Let T be a rooted binary tree such that every internal node has exactly two children. The nodes of the tree will be stored in an array, let us call it TreeArray by following the preorder layout. So for example if this is the tree that we have: Then TreeArray will contain the following node objects: 7, 3, 1, 0, 2, 6, 12, 9, 8, 11, 13 A node in this tree is a struct of this kind: struct t
设T是一棵有根的二叉树,每个内部节点只有两个孩子。 树的节点将存储在一个数组中,让我们按照前序布局将其TreeArray 。 例如,如果这是我们拥有的树: 然后TreeArray将包含以下节点对象: 7, 3, 1, 0, 2, 6, 12, 9, 8, 11, 13 此树中的一个节点是这种类型的结构: struct tree_node{ int id; //id of the node, randomly generated int numChildren; //number of children, it is 2 but for the leafs it's 0
I am trying to build clang trunk on Ubuntu 16.04 and I am having build errors no matter what I try. First I built llvm/clang/libc++/libc++abi against gcc 5.4, this worked fine. Now I am trying to use the clang I just build to rebuild llvm/clang/libc++/libc++abi. This fails with the following error message: [162/4396] Linking CXX executable bin/llvm-tblgen FAILED: : && /usr/local/
我试图在Ubuntu 16.04上构建铿锵中继,无论我尝试什么,我都会生成错误。 首先,我建立了对gcc 5.4的llvm / clang / libc ++ / libc ++ abi,这工作得很好。 现在我正在尝试使用我刚刚构建的clang来重建llvm / clang / libc ++ / libc ++ abi。 这会失败,并显示以下错误消息: [162/4396] Linking CXX executable bin/llvm-tblgen FAILED: : && /usr/local/bin/clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -fPIC -fvisibility-
In short: What's the most efficient debugger/debugging environment for C++? I only started development on Linux recently because I now have to do some work on a GPU server. I've played around with vim and find it quite nice with loads of plugins. I think for editing vim is way better than Visual Studio, but there's one thing it doesn't cover: debugging. I looked around and t
简而言之:C ++最有效的调试器/调试环境是什么? 我最近才开始在Linux上开发,因为我现在必须在GPU服务器上做一些工作。 我玩过vim,发现它非常适合大量的插件。 我认为编辑vim比Visual Studio更好,但有一件事情不包括:调试。 我环顾四周,尝试了几个调试器(GDB本身,pyclewn,DDD,nemiver),它们都不能提供VS的效率。 是否有任何调试器接近VS的调试器? 我应该使用IDE吗? IDE对我来说并不是那么方便,因为我在
I've recently learned that I cannot: Take the address of an undefined function Take the address of a templatized function with a type it would fail to compile for But I've also recently learned that I can call decltype to get the return type of said function So an undefined function: int foo(char, short); I'd like to know if there's a way that I can match the parameter t
我最近了解到,我不能: 取一个未定义函数的地址 将模板化函数的地址与无法编译的类型相结合 但我最近也了解到,我可以调用decltype来获取所述函数的返回类型 所以一个未定义的函数: int foo(char, short); 我想知道是否有一种方法可以将参数类型与tuple类型进行匹配。 这显然是一个元编程问题。 我在这个例子中拍摄的东西就像decltypeargs : enable_if_t<is_same_v<tuple<char, short>, decltypeargs
I want to use std::bind and do non-virtual call to base class function eg: derived_obj.BaseClass::foo() Example: Let's say I have base class A and derived class B . A has a virtual function foo() which is overridden by B . class A { public: virtual void foo() { std::cout << "Hello from A::foo()!";} } class B : public A { public: void foo() overide { std::cout <
我想使用std::bind并对基类函数进行非虚拟调用,例如: derived_obj.BaseClass::foo() 例: 假设我有基类A和派生类B。 A具有被B覆盖的虚拟函数foo() 。 class A { public: virtual void foo() { std::cout << "Hello from A::foo()!";} } class B : public A { public: void foo() overide { std::cout << "Hello from B::foo()!";} } 如果我想从B类的对象中调用A::foo() ,我会进行非虚拟
