View array in Visual Studio debugger?

This question already has an answer here: How to display a dynamically allocated array in the Visual Studio debugger? 9 answers You can try this nice little trick for C++. Take the expression which gives you the array and then append a comma and the number of elements you want to see. Expanding that value will show you elements 0-(N-1) where N is the number you add after the comma. For e

在Visual Studio调试器中查看数组?

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Visual Studio调试器中显示动态分配的数组? 9个答案 你可以尝试一下C ++的这个不错的小技巧。 采用给出数组的表达式,然后附加一个逗号和您想要查看的元素数量。 展开该值将显示元素0-(N-1),其中N是您在逗号后添加的数字。 例如,如果pArray是数组,则在监视窗口中键入pArray,10 。 如果你有一个大数组,并且只想看到数组的一个子部分,你可以在监视窗口中输入这个数组; ptr+

Critique my heap debugger

I wrote the following heap debugger in order to demonstrate memory leaks, double deletes and wrong forms of deletes (ie trying to delete an array with delete p instead of delete[] p) to beginning programmers. I would love to get some feedback on that from strong C++ programmers because I have never done this before and I'm sure I've done some stupid mistakes. Thanks! #include <cstd


我写了下面的堆调试器来演示内存泄漏,双重删除和错误形式的删除(即试图删除一个delete p而不是delete[] p)到开始的程序员。 我很想从强大的C ++程序员那里得到一些反馈,因为我从来没有这样做过,我确信我犯了一些愚蠢的错误。 谢谢! #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <new> namespace { const int ALIGNMENT = 16; const char* const ERR = "*** ERROR: "; int counter

How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators?

How should I write ISO C++ standard conformant custom new and delete operators? This is in continuation of Overloading new and delete in the immensely illuminating C++ FAQ, Operator overloading, and its follow-up, Why should one replace default new and delete operators? Section 1: Writing a standard-conformant new operator Part 1: Understanding the requirements for writing a custom new oper

我应该如何编写符合ISO C ++标准的自定义新的和删除操作符?

我应该如何编写符合ISO C ++标准的自定义new和delete操作符? 这是继续重载新的和删除的巨大照亮的C ++常见问题,运算符重载,及其后续,为什么要替换默认的新的和删除操作符? 第1部分:编写一个符合标准的new操作符 第1部分:了解编写自定义new操作符的要求 第2部分:了解new_handler要求 第3部分:了解特定场景要求 第2部分:编写符合标准的delete操作符 实现自定义删除操作符 (注意:这是一个Stack Overflo

Can the NULL macro actually be a nullptr?

According to the draft of the standard N4713 (7.11/1): A null pointer constant is an integer literal (5.13.2) with value zero or a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t . and 21.2.3/2: The macro NULL is an implementation-defined null pointer constant. follow that NULL can be defined as nullptr . Same is mentioned on cppreference: #define NULL 0 //since C++11 #define NULL nullptr At the same t


根据标准N4713(7.11 / 1)的草案: 空指针常量是一个整型文字(5.13.2),其值为零或类型为std::nullptr_t 。 和21.2.3 / 2: 宏NULL是一个实现定义的空指针常量。 遵循NULL可以定义为nullptr 。 在cppreference中也提到了这一点: #define NULL 0 //since C++11 #define NULL nullptr 同时“添加剂操作员”条款(8.5.6 / 7)说: 如果将值0添加到空指针值或从空指针值中减去,则结果为空指针值。 如果减去两个空指

Why can't you take the address of nullptr?

In the C++11 standard, I don't understand the reason why taking the address of nullptr is disallowed whereas one is allowed to take the address of their own std::nullptr_t instances. Aside from the fact that nullptr is a reserved keyword, is there any designated reasoning for this decision? Simply because it amuses me, I attempted to circumnavigate this restriction with the following funct


在C ++ 11标准,为什么服用nullptr是不允许的,而一个地址被允许拿自己的std :: nullptr_t实例的地址,我不明白其中的道理。 除了nullptr是一个保留关键字的事实之外,这个决定是否有任何指定的推理? 仅仅因为它让我感到厌烦,我试图用下面的函数来绕过这个限制: decltype(nullptr)* func(const decltype(nullptr) &nref) noexcept { return const_cast<decltype(nullptr)*>(reinterpret_cast<const declt

How does std::move() transfer values into RValues?

