It maybe unclear for me but, when I read the msdn doc and I try to understand deeply Struct behaviour. From msdn Dealing with Stack : This will yield performance gains. and : Whenever you have a need for a type that will be used often and is mostly just a piece of data, structs might be a good option. I don't understand because, I guess when I pass a Struct in parameter of a metho
对我来说可能并不清楚,但是当我阅读msdn文档并尝试深入理解Struct的行为时。 从msdn 处理堆栈: 这将会提高性能。 和: 无论何时你需要一种经常使用的类型,并且大多只是一个数据,结构可能是一个不错的选择。 我不明白,因为, 我猜想当我传递一个方法参数的结构时,“复制值”进程必须比“复制参考”进程慢? 传递结构的成本与其大小成正比。 如果结构小于参考或与参考大小相同,则传递参数的成本与传递参考的成本
There are 2 ways of allocating global array in C: statically char data[65536]; dynamically char *data; … data = (char*)malloc(65536); /* or whatever size */ The question is, which method has better performance? And by how much? As understand it, the first method should be faster. Because with the second method, to access the array you have to dereference element's address each tim
在C中有两种分配全局数组的方法: 静态 char data[65536]; 动态 char *data; … data = (char*)malloc(65536); /* or whatever size */ 问题是,哪种方法有更好的性能? 并通过多少? 据了解,第一种方法应该更快。 因为使用第二种方法,要访问数组,每次访问时都必须取消引用元素的地址,如下所示: 读取包含指向数组开头的指针的变量data 计算特定元素的偏移量 访问元素 通过第一种方法,编译器将data变量
Coming from a OO background (C#/java) I'm looking for resources to learn how to design pure C programs well. Whilst i'm familiar with the syntax of C, and i can write small programs, i'm unsure of the approach to take for larger applications, and what techniques to employ. Anything you guys can recommend. EDIT: I'm happy to completly abandon OO for the purposes of programming
来自OO背景(C#/ java)我正在寻找资源来学习如何很好地设计纯C程序。 虽然我熟悉C的语法,并且我可以编写小程序,但我不确定采用哪种方法来处理大型应用程序,以及采用何种技术。 任何你可以推荐的东西。 编辑:我很高兴完全放弃面向对象在C编程的目的,我的兴趣在于学习如何构造一个没有面向对象的程序,我想了解如何使用过程语言设计程序的好方法,例如C语言。 本文章列出了包含大部分经典C / Unix作品的unix书籍。
Today, I have read a blog on CodeProject about Memory management .NET. URL - Article It says - Exiting the method (the fun): Now finally the execution control starts exiting the method. When it passes the end control, it clears all the memory variables which are assigned on stack. In other words all variables which are related to int data type are de-allocated in 'LIFO' fashion fr
今天,我已经阅读了CodeProject关于内存管理.NET的博客。 网址 - 文章 它说 - 退出方法(好玩):现在最后执行控制开始退出方法。 当它通过结束控制时,它清除所有在堆栈上分配的内存变量。 换句话说,与int数据类型有关的所有变量都从堆栈以'LIFO'方式取消分配。 巨大的捕获 - 它没有取消分配堆内存。 该内存稍后将由垃圾收集器取消分配。 根据我的理解,垃圾收集器只取消分配堆内存。 那么,谁将取消分
I read that GC (Garbage Collectors) moves data in Heap for performance reasons, which I don't quite understand why since it is random access memory, maybe for better sequential access but I wonder if references in Stack get updated when such a move occurs in Heap. But maybe the offset address remains the same but other parts of data get moved by Garbage Collectors, I am not sure though. I
我读过GC(垃圾收集器)为了性能原因在Heap中移动数据,我不太明白为什么,因为它是随机存取内存,可能是为了更好的顺序访问,但是我想知道当这种移动发生时Stack中的引用是否会更新在堆。 但也许偏移地址保持不变,但其他部分的数据被垃圾收集器移动,但我不确定。 我认为这个问题与实现细节有关,因为并不是所有的垃圾收集器都可以执行这种优化,或者他们可以这样做,但不会更新引用(如果这是垃圾收集器实现中的常见做法)
