Given a binary file with 32-bit little-endian fields that I need to parse, I want to write parsing code that compiles correctly independent of endianness of machine that executes that code. Currently I use uint32_t fromLittleEndian(const char* data){ return uint32_t(data[3]) << (CHAR_BIT*3) | uint32_t(data[2]) << (CHAR_BIT*2) | uint32_t(data[1]) << CHAR_BIT
给定一个需要解析的32位小尾数字段的二进制文件,我想编写解析代码,这些代码正确编译,而不依赖于执行该代码的机器的字节顺序。 目前我使用 uint32_t fromLittleEndian(const char* data){ return uint32_t(data[3]) << (CHAR_BIT*3) | uint32_t(data[2]) << (CHAR_BIT*2) | uint32_t(data[1]) << CHAR_BIT | data[0]; } 但是,这会产生不理想的组装。 在我的机器上g++ -O
I'm trying to do some request via curl library of C++. I can successfully do my request and get the correct response via command line , but I cannot get the correct response via C++ code . My command line command looks like this curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: <some_hash_value>' -k <my_full_url> -data '<my_jso
我试图通过C ++的curl库来做一些请求。 我可以成功地完成我的请求并通过命令行获得正确的响应,但是我无法通过C ++代码获得正确的响应。 我的命令行命令看起来像这样 curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: <some_hash_value>' -k <my_full_url> -data '<my_json_string>' 这工作正常。 现在我尝试在C ++代码中执行相同的请求。 我的代码
I'm using Qt5 along with Visual Studio 2012 and recently wrote a logger class, which basically redirect string streams to the file. The other day I realised that there is no "special" characters support (eg. polish, german, russian). qDebug() << "Special characters: ąężźćłóĄĘŻĆŁÓ"; Is producing the following output: Special characters: �꿟����ʯƣ� I have tried multiple Uni
我使用Qt5 和Visual Studio 2012,最近编写了一个记录器类,它基本上将字符串流重定向到文件。 有一天,我意识到没有“特殊”字符支持(例如波兰语,德语,俄语)。 qDebug() << "Special characters: ąężźćłóĄĘŻĆŁÓ"; 正在产生以下输出: Special characters: �꿟����ʯƣ� 我已经尝试了多个Unicode设置,在File - > Advanced Save Options侦听。 但是,如果没有BOM签名,没有选择保存文件,我认为这可能是问题,因
I am trying to call a C DLL built with visual studio (2015 community edition) from GHC (version 7.8.3) on windows. C code: (myDLL.cpp) extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) int someFn() { return 42; } } Haskell code: (Main.hs) module Main where import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C.Types import Data.Int foreign import ccall unsafe "someFn" c_someFn :: CInt mySomeFn = c_someFn
我试图在Windows上调用GHC(版本7.8.3)中的Visual Studio(2015社区版)构建的C DLL。 C代码:(myDLL.cpp) extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) int someFn() { return 42; } } Haskell代码:( Main.hs) module Main where import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C.Types import Data.Int foreign import ccall unsafe "someFn" c_someFn :: CInt mySomeFn = c_someFn main :: IO () main = do let z =
For a proof-of-concept, I want to link some trivial Haskell code into my Visual C++ application (using Visual Studio 2013). Building with GHC 7.8.3 32-bit works, but building with GHC 7.8.4 64-bit does not (notice the slight discrepancy in GHC version too). There are 3 files: Grep.hs and StartEnd.c are built with GHC to form a DLL. main.cpp is built with Visual Studio 2013 and attempts to lin
对于概念验证,我想将一些简单的Haskell代码链接到我的Visual C ++应用程序(使用Visual Studio 2013)。 用GHC 7.8.3的32位工程构建,但用GHC 7.8.4 64位构建不(注意GHC版本中的细微差异)。 有3个文件: Grep.hs和StartEnd.c是用GHC构建的一个DLL。 main.cpp是使用Visual Studio 2013构建的,并尝试链接到DLL库中。 我从这个建立DLL: > ghc -shared -O -optc-O -o Grep.dll StartEnd.c Grep.hs 从Visual Studio中
While trying to improve my algoritmic skills I have found myself stuck in the following problem which in short asks you to find the duration of the timespan where there are a maximum number of people present in a room: The solution I have come up with solves the problem correctly for all the public test cases suggested by the website, but it fails for one
在努力提高我的算法技巧的同时,我发现自己陷入了下面的问题,总之,要求你找出房间中存在最多人数的时间段的持续时间: 我提出的解决方案正确地解决了网站建议的所有公共测试用例的问题,但是它对一个或多个隐藏的私人测试用例无效。 我的解决方案为std :: vector中的每个事件保存两个条目:一个用于到达,另一个用于离开,每个由[eventtype,eventtime]组成。 然后通过事件时间对
I'm having trouble converting some C++ code to Arduino. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT I have successfully done the above. However the only problem now is that the Arduino code I have reads the voltage accurately and properly but no other register. I can write the throttle too. If I call a different amount of Serial.println() statements, the readings on the other registers change a
我无法将一些C ++代码转换为Arduino。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 编辑我已经成功完成了上述。 然而,现在唯一的问题是,我已经准确正确地读取了电压的Arduino代码,但没有其他的寄存器。 我也可以写油门。 如果我调用不同数量的Serial.println()语句,则其他寄存器上的读数会发生变化,并且在某些情况下,电压寄存器也会停止工作。在我的代码中可以找到这个代码 Serial.print("Voltage: ); 如果我打印出所有这些寄存器,答
Example source of a binary I want to run before each build, once per add_executable : #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i) printf("argv[%d] = %sn", i, argv[i]); fclose(fopen("foo.hh", "a")); } CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(foo_proj) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14") set(SOURCE_
我想在每次构建之前运行一个二进制文件的示例源,每个add_executable一次: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i) printf("argv[%d] = %sn", i, argv[i]); fclose(fopen("foo.hh", "a")); } 的CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(foo_proj) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++14") set(SOURCE_FILES main.cp
I have following CMakeLists.txt file: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.1) PROJECT(MyProject) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE sources RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE headers RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.h) ADD_EXECUTABLE(AnyNameHere, ${sources}) When I use "Configure" in CMake I get this error:
I'm learning Enterprise Architect and so far it seems like a nice tool. That said, I am having a problem with code generation. I'd like generated code to be separated such that the class declaration is in a .h file and implementation is in .cpp files (template classes aside). For example, I'd expect generated code for some class, Foo, to look like: Foo.h class Foo { public:
我正在学习Enterprise Architect,到目前为止,它似乎是一个很好的工具。 这就是说,我在代码生成时遇到了问题。 我希望生成的代码被分开,以便类声明在.h文件中,实现在.cpp文件中(不在模板类中)。 例如,我希望某些类Foo的生成代码如下所示: foo.h中 class Foo { public: Foo(); int GetSomeInt(); void SetSomeInt(int a); private: int someInt; } Foo.cpp中 Foo::Foo()