How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file?

If I have a Java source file (*.java) or a class file (*.class), how can I convert it to a .exe file? I also need an installer for my program. Some options: Executable Jar File See also Distributing your Application as an executable JAR file and the Oracle docs on how to create a jar file that can be executed with a double-click on Windows. JSmooth (EDIT: Last release was in 2007) J


如果我有一个Java源文件(* .java)或一个类文件(* .class),我该如何将它转换为.exe文件? 我的程序也需要一个安装程序。 一些选项: 可执行Jar文件 另请参阅将应用程序分发为可执行JAR文件和Oracle文档,了解如何创建可在Windows上双击执行的jar文件。 JSmooth (编辑:最新版本是在2007年) JSmooth是一个Java可执行包装器。 它为您的Java应用程序创建本机Windows启动器(标准.exe)。 它使得Java部署更加

Envers audits parent entity when inserting a sub

I have a Store/Clerks classes in my application, that are related via the "storeId" foreign key in the "clerks" DB table , and with the Hibernate annotations given in the following code: : @Entity @Audited @Table(name="stores") Public Class Store { private Set<Clerks> clerks; //.... @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "store") public Set<Cl


我的应用程序中有一个Store / Clerks类,它们通过“clerks”数据库表中的“storeId”外键以及以下代码中给出的Hibernate注释相关联: @Entity @Audited @Table(name="stores") Public Class Store { private Set<Clerks> clerks; //.... @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "store") public Set<Clerks> getClerks() { return clerks; } } @Entity @Audited @Table(n

Can I change and how to change REVTYPE values in Hibernate Envers?

I'm new in Hiberante and Envers. I successfully implemented Hibernate Envers in my application and made audited tables and everything works fine but I'm wondering is it possible to change values in REVTYPE column in audited tables. For now I have values 0 (ADD), 1 (MOD) and 2 (DEL). I want to know is it possible to change this values, I want to change for 0 to be for example INSERT, 1

我可以更改以及如何更改Hibernate Envers中的REVTYPE值?

我是Hiberante和Envers的新人。 我在我的应用程序中成功实现了Hibernate Envers并创建了审计表,一切正常,但我想知道是否可以在审计表中的REVTYPE列中更改值。 现在我有值0(ADD),1(MOD)和2(DEL)。 我想知道是否可以改变这个值,我想改为0,例如INSERT,1 UPDATE和2 DELETE。 这是可能的和如何? 谢谢! 现在这是不可能的,除了分叉项目和更改代码之外。

What is the primary key of an audit table managed by Hibernate Envers?

I am using Hibernate Envers to audit some entities. I manually created the associated audit tables. However, I am having trouble determining what an audit table's primary key should be. For example, consider a fictional table designed to store customers: CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_ID INTEGER, CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (CUSTOMER_ID) ) And you create the

Hibernate Envers管理的审计表的主要关键是什么?


Populate envers revision tables with existing data from Hibernate Entities

I'm adding envers to an existing hibernate entities. Everything is working smoothly so far as far as auditing, however querying is a different issue because the revision tables aren't populated with the existing data. Has anyone else already solved this issue? Maybe you've found some way to populate the revision tables with the existing table? Just thought I'd ask, I'm sur


我将envers添加到现有的hibernate实体中。 到目前为止,审计工作一切正常,但查询是一个不同的问题,因为修订表没有填充现有数据。 其他人是否已经解决了这个问题? 也许你已经找到了一些方法来用现有的表格填充修订表格? 只是想我会问,我相信别人会觉得它有用。 你不需要。 AuditQuery允许您通过以下方式获得修订实体和数据修订: AuditQuery query = getAuditReader().createQuery() .forRevisionsO

Rest clients for Java?

With JSR 311 and it's implementations we have a powerful standard for exposing Java objects via Rest. However on the client side there seems to be something missing that is comparable to Apache Axis for SOAP - something that hides the web service and marshals the data transparently back to Java objects. How do you create Java RESTful clients? Using HTTPConnection and manual parsing of the


通过JSR 311及其实现,我们拥有通过Rest展示Java对象的强大标准。 然而,在客户端,似乎缺少一些与Apache Axis for SOAP相当的东西 - 这些东西隐藏了Web服务,并将数据透明地编组回Java对象。 你如何创建Java RESTful客户端? 使用HTTPConnection并手动解析结果? 或者是针对Jersey或Apache CXR的专业客户端? 这是一个古老的问题(2008),所以现在比以前有更多选择: Apache CXF有三个不同的REST客户端选项 泽西岛

How do I send payload with GET call using JAX

This question already has an answer here: HTTP GET with request body 18 answers I am not developing a rest call here Actually you are, because is the base package of RESTful web services in Java and is the base interface for RESTfull web service clients: Overview of the Client API. That being said you'll probably need to either build your own clie


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 带请求正文的HTTP GET 18个答案 我没有在这里开发一个休息电话 实际上,因为是Java中RESTful Web服务的基本包,而是RESTfull Web服务客户端的基本接口:客户端API的概述。 也就是说,您可能需要构建自己的客户端,以允许您在GET请求中发送有效内容,或者找到具有此功能的现有Web服务客户端。 在GET请求中发送主体的正确性实际上是本Q&A中已经讨论

oAuth or not?

I am a bit lost with the overflow of information and I need some guidance on the best way I can support providing APIs access only to trusted clients. Current environment: We currently have a centralized server that handles user authentication/authorization via Apache Shiro. We have in-house APIs that communicate internally with the centralized server to authenticate and manage tokens. (Th


我有点迷失于信息的泛滥,我需要一些关于我可以支持的最佳方式的指导,只向可信的客户端提供API访问。 当前环境: 我们目前有一个中央服务器,通过Apache Shiro处理用户认证/授权。 我们拥有内部API,可与中央服务器进行内部通信,以验证和管理令牌。 (因此启用SSO)。 我们的客户端应用程序和API之间的通信通过SSL进行保护。 使用基于令牌的认证。 目标: 我们的目标是允许第三方应用程序和API与我们的集中认证

Simulate p2p network traffic on a single computer

What is the best way to simulate a network in Java? I'm in the early stages of a networked peer to peer project, and to determine some of the required characteristics of the clients I'd like to be able to simulate 100+ instances concurrently on my PC. Ideally I'd like to create a "simulation" version of the sockets, with their own inputs and output streams. Eventually,


在Java中模拟网络的最佳方式是什么? 我处于网络化对等项目的早期阶段,并确定客户端的一些必需特性,我希望能够在PC上同时模拟100多个实例。 理想情况下,我想创建一个套接字的“模拟”版本,以及它们自己的输入和输出流。 最后,我将使用这些数据流进行数据传输,而不仅仅是在Java对象之间移动数据,所以我想模拟的是您在实际网络中可能遇到的延迟,数据丢失和其他错误。 理想情况下,这些仿真方法将非常接近*的

Different Between SOAP url and REST url

Currently I am using Axis2 to make some REST API. And I am confused about the difference between a SOAP style url and a REST style url. Can anyone explain this? For example, for an server API written in java like this: package; public class Salary { public int getSalary(String name) { if ( name.equals("zhangsan") ) { return 3000; } else if ( nam


目前我正在使用Axis2来制作一些REST API。 我对SOAP风格的URL和REST风格的URL之间的区别感到困惑。 任何人都可以解释吗? 例如,对于用java编写的服务器API,如下所示: package; public class Salary { public int getSalary(String name) { if ( name.equals("zhangsan") ) { return 3000; } else if ( name.equals("lisi") ) { return 4000; } else