I just found myself not fully understanding the logic of std::move() . At first, I googled it but seems like there are only documents about how to use std::move() , not how its structure works. I mean, I know what the template member function is but when I look into std::move() definition in VS2010, it is still confusing. the definition of std::move() goes below. template<class _Ty>

std :: move()如何将值传递给RValues?

我发现自己不完全理解std::move()的逻辑。 起初,我对它进行了搜索,但似乎只有关于如何使用std::move()文档,而不是它的结构如何工作。 我的意思是,我知道模板成员函数是什么,但是当我查看VS2010中的std::move()定义时,它仍然令人困惑。 std :: move()的定义如下。 template<class _Ty> inline typename tr1::_Remove_reference<_Ty>::_Type&& move(_Ty&& _Arg) { // forward

Why is `std::move` named `std::move`?

The C++11 std::move(x) function doesn't really move anything at all. It is just a cast to r-value. Why was this done? Isn't this misleading? It is correct that std::move(x) is just a cast to rvalue - more specifically to an xvalue, as opposed to a prvalue. And it is also true that having a cast named move sometimes confuses people. However the intent of this naming is not to confus

为什么`std :: move`命名为`std :: move`?

C ++ 11 std::move(x)函数根本不会移动任何东西。 这只是一个演员r值。 为什么这样做? 这不是误导? std::move(x)只是对右值的强制转换是正确的 - 更具体地说,是一个xvalue,而不是一个prvalue。 而且有一个名为move的演员有时会混淆人们,这也是事实。 然而,这个命名的目的不是混淆,而是让你的代码更具可读性。 move的历史可以追溯到2002年的原始移动提议。本文首先介绍了右值引用,然后展示了如何编写更高效的std

Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by constant reference?

Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by constant reference? I am wondering which is better practice. I realize that pass by constant reference should provide for better performance in the program because you are not making a copy of the variable. It used to be generally recommended best practice1 to use pass by const ref for all types, except for builtin types ( char , int , double ,

在C ++中传递值或传递常量引用会更好吗?

在C ++中传递值或传递常量引用会更好吗? 我想知道哪种更好的做法。 我意识到通过常量引用应该提供更好的性能,因为你没有制作变量的副本。 对于迭代器和函数对象 (lambdas,派生自std::*_function类),除了内建类型( char , int , double等)之外,对于所有类型使用const ref,通常建议使用最佳做法1 )。 在移动语义存在之前尤其如此。 原因很简单:如果按值传递,必须创建一个对象的副本,除了非常小的对象外,

Different types of *

Possible Duplicate: What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? The standard states: 3.2 The this pointer 1 In the body of a non-static (9.3) member function, the keyword this is a non-lvalue expression whose value is the address of the object for which the function is called. What is the difference between rvalue,lvalue, non-rvalue, non-lvalue? How many types of such *va


可能重复: 什么是右值,左值,xvalues,glvalues和prvalues? The standard states: 3.2 The this pointer 1 In the body of a non-static (9.3) member function, the keyword this is a non-lvalue expression whose value is the address of the object for which the function is called. 右值,左值,非右值,非左值有什么区别? 这些*值有多少种? 我的意思是我也听说过xvalues。 需要了解这一点。 这些与临

std::move() and xvalue in C++

This question already has an answer here: What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? 11 answers There is no cyclic definition in that sentence. The following expressions are xvalue expressions: a function call or an overloaded operator expression, whose return type is rvalue reference to object, such as std::move(x); ... Here std::move is merely an example, the essen

std :: move()和xvalue在C ++中

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是右值,左值,xvalues,glvalues和prvalues? 11个答案 该句子中没有循环定义。 以下表达式是xvalue表达式: 函数调用或重载运算符表达式,其返回类型是右值引用对象,如std :: move(x); ... 这里std::move 仅仅是一个例子,其实质是“谁的返回类型是右值引用”。 由于返回右值引用的函数不是很常见,而std::move的目的是这样做,因此它是一个很好的例子。 这是std::move的签