Why is there no std::make_unique function template in the standard C++11 library? I find std::unique_ptr<SomeUserDefinedType> p(new SomeUserDefinedType(1, 2, 3)); a bit verbose. Wouldn't the following be much nicer? auto p = std::make_unique<SomeUserDefinedType>(1, 2, 3); This hides the new nicely and only mentions the type once. Anyway, here is my attempt at an implementa
为什么标准C ++ 11库中没有std::make_unique函数模板? 我发现 std::unique_ptr<SomeUserDefinedType> p(new SomeUserDefinedType(1, 2, 3)); 有点冗长。 以下不会更好吗? auto p = std::make_unique<SomeUserDefinedType>(1, 2, 3); 这很好地隐藏了new并且只提到了一次类型。 无论如何,这里是我尝试执行make_unique : template<typename T, typename... Args> std::unique_ptr<T> make_uniq
Possible Duplicate: When should I use the new keyword in C++? When should I use the "new" operator in C++? I'm coming from C#/Java background and instantiating objects is confusing for me. If I've created a simple class called "Point", when I create a point should I: Point p1 = Point(0,0); or Point* p1 = new Point(0, 0); Can someone clarify for me when to us
可能重复: 我应该什么时候在C ++中使用新的关键字? 什么时候应该在C ++中使用“新”运算符? 我来自C#/ Java背景,实例化对象令我感到困惑。 如果我创建了一个名为“Point”的简单类,那么当我创建一个点时,我应该: Point p1 = Point(0,0); 要么 Point* p1 = new Point(0, 0); 有人能为我澄清什么时候使用新的操作员,什么时候不需要? 重复: 我应该什么时候在C ++中使用新的关键字? 有关: 关于C ++中用
How can one increase the maximum memory allocated on the stack/heap for a program in C++? Will increasing the RAM of your computer automatically increase the stack/heap memory of a computer program? In Visual C++ you may use directive #pragma . For example: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:2000000") #pragma comment(linker, "/HEAP:2000000") You can specify the reserved heap size and stack si
如何增加C ++中程序堆栈/堆上分配的最大内存? 增加计算机的RAM会自动增加计算机程序的堆栈/堆内存吗? 在Visual C ++中,您可以使用伪指令#pragma 。 例如: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:2000000") #pragma comment(linker, "/HEAP:2000000") 您可以使用Visual Studio中的链接选项/堆和/堆栈指定保留的堆大小和堆栈大小。 有关详细信息,请查看以下MSDN文章: 堆分配 堆栈分配 第二次编辑:我从你的评论中看
I read by some googling about Heap & Stack, but most answer says just its concept description, differences. I am curious other things. as title says, Where is Heap and Stack on Physical Memory? How is their size? For example, I use 12 giga byte memory at my desktop PC, then how much is Heap? and how much is Stack size? Who made these 2 different type concept? Can I manipulate Heap
我通过一些关于堆和堆栈的搜索阅读,但大多数答案只是说明了它的概念描述和差异。 我很好奇其他的事情。 正如标题所说,堆和物理内存堆栈在哪里? 它们的大小如何? 例如,我在台式电脑上使用12千兆字节的内存,那么堆是多少? 以及堆栈大小是多少? 谁制造了这两种不同类型的概念? 我可以操纵堆和堆栈的分配吗? 如果它们每个都占用50%的内存(如果Heap占用6千兆字节内存,Stack在我的情况下占用6千兆字节),我
N3797 26.4 [complex.numbers] says this about casting std::complex<T>* to T* 4 Moreover, if a is an expression of type cv std::complex<T>* and the expression a[i] is well-defined for an integer expression i , then: - reinterpret_cast<cv T*>(a)[2*i] shall designate the real part of a[i] , and - reinterpret_cast<cv T*>(a)[2*i + 1] shall designate the imaginary part of a
N3797 26.4 [complex.numbers]将std::complex<T>*为T* 4此外,如果a是cv std::complex<T>*类型的表达式,并且对于整数表达式i ,表达式a[i]被很好地定义,那么: - reinterpret_cast<cv T*>(a)[2*i]应指定a[i]的实部,并且 - reinterpret_cast<cv T*>(a)[2*i + 1]应指定a[i]的虚部。 这个(或其他标准的措辞)是否意味着我可以用另一种方式reinterpret_cast ? 我可以这样做: float * pf;
