { in>>x._vector[i]; if ((i+1)!=x._n) a=in.get(); //gets the ',' } i

Complex animation using QPropertyAnimation in QT 4.7.1

I'm implementing an algorithm that calculates a path for disk robots in the plane and want to visualize the movement of the robots along this path. A path is a vector of subpaths , where each subpath is a list of pair<QPointF,QPointF> elements. The first QPointF represents the current position of A, and the second of B. The two robots move simultaneously from one pair to the other.

在QT 4.7.1中使用QPropertyAnimation的复杂动画

我正在实施一种算法来计算飞机上磁盘机器人的路径,并想要显示机器人沿着这条路径的移动。 路径是子路径 ,其中,每个子路径是列表的向量pair<QPointF,QPointF>元素。 第一个QPointF表示A的当前位置,B表示第二个。两个机器人同时从一对移动到另一个。 我是能够成功地使用可视化的子路径中机器人的运动QPropertyAnimation每个机器人QtParallelAnimationGroup两个QPropertyAnimation对象。 问题在于,对于每个子路径

Ogre 3D load models created with Easy Ogre Exporter

I'm currently trying to export a .max file to .mesh and it success. The problem is that I don't have any color on my form (it's a basic cylinder actually). Easy Ogre Exporter gave me several more files like .scene .material .cg .program. I tried to set this .material to .mesh entity but it's still white. Please help me, I really searched on the web but found nothing working.

使用Easy Ogre Exporter创建的Ogre 3D加载模型

我目前正试图将.max文件导出到.mesh并成功。 问题是我的表格上没有任何颜色(实际上这是一个基本的圆柱体)。 Easy Ogre Exporter给了我更多的文件,比如.scene .material .cg .program。 我试图将这个.material设置为.mesh实体,但它仍然是白色的。 请帮助我,我真的在网上搜索,但没有发现任何工作。 最好的祝福, Coucka 如果Ogre遇到材质/着色器/贴图的问题,通常会回退到名为“BaseWhite”的材质,这可能是您正在

Ogre dotScene saving

I'm making a video game using Ogre3d. I load the .scene file with the most recent tinyxml dotscene loader. Now I want to save the modified scene back to the .scene file. Can someone give me an example or an hint on how to do that? You need to code the exact reverse process: Loop over all relevant scene objects and for each one add the needed TiXmlElements to a TiXmlDocument. At the e


我正在使用Ogre3d制作视频游戏。 我使用最新的tinyxml dotscene加载器加载.scene文件。 现在我想将修改后的场景保存回.scene文件。 有人可以给我一个例子或提示如何做到这一点? 您需要编码确切的反向过程: 遍历所有相关场景对象,并为每个对象添加所需的TiXmlElements到TiXmlDocument。 最后,保存TiXmlDocument。 这个TinyXml教程展示了XML生成所需的代码部分。 一个真实的例子是Ogitor(一种所见即所得的Ogre编

Asynchronous screen update to gameplay logic, C++

I am programming a game using Visual C++ 2008 Express and the Ogre3D sdk. My core gameplay logic is designed to run at 100 times/second. For simplicity, I'll say it's a method called 'gamelogic()'. It is not time-based, which means if I want to "advance" game time by 1 second, I have to call 'gamelogic()' 100 times. 'gamelogic()' is lightweight in co

异步屏幕更新为游戏玩法逻辑,C ++

我正在使用Visual C ++ 2008 Express和Ogre3D sdk编写游戏。 我的核心游戏逻辑被设计为以每秒100次的速度运行。 为了简单起见,我会说这是一种名为'gamelogic()'的方法。 这不是基于时间的,这意味着如果我想将游戏时间提前1秒,我必须将“gamelogic()”调用100次。 'gamelogic()'与游戏的屏幕渲染相比是轻量级的。 Ogre有一个“监听器”逻辑,当它要绘制一个框架并完成绘制一个框架时通知你的代码。

How to revolve an object around another object (C++ and Ogre3D)?

I am currently making a solar system in Ogre3D. The other planets revolve around the sun perfectly but when I try to revolve the moon around the earth, it revolves at a certain point NEAR earth, not around earth, which makes it intersect with the earth at times. This is the code for creating the planet's distance from the origin (0,0,0) Vector3 location = Vector3::ZERO; float dist

如何围绕另一个对象(C ++和Ogre3D)旋转对象?

我目前正在Ogre3D中制造太阳能系统。 其他行星完美地围绕太阳旋转,但是当我试图围绕地球旋转月球时,它会在地球附近的某个点旋转,而不是绕地球旋转,这使得它有时与地球相交。 这是创建行星与原点距离(0,0,0)的代码, Vector3 location = Vector3::ZERO; float distance = revolverDistance; location.x = distance; location.z = distance; location.y = 0; planet->setPosition(location.x, locatio

How do you gradually accelerate an object based on button press (Ogre3D)?

I currently have an object that I want to gradually accelerate. The longer you hold down on a certain key, the faster it goes. I managed to get it to work fine for one key (when it moves right) however, it does not seem to work for the other directions. The code I have right now is: if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_NUMPAD8)) { mSpeed += mAcceleration*evt.timeSinceLastFram


我目前有一个想要逐渐加速的对象。 你按住某个键的时间越长,速度越快。 我设法让它在一个键上正常工作(当它向右移动时),但它似乎不适用于其他方向。 我现在的代码是: if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_NUMPAD8)) { mSpeed += mAcceleration*evt.timeSinceLastFrame; movement.z -= mSpeed*evt.timeSinceLastFrame; mAcceleration++; } if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::

How do you set an objects Orientation to another objects in Ogre3D?

I tried do do this: Ogre::Vector3 src = bone1->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X; Ogre::Quaternion quatt = src.getRotationTo(bone2->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X); bone1->rotate(quatt); src = bone1->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y; quatt = src.getRotationTo(bone2->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y); bone1


我试过这样做: Ogre::Vector3 src = bone1->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X; Ogre::Quaternion quatt = src.getRotationTo(bone2->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X); bone1->rotate(quatt); src = bone1->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y; quatt = src.getRotationTo(bone2->_getDerivedOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y); bone1->

Ogre3D Basic Framework issue on Ubuntu

I have been trying to learn to use Ogre3D and have gotten to the stage where I want to start something more serious than the examples it comes with so I found and copied the Basic Ogre Framework I am using Ubuntu 9.10, but have compiled Ogre 1.7 from the Ogre3D website, I am using the Netbeans 6.8 IDE with the c++ plugin. The Basic Ogre Framework Demo App compiles and runs, but gets to the ma


我一直在努力学习如何使用Ogre3D,并且已经到了我想开始一些比它自带的例子更严肃的阶段,所以我发现并复制了Basic Ogre Framework 我使用的是Ubuntu 9.10,但是已经从Ogre3D网站编译Ogre 1.7,我正在使用带有c ++插件的Netbeans 6.8 IDE。 基本的Ogre框架演示应用程序编译并运行,但会进入主循环,检查“渲染窗口”是否处于活动状态,否则会调用sleep(1000); 尽管专门设置了m_pRenderWnd->setActive(true); ,但是检查if