I'm trying to generate the following LINQ query: //Query the database for all AdAccountAlerts that haven't had notifications sent out //Then get the entity (AdAccount) the alert pertains to, and find all accounts that //are subscribing to alerts on that entity. var x = dataContext.Alerts.Where(a => a.NotificationsSent == null) .OfType<AdAccountAlert>() .ToList() .GroupJoin(dat
我正在尝试生成以下LINQ查询: //Query the database for all AdAccountAlerts that haven't had notifications sent out //Then get the entity (AdAccount) the alert pertains to, and find all accounts that //are subscribing to alerts on that entity. var x = dataContext.Alerts.Where(a => a.NotificationsSent == null) .OfType<AdAccountAlert>() .ToList() .GroupJoin(dataContext.AlertSubscripti
This question already has an answer here: Class with single method — best approach? 14 answers I wrote my thoughts of static classes in an earlier Stack Overflow answer: Class with single method -- best approach? I used to love utility classes filled up with static methods. They made a great consolidation of helper methods that would otherwise lie around causing redundancy and maintenance
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 单一方法类 - 最佳方法? 14个答案 我在早期的Stack Overflow答案中写下了我对静态类的想法:使用单一方法的类 - 最佳方法? 我曾经喜欢充满静态方法的工具类。 他们对辅助方法进行了大量整合,否则这些方法会导致冗余和维护地狱。 它们非常易于使用,不需要实例化,不需要处理,只需点燃即可。 我想这是我第一次创建面向服务架构的第一个不知情的尝试 - 很多无状态的服务只是做了他们的
Do I need to include a library? Can anyone please elaborate in it? I know is used to get the process id of the current task where is being called from But I want to printk something with current->pid printk("My current process id/pid is %dn", current->pid); ...and is giving me an error error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type You're looking for #include <
我需要包含一个库吗? 任何人都可以请详细说明吗? 我知道是用来获取当前任务被调用的进程ID 但我想用current-> pid打印一些东西 printk("My current process id/pid is %dn", current->pid); ...并给我一个错误 error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 您正在寻找#include <linux/sched.h> 。 这就是task_struct被声明的地方。 你的代码应该工作。 你可能错过了一些标题。 c
I'm pondering the design of a C# library, that will have several different high level functions. Of course, those high-level functions will be implemented using the SOLID class design principles as much as possible. As such, there will probably be classes intended for consumers to use directly on a regular basis, and "support classes" that are dependencies of those more common &qu
我在思考一个C#库的设计,它会有几个不同的高级函数。 当然,这些高级函数将尽可能使用SOLID类设计原则来实现。 因此,可能会有一些旨在供消费者直接定期使用的类别,以及那些更常见的“最终用户”类别的“支持类别”。 问题是,设计库的最佳方式是什么? DI不可知论者 - 尽管为一个或两个常见DI库(StructureMap,Ninject等)添加基本的“支持”似乎是合理的,但我希望消费者能够在任何DI框架中使用该库。 非DI可用 - 如果图
I am currently weighing up the advantages and disadvantages between DI and SL. However, I have found myself in the following catch 22 which implies that I should just use SL for everything, and only inject an IoC container into each class. DI Catch 22: Some dependencies, like Log4Net, simply do not suit DI. I call these meta-dependencies and feel they should be opaque to calling code. My j
我目前正在权衡DI和SL之间的优缺点。 但是,我发现自己在下面的catch 22中,这意味着我应该对所有内容都使用SL,并且只将IoC容器注入到每个类中。 DI Catch 22: 一些依赖性,如Log4Net,根本不适合DI。 我将这些元依赖称为“调用代码”,并认为它们应该是不透明的。 我的理由是,如果一个简单的类'D'最初是在没有日志记录的情况下实现的,然后增长到需要日志记录,那么依赖类'A','B'和'C'