I found a strange behaviour, when compliling my code with G++ ( gcc 4.8.1 and MinGW 4.8.2 with -std=gnu++1y flag). In spirit of SSCCE I isolating the following snippet: struct C { template< typename X > auto f(X &&) const & { ; } template< typename X > auto f(X &&) & { ; } template< typename X > auto f(X &a
当我用G ++ 编译我的代码时( gcc 4.8.1和MinGW 4.8.2用-std=gnu++1y标志),我发现了一个奇怪的行为。 按照SSCCE I的精神,隔离以下代码片段: struct C { template< typename X > auto f(X &&) const & { ; } template< typename X > auto f(X &&) & { ; } template< typename X > auto f(X &&) && { ; } };
I am trying to use RDTSC but it seems like my approach may be wrong to get the core speed: #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Core { int CoreNumber; }; static void startMonitoringCoreSpeeds(void *param) { Core core = *((Core *)param); SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 1 << co
我正在尝试使用RDTSC,但似乎我的方法可能会错误地获得核心速度: #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Core { int CoreNumber; }; static void startMonitoringCoreSpeeds(void *param) { Core core = *((Core *)param); SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 1 << core.CoreNumber); while (tr
In general, we can do typedef std::vector<int> container1; typedef std::vector<char> container2; But it looks like we can't do something like. typedef vector container; container<int> ins; Is there anyway to achieve this? What I can think of is using macro. C++11 aliases allows this: #include <vector> template<class T> using Vec = std::vector<T>;
一般来说,我们可以做到 typedef std::vector<int> container1; typedef std::vector<char> container2; 但看起来我们不能这样做。 typedef vector container; container<int> ins; 无论如何要实现这一目标? 我能想到的是使用宏。 C ++ 11别名允许这样做: #include <vector> template<class T> using Vec = std::vector<T>; Vec<int> v; // same as std::vector<in
From a practical point of view, I understand that both typedef and test are somewhat "superfluous" and need to be removed if we want the following code to compile: template< typename type_t > typedef struct tagTest { int a; } test; However, I thought that the set of typedef declarations was a subset of the set of declarations. They just happened to have that specific decl-s
从实际的角度来看,我明白typedef和test都有些“多余”,如果我们想要编译下面的代码,需要将其删除: template< typename type_t > typedef struct tagTest { int a; } test; 但是,我认为typedef声明集是声明集的一个子集。 他们碰巧有那个特定的decl-specifier。 那是我的理性化 typedef struct tagTest { int a; } test; 引入标识符test 并声明结构tagTest 。 如果这种解释是正确的,那么标准中的以下段
I'm trying the following declarations: int (*(*((*foo)(const void *))()))[3]; and int (*(*(*foo)(const void *)()))[3]; But the compiler gives me an error: error: 'foo' declared as function returning a function DEMO Is it possible at all in c++? The way that derived declarations work is that you replace the identifier in the declaration with the new thing you are deriving. For examp
我在尝试以下声明: int (*(*((*foo)(const void *))()))[3]; 和 int (*(*(*foo)(const void *)()))[3]; 但编译器给我一个错误: error: 'foo' declared as function returning a function DEMO 在c ++中可以吗? 派生声明的工作方式是用声明中的新事物替换声明中的标识符。 例如,在这里的第一步,要从“指向int [3]的指针”到“函数返回指向int [3]的指针”,我们接受“指向int [3]的指针”,并将标识符更改为是一个函数