Hi so I used opencv to get webcam feed from my default camera and I wish to display it in a picturebox on my windows form. My webcam comes on but for some reason, the feed is never displayed on my picturebox. Please could someone help point out/solve the issue as I am stuck here right now. Thanks in advance. In myform.h, I have this code to send the picturebox to the myform.cpp file: System
您好,我使用opencv从我的默认相机获取网络摄像头供稿,并且希望将它显示在我的窗体上的一个图片框中。 我的网络摄像头出现故障,但由于某种原因,该馈送从未显示在我的照片箱中。 请有人帮忙指出/解决问题,因为我现在被困在这里。 提前致谢。 在myform.h中,我有这个代码将图片框发送到myform.cpp文件: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ mypicbox1(void) { opencv_gui::MyForm aform; return aform.pictur
I wanted to replace the use of normal threads with the task_group class from ppl, but I ran in to the following problem: I have a class A with a task_group member, create 2 different instances of class A, start a task in the task_group of the first A instance (using run), after a few seconds start a task in the task_group of the second A instance. I'm expecting the two tasks to run
我想用ppl中的task_group类替换普通线程的使用,但是我遇到了以下问题: 我有一个带有task_group成员的A类, 创建2个不同的A类实例, 在第一个A实例的task_group中启动一个任务(使用run), 几秒钟后在第二个A实例的task_group中启动任务。 我期望两个任务并行运行,但第二个任务等待第一个任务完成,然后开始。 这只发生在我的应用程序中,任务是从静态函数开始的。 我在测试应用程序中执行了相同的场景,并且这
I have a program in which a static variable I defined globally will not remain initialized once it leaves my "initialization function" (not a constructor). Here is that program: type.h namespace type { static int * specialInt; } type.cpp #include "type.h" (this is intentionally left empty) Branch.h #include "type.h" namespace type { bool initInt(); } Branch.cpp #inc
我有一个程序,其中我定义的全局静态变量一旦离开我的“初始化函数”(不是构造函数)就不会保持初始化。 这是该计划: type.h namespace type { static int * specialInt; } type.cpp #include "type.h" (这是故意留空) Branch.h #include "type.h" namespace type { bool initInt(); } Branch.cpp #include "Branch.h" #include <iostream> namespace type { bool initInt() { spe
In C++, say we have this header file: myglobals.h #ifndef my_globals_h #define my_globals_h int monthsInYear = 12; #endif and we include it in multiple implementation files, then we will get compilation errors since we end up with 'monthsInYear' defined multiple times, once in each file that monthsInYear is included in. Fine. So if we modify our header and make our global const,
在C ++中,假设我们有这个头文件: myglobals.h #ifndef my_globals_h #define my_globals_h int monthsInYear = 12; #endif 并且我们将它包含在多个实现文件中,那么我们将会收到编译错误,因为我们最终定义了'monthsInYear'多次,每个文件包含monthsInYear。 精细。 所以,如果我们修改我们的头并使我们的全局常量如此: const int monthsInYear = 12; 那么我们的编译错误就会消失。 对此的解释,以及在此
Like if I have a header with some declarations: "Header.hpp" extern int SomeData; int SomeFunc(); And an Implementation of it (in which I declare all the functions and global variables in an unnamed namespace in order to avoid linkage problems): "Header.cpp" #include "Header.hpp" inline namespace { const int SomeLocalFileData = 9; struct MyLocalStructure;
就像我有一个包含一些声明的头部一样: “Header.hpp” extern int SomeData; int SomeFunc(); 和它的一个实现(我在其中声明所有的函数和全局变量在一个未命名的名字空间,以避免连接问题): “Header.cpp” #include "Header.hpp" inline namespace { const int SomeLocalFileData = 9; struct MyLocalStructure; int SomeLocalFunction(MyLocalStructure *); int ::SomeData(SomeLocalFileData);